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来源: 发布时间: 2009-08-11 21:47:16 游览次数: 0 已有评论: 0

  六年级英语6(A)单元过关试卷(二)  班级_______ 姓名_______ 得分_______  (听力部分20分)  一、听录...



  班级_______  姓名_______ 得分_______


  一、 听录音,选出所听到的单词。(听2遍)(10分)

       (    )1. A. March        B. May        C. June

       (    )2. A. third          B. three       C. first

       (    )3. A. when         B. watch       C. would

       (    )4. A. sign          B. should       C. see

       (    )5. A. fifth          B. fourth       C. twelfth

  二、 听录音,选出合适的答句。(听2遍)(5分)

  (    )1. A. It's the 6th of June.    B. It's on the6th of June. 

  C. It's Saturday.

     (    )2. A. Yes, I do.          B. I'd like some CDs.  

   C. I want to go shopping.

     (    )3. A. It's Friday.         B. It's on the6th of August. 

  C. It's the 4th of June.

     (    )4. A. It's Helen.      B. It's Helen's.     C. She's Helen.

     (    )5. A. Yes, she does.  B. No,she doesn't.  C. Yes, he is.


      A: Listen, the doorbell is ringing. Tom,________ the door.

  B:All right. Oh, Jack. ________ in ,please.

  A: What _________ you like to drink?

  C: ________ like to drink some juice.

  B: Do you want to ________ cartoons?

  C:Yes, I do


  一、 从Ⅰ栏中选出与Ⅱ栏相对应的句子。(10分)

  Ⅰ                            Ⅱ

  (     )1. What's time is it?          A. I'm from China.

  (     )2. What would you like?      B. It means 'Keep off the grass'.

  (     )3. Where are you from?       C. The one in the white skirt.

  (     )4.What date is it today?        D. It's five o'clock.

  (     )5. What does the sign mean?    E. It's a cage.

  (     )6. Which one?               F. I'd like a Walkman.

  (     )7.When's your birthday?      G. It's the first of February.

  (     )8.What's this in English?      H. It's on the 12th of June.

  (     )9.How old are you?           I. He's my brother.

  (     )10. Who's the boy?           J. I'm only four years old.


  1、一件生日礼物 _____________ 2、一块大蛋糕_____________

  3、生日聚会_____________      4、7月1日_____________

  5、谈论   _____________       6、after  school_____________

  7、make a card _____________   8、happy  birthday _____________

  9、take  off   _____________   10、blow  out_____________


  1、The woman is _____(take)off her  costume.

  2、Liu Tao is  a  _______(China)boy.

  3、They are at ______(Ben) birthday party.

  4、Do you usually ________(has)a birthday party?

  5、My birthday's ___________(come)soon.

  6、I would like __________(watch)Aladdin.

  7、Let's ___________(write)down the new wods.

  8、My birthdy is on the __________(twenty)of June.


  (    )1、What  _______  is  it  today? It's  Tuesday.

  A、date    B 、day     C、 week  D /

  (    )2、My  birthday is _______May of  1995.

   A、  on     B、 in     C、  at     D、  to

  (    )3、What  _______is it today?It's  the 15th of Apirl.

   A、date     B、 day     C、week    D、  /

  (    )4、_________is  your  birthday?

   A、what    B、who       C、whose     D、when

  (     )5、What  would you  like ______a  birthday  present?

       A、  for    B、 to    C、  as      D、  /

  (    )6、It's  ______of  October  today.

      A、twelve    B、the  twelve   C、twelfth   D、the  twelfth

  (    )7、What  are  you  talking _______?Their  books.

       A、to      B、with     C、about     D、/

  (    )8、Would  you  like _________TV?

       A、 watch     B、watching    C、watch     D、to  watch

  (    )9、____is the  first day of the new term.

         A 、Sunday    B、The fifteenth  of  September

         C、Monday     D、The first of September

  (    )10、Su Yang walks to the purse and _____.

       A、picks up it   B、picks it  up  C、pick up it   D、pick it up


  1、Today is the 6th of March.(提问)

    __________ __________ is  it  today?

  2、Ben's birthday is on the 18th of October. (提问)

  ___________  Ben's  birthday?

  3、I'd like  a book as a birthday present. (提问)

  __________   __________  __________  __________?

  4、It's  Sunday today. (提问)

  __________   __________   is   it  today?

  5、Nancy 's,talking,we,about,birthday,are(连词成句)



  Would you  like to  ____   _____my  ____party?


  What ____you like ___ a  birthday present?


  The  children are _____"Happy ______to  you" ____Ben.


  Today  is _____  ______day  of  the  new  term.


    Today is my birthday .It's the 26th of February and it's Saturday . I get many presents from my family and friends .They  are very lovely. My father gives me a football.My mother gives a red cap to me .My little sister doesn't buy anything.But she does   housework for me .I  like the MP3.Because I like listening  to  music very much .

  (    )1、My birthday is on Saturday.

  (    )2、My birthday presents are only from my family.

  (    )3、My mother gives me  a MP3.

  (    )4、My litte sister doesn't give me birthday  present.

  (    )5、I get a football and a red cap from my father.

  八、书面表达:以 "My birthday"为题写一段话。(5分)

        要求: 语句通顺,语意连贯,无语法错误,不少于30 个词。








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