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来源: 发布时间: 2009-10-20 16:00:31 游览次数: 0 已有评论: 0

  第一部分:听力(20%)  一、 听音,选出发音不同的单词.(读2遍,10%)  1. ( ) A rain B playC g...



  一、 听音,选出发音不同的单词.(读2遍,10%)

  1. (  ) A rain   B playC glad

  2. (  ) A allB niceC autumn

  3. (  ) A starB warmC party

  4. (  ) A passB class C pilot

  5. (  ) A chairB hairC wide

  二、  听问句,选答句。(读2遍,10%)

  1.  A   It‘s from my friend.

  B   My name is Lucy.

  2.  A   I’m nine years old.

  B   I play in the rain.

  3.  A   I live in London.

  B   I washed my shoes.

  4.  A   I have long、black hair.

  B   I have a big nose.

  第二部分: 笔答 (80%)

  一、 选择适当的字母。 (20%)

  1.so_n          A.y        B.c       C.o

  2.t ll            A.i        B.e       C.a

  3.st ll           A.ai       B.i        Ca

  4.  pril         A.a       B.A       C. E

  5.danc ng       A.i        B.u       C.a

  6.als           A.o        B.a       C.c

  7.cl    n       A.i a       B.e e      C.e a

  8.w  sh        A.i         B.a       C.o

  9.d   ty        A.i a       B.e a      C.i r

  10.l    rn      A.i e       B.e  a     C.a n


  A.finished  B.cleaned C.washed  D.helped

  1.Yesterday, Daming         his room.

  2.He         his homework, yesterday.

  3.He         his trousers, yesterday


  4. Then he           his mum, yesterday.

  1              2

  3                              4


  1. Children from England are         .

  A. American     B. English       C. Chinese

  2. What‘s your name ?

  A. Han Mei Mei         B. Han mei mei      C. Han Meimei

  3. How old are you?

  A.I’m very well.       B.I‘m ten.        C.I’m fine.

  4.Where do you live?

  A.I live in England.     B.I love music.    C.I like hamburger.

  5.What colour is your hair?

  A.My hair is black.        B.My name is Lucy.       C.black

  6.Mr pan usually ___________ up early.

  A.gets        B.get      C.got

  7.But he didn‘t ____________up early yesterday.

  A.gets        B.get      C.got

  8.He usually ____________to work.

  A.walk        B.walks       C.walked

  9.But he didn’t ________to work yesterday.

  A.walk        B.walks       C.walked

  10. Yesterday __________ Sunday.

  A.was         B. is      C.  were

  四、 词变过去式(10%)

  1.clean______________      2.finish_________________

  3.  wash_______________     4.help__________________

  5.  cook________________    6.phone_________________

  7. watch________________     8.play__________________

  9. paint_________________    10.listen________________

  五、 改否定句(10%)

  1. She painted a picture.


  2. She watched TV.


  3.He listened to music.


  4.He helped his mother.


  5.Mr Smart cooked noodles.


  六、 作文。根据自己的情况写一封信。(10%)

  Dear Lucy:

  My name  _____________________________________________.

  I‘m_ __________________________________________________.

  I live __________________________________________________.

  My  hair_______________________________________________.

  I like ___________________________________________________

  I like ___________________________________________________





小升初半年倒计时 备考过程中要注意什么?
中学“重文轻艺”现状严重 只因中考用不上




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