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来源: 发布时间: 2009-11-03 23:40:17 游览次数: 0 已有评论: 0

  听力部分( 20%)  一、选出你所听到的字母.音标.单词或词组5%  ( )  1.  A. IQK  B. AKQ  C...


  听力部分( 20%)


  (   )


  A. IQK

  B. AKQ

  C. RQJ

  (   )


  A. 7584

  B. 3465

  C. 7486

  (   )


  A. head

  B. hand

  C. hen

  (   )


  A. thank

  B. think

  C. thin

  (   )


  A. Sam‘s box

  B. their books

  C. some books

  二、给下列图片按听到的顺序排列。(只填相应的字母编号) 10%

  A          B            C           D           E

  F         G           H            I           J

  1.          2.           3.          4.         5.

  6.          7.           8.          9.         10.


  (   ) 1. A. I’m thirteen.        B. I‘m fine.         C. My name is Lily.

  (   ) 2. A. Yes, it is.           B. No, it isn’t.      C. Thirteen.

  (   ) 3. A. He‘s in the bedroom.  B. He’s a worker.   C. He‘s very old.

  (   ) 4. A. That’s right.         B. It‘s 50 yuan.     C. Yes, please.

  (   ) 5. A. A. They’re new.     B. They‘re red and white.   C. They’re red


  一. 断下列单词划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的用“√”,不同的用“×”。( 5%)

  (    )1. bikemilk

  (    )2. noselong

  (    )3. bus    under

  (    )4. elephantshe

  (    )5. handmake

  一、 根据图片连线( 5%)

  Have some French fries.

  Mary is from America(USA).

  The cat is under the desk.

  I‘m from China(PRC).

  .                             Let’s watch TV.

  二、  下面的英文句子是用印刷体写的,请用书写体抄写他们。( 5%)

  1、I can clean the bedroom and wash the clothes .

  2、What do you do on the weekend?  I often go shopping.

  3、 It‘s time for breakfast, Drink some milk.

  三、 情景选择或者根据问题,选择正确的回答方式( 5%)

  (   )1.你向妈妈介绍你的好朋友迈克:

  A. Mom, This is my friend, Mike.

  B. Nice to meet you, Mike.

  (  ) 2. 当你想知道自己的书在哪里时,问:

  A. How many books?      B. This is my book.

  C. Is that my book?        D. Where is my book?

  (  )3. 今天是多云多风的天气。

  A. It’s rainy and cool today.

  B. It‘s cloudy and windy today.

  (  ) 4.When do you go to school?

  A. I usually go to school at 7:30a.m.

  B. I can do housework.

  C. I’m a student.

  (  )5.Is there a river in the park?

  A. There is a river.

  B. Yes, there are.

  C. No, there isn‘t.

  五、选择反义词填入括号里。( 5%)

  (    )1. My bag is big ,Your bag is         .

  A.small      B.short   C. long

  (    )2. My father is strong,  my mother  is      .

  A. big        B.thin    C.long

  (    )3.The Coke is black,  the milk is       .

  A. green       B.white     C.yellow

  (    )4.Winter is cold,  summer is       .

  A. hot       B.cool     C.warm

  (    )5.The book is on the pencil-case, the pencil-case is       the book.

  A. in       B.under     C.near

  六、 据词义填入所缺的字母( 5%)

  1. cl  ssr  m     2.  nglish   3. ru  er       4. m  ther    5.b     f

  教室          英语        尺子           妈妈         牛肉

  6. wh  te        7.teac  er      8.b  ead        9.     irt    10 .se  en

  白色           教师          面包            衬衫          七



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