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  六年级英语上学期单元过关试卷(一)  班级_______ 姓名_______ 得分_______  听力部分(20分)  一、听...



  班级_______  姓名_______ 得分_______


  一、 听录音,选出所听到的单词。(听2遍)(10分)

   (    ) 1.  A. quiet         B. quietly       C.carefully

   (    ) 2.  A.take          B. talk          C.walk

   (    ) 3.  A.must         B. mean         C.milk

   (    ) 4.  A. brother       B.cousin        C.sister

   (    ) 5.  A. ask          B.must          C.mask

  二、 根据所听对话及问题,选择正确的答案。(听2遍)(5分)

  (    ) 1. A. I'm ten.      

  B.She's five .         

  C.He's five.

  (    ) 2. A. Yes, I can.   

   B.No , he can't.      

   C.No,she can't.

  (    ) 3. A. He's from China. 

  B. He's from England.

  C. He's from Japan.

  (    ) 4. A.It means 'No smoking'.

   B. It's a sign .

   C. It's interesting.

  (    ) 5. A.She's cleaning the windows.

  B. She's sweeping the floor.

  C. She's doing homework.

  三、 听录音,在句子中填入所缺的单词。(听3遍)(5分)

  1. What does this sign mean?  It ________ 'No littering'.

  2. Ben and his cousin are taking a walk in the ________ .

  3. We shouldn't ________ noise .

  4. Jack ________ has a lot of questions.

  5. Can I take ________ here? Yes, you can.



  1、l__tt__ __      __________   2、 p__bli__  __________ 

  3、q__ __st__  __ n __________  4、__lw__  __s __________ 

  5、g__ __ss       __________   6、s__g__ __________   

  7、qu__ __t       __________   8、sm__k__ __________  

  9、c__g__        __________  10、m__ __n__________   


  1、smoke (现在分词) __________   2、here (反义词) __________

  3、keep(名词)      __________   4、does (原形) __________

  5、a lot of (同义词) __________ 6、should  not(缩写形式) __________

  7、mean(第三人称单数) __________ 8、eat(现在分词) __________

  9、build(名词)     __________    10、no(同音词) __________

  三、 英汉互译(10分)

  1、 禁止吸烟______________  2、请勿触摸______________

  3、公共标志______________   4、不同的意思______________

  5、保持安静______________   6、No  littering______________

  7、make  noise_____________  8、stay  away  from___________

  9、on the  grass______________ 10、four  years old_____________


  1、It means we ________(should)  walk  on  the  grass.

  2、I can see  many _________(sign) in  the  street.

  3、There _____(be)  a  book and some  pens  on  the  desk.

  4、What  _______(do) the  sign  mean ?

  5、This  sign  means  "No  ________(park)."

  6、Look! Tom ___________(play)  in  the  park.


  (    )1、There  are _______signs  here.

         A、 a  lot    B、 much   C、 a  lot  of   D、  a

  (    )2、Tom  _______  five  books.

        A、 there  is  B、there  are  C、have  D、 has

  (    )3、We  shouldn't  walk  ______  the  grass.

       A、in  B、on   C、 at  D、 of

  (    )4、 ________  does  this  sign   mean ?

  A、  Which    B、What   C、 Who   D、Here

  (    )5、It  means  you  shouldn't_________ photos here

  A、  takes  B、 taking   C、take   D、 took

  (    )6、The  sign ______the birds ' cage is  interesting.

   A、in     B、 on       C、 at  D、with

  (    )7、Give  the  pen  to  ________

  A、  I      B、his    C、him      D、he

   (    )8、Everyday we  have different  __________

  A、  a  class  B、 class    C、classes  D、many  classes

  (    )9、We know  a lot ______ public signs.

       A、about   B、of   C、for  D、in

  (    )10、That  policeman  is  asking _____some questions_____his  family.

     A、him  about   B、his  of     C、he  of     D、he's  about


  Ⅰ                            Ⅱ

  (   )1、What  does it  mean?          A.Yes, I  do.

  (   )2、Can  I go  in?                B.Yes,I am.

  (   )3、Don't  touch  it.              C.It's  on  the  wall

  (   )4、Do  you  like  this  book?     D.Yes, you  can.

  (   )5、What  day  is  it  today?      E. Ok.

  (   )6、What's  in the  classroom?     F. I like dolls.

  (   )7、What's  the  time?            G.There are some desks.

  (   )8、What  do  you  like?         H. It's Monday.

  (   )9、Where's  the  picture?         I. It  means  "Danger".

  (   )10、Are  you  Helen?            J、It's 7 o'clock now.


  1、No  parking .(同意句)

    _______  ______ your  car  here .

  2、It  means  "Danger"(改成一般疑问句)

   ______ it ______ Danger?

  3、We shouldn't litter on the  grass(改成祈史句)

     ______ ______ on  the  grass.

  4、They are Jim's father and mother.(对划线部分提问)

  ______ father and mother_______they?

  5、They watch cartoons  at  weekends(用now改成现在进行时)

    They______  ______ cartoons now.



  That _____on  the _______  ________ ______  ______photos here.


    You must stay _____  _______that ________.

  It's  very danger!


    It's  already_____ past ten .

  You______go to bed  now.


  Su Yang  and  her  sister Su Hai  are  walking  in the  park.They are going to draw pictures. Suddenly, Su Hai says ,"Danger!Don't stand there !"Oh ,a litte  girl is standing near  the  lake ,Then  Su Hai  and  Su Yang  come  up  to  her  quickly .Su Yang says to  her ,"You  should stay away from the lake .Where are  your parents?The  girls shakes her head(摇头).So they  have to (不得不)take her  to the  police.

  (   )1、Su Hai  and Su Yang want to draw pictures in the park.

  (   )2、Su Yang draws pictures carefully ,but  Su Hai doesn't.

  (   )3、Su Hai found(发现)a girl standing  near the  lake first.

  (   )4、The litte girl goes to  the police at last(最终),because his parents are policeman .



小升初半年倒计时 备考过程中要注意什么?
中学“重文轻艺”现状严重 只因中考用不上




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