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六年级英语试题——(上册)Unit 2 and Unit 3 单元检测

来源: 发布时间: 2009-11-03 23:55:03 游览次数: 0 已有评论: 0

  班级: 姓名: 分数:  一. 听音,判断对错。(10分)  1.( ) 2. ( ) 3.( )  4.( ) 5. ( ) ...


  班级:                 姓名:                分数:

  一. 听音,判断对错。(10分)

  1.(    )              2. (    )                 3.(    )

  4.(    )               5. (    )                6. (    )

  二. 听音,圈出所听到的图。(10分)

  1.          2.

  A                B                     A             B

  3.             4.

  A                B                        A          B


  A                      B

  三. 听音,选答句。(8分)

  (     )  1.  A. Yes,I did.       B.Yes, I am.         C. Yes,I was.

  (     )  2.  A.No,she doesn‘t.    B. Yes, she does.      C.Yes, she did.

  (     )  3.  A. I feel sad.        B. I feel tired.         C. I feel exticed.

  (     )  4.  A.She saw elephants.  B. She sees elephants.  C.She seeed elephants.

  (     )  5.  A.He reads books.

  B. He is reading books.

  C. He read books.

  (     )  6.  A. I went to Harbin.   B. I went by plane.     C. Last holiday.

  (     )  7.  A. Yes,he’s going on a trip.  B.He feels bored. C.No,he didn‘t.

  (     )  8.  A. No, it isn’t.         B.Yes,they are.      C.Yes, there is.

  四. 听音,写词。(10分)

  1. Tom _________  _________ last holiday.

  2. What are they doing?    Tom is __________. Mary is ___________.

  3. We usually ____________ after dinner .

  4. ____________ the matter? I have a ______________.

  5. Did you ____________ _____________ yesterday morning?

  6. _________ you happy yesterday? Yes, I was.

  五. 听音,在表格中填上所听到的单词短语。(10分)


  Saturday morning

  Saturday afternoon

  Sunday morning



  六. 看图回答问题。(10分)

  1. Does Lisa feel angry?


  2. Did Chen Jie go swimming with her parents?


  3. What is the matter with you, John?


  4. How did you go to Beijing?


  5. What do you do when you hurt your leg?


  七. 补全对话。(12分)

  (1) A: _____________________________________?

  B: We went to Sichuan on my holiday.

  A: ____________________________________?

  B: We went there by train.

  A: Did you see pandas?

  B: _________,__________. And we saw elephants,too.

  A: ________________________________________?

  B: Yes, they are big. They are much bigger than the pandas.

  A: _______________________________?

  B: Yes, we took many pictures.

  (2) A: Hi, Mike. ________________________today? You look so tired.

  B: I feel sick.

  A: _____________________________________________?

  B: My throat is sore, my nose hurts.

  A: ___________________________________________?

  B: Yes, I have a headache.

  A: ___________________________________________?

  B: No,I don‘t have a fever.

  A: I see. ______________________ .Don’t worry. Go to see the doctor. You‘ll fell better soon.

  B:Thank you.


  八. 读短文,填词。(10分)

  (pictures,   fine,    didn’t,   had,   danced,   was,  played,  happy,

  sang,   took)

  It ________ Sunday yesterday. The weather was ___________. We ________ a good time. I _________ and ___________ with some girls. The boys __________ football. Zhang Peng was very _____________. Because they won the game.But Mike__________ play football. He__________ ___________ for us.

  九. 阅读理解。(10分)

  During the summer holiday my grandparents went to China. First they flew to Beijing from London. Then they went to Guangzhou by train.

  When they went to my home, I wanted to help my grandpa carry his heavy bag, but he did himself. They bought many presents for us. I got a dress. My brother got a toy plane. They took many dried fruits for us, which they grew themselves. My grandparents are farmers. They are hard-working people.

  1.(    ) My grandpa went to my home last summer holiday.

  2.(    )They bought a dress for me as a present.

  3.(    ) They went to Beijing by train .

  4.(    ) My grandparents grew fruits by themselves.

  5.(    ) My grandparents are farmer. My parents are farmers, too.

  十. 作文:(写六句话)(10分)

  上周你们去了欢乐谷(Happy Valley),说说你们是怎么去的,去的时候心情怎样,你们玩了些什么,玩后回来的感觉怎样等等。



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