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六年级英语试题——上册PEPRecycle 1

来源: 发布时间: 2009-11-03 23:47:32 游览次数: 0 已有评论: 0

  校别: 班别: 姓名: 评价::):|:(  一. 听音,选出你听到的短语。  () 1. A. tallB. tellC. sm...


  校别:              班别:              姓名:              评价::):|:(

  一. 听音,选出你听到的短语。

  () 1. A. tallB. tellC. smallD. talk

  () 2.A. sameB. nameC. planeD. game

  () 3.A. dictionaryB. magazineC. supermarketD. museum

  () 4.A. rightB. nightC. nineD. tonight

  () 5.A. nowB. howC. cowD. snow

  二. 听音,标号。

  (    )(    )  (    )  (    )(    )(    )

  三. 听音,连线。

  Amy is going to buy a CDin the parkthis afternoon.

  Tom is going to have a picnicin the librarythis morning.

  Mike is going to read booksat homethis evening.

  Sarah is going to fly kitesin bookstorethis weekend.

  John is going towatch TVin the playgroundnext week.

  四. 听音,补充下面短文中缺少的单词。

  My home is not        from our school. Go             form the         school gate, turn           at the                        ,  walk about        minutes. You can see a               on the           side. My home is behind the            .

  五. 听音,按听到的内容用箭头画出行走线路图。

  六. 选出下面各组单词中划线部分读音不同的一个,把它的编号写在左边的括号里。

  () 1.A. treeB. teamC. teaD. left

  () 2.A. fatherB. MarsC. appleD. asking

  () 3.A. busB. hungryC. nutD. music

  () 4.A. elevenB. veryC. bedD. get

  () 5.A. catB. walkC. vanD. fan

  七. 写单词。

  超市             医院              邮局             书店

  1              2                  3                  4

  八. 给下面的句子排序。

  ()I want to buy a pair of shoes. Where is the shoe store?

  ()How can I get to the hospital?

  () What are you going to do after school?

  () You can go by the No. 301 bus.

  ()It‘s next to the hospital.

  九. 按要求完成下面的句子。

  1.I’m going to the plant shop.(用where提问)

  2.Sarah is going to buy a magazine.(用what提问)

  3.Amy is going to the bookstore this weekend.(用 when提问)

  4.Zheng Peng is going buy bus.(改错句)

  5.How do you go to Zhaoqing?(根据你的实际情况回答)

  十. 阅读下面的对话,判断对话后面句子的正(T)误(F)。

  Mom:What are you going to do?

  John:This morning I‘m going to do my homework. Then I’m going to read a

  magazine this afternoon. This evening. I‘m going to the cinema. After that,

  I’m going to sleep well. Tomorrow I‘m going to take a trip with Mike.

  Mom:OK. That’s good. But you‘re going to have a math exam next week. Remember?

  John:Yes, I know, Mom. I’m ready for that.

  ()1. John is going to do his homework this morning.

  ()2. John is going to read a magazine this evening.

  ()3. John is going to take a trip with Mike this weekend.

  ()4. John is going to have a math exam next week.

  六年级上册 Recycle 1  单元检测题听力材料

  一. 听音,选出你听到的短语。

  1. tall2. same3. museum4. night5. cow


  1. ship2. subway3. bus4. plane5. train6. car


  1. Amy is going to fly kites in the playground.

  2. Tom is going to buy a CD in bookstore.

  3. Mike is going to watch TV at home.

  4. Sarah is going to have a picnic in the park.

  5. John is going to read books in the library.


  My home is not far from our school. Go straight form the east school gate, turn right at the traffic lights,  walk about 2 minutes. You can see a supermarket on the left side. My home is behind the supermarket.


  A: I want to post some letters. How can I get to the school?

  B: First, go straight. Turn right at the first traffic lights. Then go straight again. You‘ll see it.



小升初半年倒计时 备考过程中要注意什么?
中学“重文轻艺”现状严重 只因中考用不上




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