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来源: 发布时间: 2009-11-01 20:46:43 游览次数: 0 已有评论: 0

  Name________________ Class______________  听力部分(30分)  一、听录音,选出你听到的那个选项(听两...


  Name________________  Class______________



  (    ) 1. A older       B shorter         C smaller         D heavier

  (    ) 2. A low        B slow           C show          D shoe

  (    ) 3. A how        B here           C high           D hair

  (    ) 4. A strong       B school         C street          D slower

  (    ) 5. A far         B fine            C off            D for

  (    ) 6. A run faster    B jump higher     C swim slower    D skate better

  (    ) 7. A put on       B put off         C get on         D get off

  (    ) 8. A turn on      B turn off        C turn left        D turn right

  (    ) 9. A a shopping centre              B a history museum

  C a primary school              D a train station

  (    ) 10. A How many stops are there?     B How far is it from here?

  B How many cows can you see?   D How far can he jump?


  (    )         (    )         (    )          (    )          (    )


  (    ) 1. A Yes, she is.         B No, she doesn‘t.         C No, she is.

  (    ) 2. A Yes, they do.        B Yes, they jump          C Yes, they are.

  (    ) 3. A It’s over there.       B This way, please.        C About three kilometres away.

  (    ) 4. A Yes, you can.       B You can take bus No.5.     C No, I can‘t.

  (    ) 5. A Yes, they are.        B Yes, they can.           C Yes, they do.


  (    ) 1. A. Tom            B. Jane             C. Mary

  (    ) 2. A. Yes, she does.    B. No, she doesn’t.    C. She gets up earlier.

  (    ) 3. A. Jim            B. Mike             C. Ben

  (    ) 4. A.Four stops  .     B. Six stops.         C. Ten stops.

  (    ) 5. A. Park           B. Shopping centre    C. Library.


  On _________ morning, Su Hai and Su Yang are __________the zoo with __________parents. Look, they‘re _________ the animal show. Su Hai ____________monkeys. The monkeys are playing _________the balls. Su Yang likes the bears __________ _________the monkeys. The bears are _________and ___________than the monkeys. They are all lovely.



  (     )1.A . blouse     B . outing     C . shout      D. young

  (     )2.A .mountain   B . brown     C. snow       D. cow

  (     )3.A . hotel      B .memory    C .most       D. told

  (     )4.A . shirt      B . circle      C . nurse       D. sister

  (     )5.A . world     B . her        C . corner      D. worse

  二、词组英汉互译。 (10分)





  5. 和他一样强壮


  7. 每隔两周

  8. 在第二个停车站

  9. 一本关于动物的书_________________

  10. 到达火车站____________________


  (     )1.How can I get ______?

  A . there          B . to there       C .  school

  (     )2.Do you go to school______ than______?

  A .early, me       B .earlier, me      C  .earlier, I

  (     )3. Whose school bag is heavier, _________?

  A she or you       B hers or yours         C her or you

  (     )4.---Does Helen run slower than David? ---No, she______. She runs______ than David.

  A . doesn’t, slower  B. does, faster    C . doesn‘t ,faster

  (     )5. ________can I get to the cinema? And ________way should I go?

  A. How; which     B. How; what   C. What; which

  (     )6.       Nancy have any magazines ______storybooks?

  A Do, and        B Does, and       C Does, or

  (     )7. I got up at 6:00, but the traffic was ____ than yesterday.

  A. heavier        B. heavy          C. slower

  (     )8. The city post office is ______ Hong Kong Road.

  A on           B in              C at

  (     )9.There are ________ days in a week..  The ________day is Friday.

  A. seven; sixth   B. six; seventh     C. seven ; fifth

  (     )10. My coat isn’t as good as ________ .

  A. you          B. your            C. yours


  1. He is asking Yang Ling how _____________( get) to the bookshop.

  2. You should        (get) off at the ___________(nine) stop.

  3. I can jump ______(far) than ______(they).

  4. There ______ (be) a lot of rain in spring.

  5. Where _______ (be) the children yesterday morning?

  6. My parents will _______ (visit) Suzhou next week.

  7. It’s much ______ (hot) in Nanjing than in Ha‘erbin in summer.

  8. I want ________(buy) some presents for my parents.


  (    )               1.Which is near, the zoo or the park?

  A      B      C  D

  (    )               2.Nancy dances as beautiful as Yang Ling.

  A         B   C   D

  (    )               3.Look, Yang Ling is standing in the bus stop.

  A           B   C    D

  (    )               4.Her eyes are bigger than him.

  A     B   C       D

  (    )               5.I met Uncle Lee on Shanghai Street this morning.

  A           B           C      D


  1. A: Hello, John. What are you going to do this Sunday afternoon?

  B: Well, I’d l______ to go to a museum.

  A: Why don‘t we visit the Science Museum?

  B: Good idea. Is it o_____ on Sundays?

  A: Yes. F______ 12 to 5 p.m.

  B: How much is a ticket?

  A: You’ll have to c______ to the museum to find that out.

  B: And where‘s it?

  A: It’s n______ to the Central Park.

  B: OK. See you this Sunday.

  2.  A: Hello, what can I do f_______ you?

  B: I would like a sweater. Do you have any new o______?

  A: Yes, there are some on the shelf. Please have a look.

  B: The green one l________ nice. How much?

  A: It‘s only 120 yuan.

  B: OK. I’ll t________ it. H________ the money.


  1. Yumi 来自哪里? 她来自日本。

  Where ________ Yumi ________ _________? She _______ from _________.

