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来源: 发布时间: 2009-10-20 15:59:41 游览次数: 0 已有评论: 0

    听力力部分  一、 选择你听到的单词(共10分,每题2分)  ( )1 A wentB wantC washD warm  (...



  一、 选择你听到的单词(共10分,每题2分)

  (    )1 A wentB wantC washD warm

  (    )2 A hadB haveC hasD how

  (    )3 A fallB fellC tallD tell

  (    )4 A climbB cleanC clothesD clown

  (    )5 A hurtB iceC tripD trousers

  二、 听两遍录音,根据问句,选择适当的答语(共10分,每题2分)

  (    )1 A We had a good time.B We went to the Great Wall.

  C we wor warm clothes.

  (    )2 A He saw lots of aimals.B He ate lots of apples.

  C H e bought lots of books.

  (    )3 A English people invented bicycle.

  B Chinesepeople invented bicycle

  C American people invented bicycle.

  (    )4 A I‘m washing my trousers. B I washed my trousers.

  C I’m going to wash my trousers.

  (    )5 A She is reading a book.Bshe is an English girl.

  C She lives in London.


  三、 写出下列单词过式(共15分,每题2分)

  eat seehave buy wear

  fall learn hurt go is/am

  are skate phone print clean

  四、 单项项选择(共30分,每题3分)

  (   )1 This is my friend Lucy. She     in London.


  (   )2 Here is a photo of     on my birthday.

  A IB myC me

  (   )3 please till me   China

  A inB ofC about

  (   )4 Where   she live? She    in London.

  A does, livesB does,liveC do, lives

  (   )5 I will be nine    April. I will have a part      Sunday.

  A on, inB in, onC at, in

  (   )6 Yesterday, I       noodles.

  A cook B cooksC cooked

  (   )7 He usually     football.

  A playedB playC plays

  (   )8 We      lots of animals yesterday.

  A seeB seedC saw

  (   )9 She      to the Great wall last week.

  A goB wentC goed

  (   )10 Yesterday, I fell over. But I didn‘t

  A hurtedB hurtC hurts

  五、 改写句子(共10分,每题2分)

  1 I like traditional Chinese food ( he)

  2 We live in Shanghai.(Amy, London)

  3 I am at home.(she, yesterday)

  4 He is eating biscuits.(I, yesterday)

  5 You are a good boy.(she, girl)

  六、 选词填空(共15分,每题3分)

  1 Yesterday, I skated. I      over. And I          (fell,hurted/ fell,hurt)

  2 We are Chinese. We live in        . We speak         (China, Chinese)

  3 Yesterday, Daming          his room. (cleans/ cleaned)

  4 Yesterday, he         lots of mountains.(sees/ saw)

  5 Yesterday, We             lots of apples.(buy/ bought)

  七、 阅读短文,回答问题(共10分,每题2分)

  Yesterday, Sam went to the zoo with his parents. He saw lots of animals---lions, pandas, monkeys and elephants in the zoo. He ate a hamburger and an apple in the afternoon in the zoo. He had a good time. Peter didn’t go out yesterday. He stayed at home with his brother. They watched TV.

  1 Where did Sam go yesterday?

  2 What did Sam see in the zoo?

  3 What did Sam eat in the zoo?

  4 Where did Peter go yesterday?

  5 What did Peter do at home?



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