  2. 本跳得比吉姆远吗?是的。

  ________ Ben _________  ___________ than Jim? Yes, he ______.

  3. 育才中学离这里多远?大约两公里远。

  How_______ _______ the Yucai ________ School from here?

  It‘s about _______ _________ _________.

  4.你能指引我去中国银行的路吗? 可以。沿着这条路走,然后在第三个十字路口向右拐弯。

  Can you _________ __________ the _________to the Bank of __________?

  Sure. Go __________ this street, and then _______  right at the ___________ __________.



  The students in Grade Six are going to face the biggest exams(考试). They study very hard . Everyday they do a lot of exercise on Chinese, Maths and English. Also after school, they will do their homework until(直到)very late at night.

  Li Jun is a student in Class Two. He does very well in most of the subjects; only his Chinese is not so good. His mother asks him to read more Chinese books. So after finishing(结束) all his homework, he has to do some reading for an hour . He would like to study at No. 1 Middle School. Li Yan is Li Jun’s cousin in Class Three. She likes singing and dancing very much. She took part in(参加) many singing and dancing contests(比赛) and won some awards(奖). She‘s going to choose Jinxing Art School. If she passed(通过)the exams, her parents will let her visit London as a present.

  (     ) 1. Li Jun is good at________.

  A. Maths and Chinese    B. Maths and English      C. Chinese and English

  (     ) 2. Li Jun must read Chinese for an hour everyday, because ________

  A. he likes reading books             B. he wants to do better in Chinese

  C. he doesn’t want to do his homework

  (     ) 3. Li Jun is Li Yan‘s________ .

  A. relative               B. sister                C. classmate

  (     ) 4. London is a city in ________ .

  A. the U.S.A.            B. the U.K.              C. France

  (     ) 5. “The biggest exams” means the exams are ________.

  A. very big              B. very difficult(难)    C. very important(重要)




  Su Hai

  Gao Shan



  Liu Tao






















  50-metres race







  High jump







  Long jump







  1.Who is older than Helen?

  2.Who is heavier than Su Hai but lighter than Nancy?

  3.Is Liu Tao taller than Nancy and Gao Shan?

  4.Do Jim and Gao Shan run faster than Liu Tao?

  5.Who can do better in jumping, the boys or the girls?


  A clever dog

  One day, two brothers ___1____  fishing. They had a dog ___2____ them. When they came near the river, they threw ____3___ their hats on a big stone and went to the river’s bank to look ___4__

  fish. It was cold that day, and soon they began to feel cold and wanted their hats. They told the dog ____5____ the hats back for them.

  When the dog ____6___ there, it tried to take both hats together in its mouth at the same, but it was hard for it. Then the dog saw that one of the hats was ____7___ than the other. It put the smaller hat in the ____8___ one, got it down ____9___ its foot and then the dog could carry both hats at the same time.

  You see ___10___ clever the dog was!

  (   )1. A. go       B. going      C. went      D. to go

  (   )2. A. for       B. with       C. to        D.of

  (   )3. A. up       B. over       C. away      D. at

  (   )4. A. at        B. for        C. after      D. around

  (   )5, A. to get     B.get        C. gets       D. got

  (   )6. A. arrived    B. got to     C. got        D. reached to

  (   )7. A. smaller    B. small     C. the small    D. smallest

  (   )8. A. large      B.largest     C. larger      D. big

  (   )9. A. in        B. with       C. on        D. from

  (   )10. A. what     B. what a     C. how      D. how a



  1. heavier    2. low       3. high       4. street       5. far      6. jump higher

  7. get off     8. turn right  9. a history museum         10. How many stops are there?


  1. Can the boy fly higher than the girl? No, he can‘t. He flies lower than the girl.

  2. Does the girl run faster than the boy?   Yes, she does.

  3. Does the old man swim slower than the old woman?  No, the old man swims faster than the old woman.

  4. Does the boy skate better than the girl?   Yes, he does.

  5. Does the boy jump higer than the girl?    Yes, he does.


  1. Does Nancy go to bed later than Helen?

  2. Do the girls sing better than the boys?

  3. How far is the post office from here?

  4. How can I get to the shopping centre?

  5. Are the pears as heavy as the apples?


  1.W1: How tall are you, Mary?

  W2: I’m 135cm. And you, Jane?

  W1: I‘m 140 cm.

  Q: Who’s taller, Mary or Jane?

  2. M: What time do you get up, Su Yang?

  W: I get up at six thirty.

  M: Does Su Hai get up at the same time?

  W: No, she gets up at six forty.

  Q: Does Su Hai get up earlier than Su Yang?

  3. M: Who‘s the boy, Jim?

  W: Which one?

  M: The taller one.

  W: He’s Mike. The shorter one is Ben.

  Q: Who‘s the shorter boy?

  4. M: The train station is not far. Only 6 stops. Let’s take bus No. 11.

  W: No, 4 stops more! Look carefully!

  M: Well, let‘s take a taxi then.

  Q. How many stops are there to the train station?

  5. M: I like the yellow coat. How beautiful!

  W: Yes, I think the pink one beside it is also quite nice. I saw it in a magazine in the library last week.

  M: Really? Let’s ask the shop girl about them.

  Q: Where are the two women?


  On  Saturday   morning, Su Hai and Su Yang are  visiting  the zoo with  their  parents. Look, they‘re  watching  the animal show. Su Hai likes  monkeys. The monkeys are playing  with  the balls. Su Yang likes the bears better    than  the monkeys. The bears are  fatter  and  heavier  than the monkeys. They are all lovely.



小升初半年倒计时 备考过程中要注意什么?
中学“重文轻艺”现状严重 只因中考用不上




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