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来源: 发布时间: 2009-11-01 15:12:50 游览次数: 0 已有评论: 0

  班别:________ 学号:______ 姓名:___ ___成绩:________  听 力 部 分  一、听录音,从A、B、C三...


  班别:________ 学号:______ 姓名:___    ___成绩:________

  听    力    部    分


  (      ) 1.  A.many                   B. any                      C.really

  (      ) 2.  A.good                    B. cook                    C. look

  (      ) 3. A. favorite                B. slowly                  C. quickly

  (      ) 4.  A. fifteen                B. thirteen                  C. fourteen

  (      ) 5.  A.caught                 B. got                         C. cotton

  二、听录音,判断录音内容是否与句子相同, 相同的在括号里打“√ “,错误的,打”ד。(本题共10分,每小题1分)

  (      ) 1.  Let‘s go shopping together.

  (      ) 2.  Which is bigger, the cat or the tiger?

  (      ) 3.  My mother never goes swimming in the afternoon.

  (      ) 4. Jenny is an English teacher.

  (      ) 5. There are some  color balloons in the sky.

  (      ) 6. Gogo’s hobby is dancing.

  (      ) 7. Now she is reading .

  (      ) 8. He sometimes hurts.

  (      ) 9. Lily likes ice-skating very much.

  (      ) 10. He cleaned the desk yesterday.


  (      ) 1.  A. An orange.            B. Orange.                  C. A orange.

  (      ) 2.  A. It‘s a teacher.        B. It’s my father.         C.It‘s my teacher’s.

  (      ) 3.  A.He‘s thin.              B. He likes football.      C.  Singing.

  (      ) 4. A. Sorry.                   B. You’re right.              C. Yes, I may.

  (      )  5. A. Yes, is it.           B. No, he isn‘t               C. Yes, it is.

  (      )  6. A. At home.           B. Do my homework      C. Go home.

  (      )  7. A. Yes, I am.         B. Yes, I do.                  C. No, I can’t.

  (      ) 8. A. No,  it wasn‘t.    B. Yes,  it’s  mine.        C. Yes, they are.

  (      )  9. A. August.               B. January.                  C. November.

  (      )  10. A. Yes, they are.    B. No, they weren‘t.      C.  No, it isn’t.


  ___________ is ready. But Peter isn‘t at the table. He is _________  a book on the  ____________. Mr Smith and Mrs Smith are  ___________ for him. Mr Smith is very ____________.


  (       ) 1. Mike is                  .

  A. Japanese         B. Chinese     C. American

  (       ) 2. Mike                     Tim.

  A. looks the same as

  B. look like

  C. looks after

  (       ) 3.  Mike and Tim are in ___________.

  A.the same class

  B. the same  school

  C.different(不同的) school

  (       ) 4. ---Who likes football, Tim or Mike?     ---              .

  A.Tim         B. Mike               C. A and B

  (       ) 5.  ---Which is right?      ---               .

  A.  Mike is 13.

  B. Tim often looks after his little sister.

  C.  Mike and Tim are good friends.

  笔   试   部   分

  六、下面每组单词的画线部分中, 其中一个与另外两个的发音不同,找出来并把字母编号填在括号里。(5分)

  (       ) 1. A. night                   B. nine                C. did

  (       ) 2. A. sugar                  B. rubber              C. July

  (       ) 3. A. cloudy                B. out                   C. cousin

  (       ) 4. A. here                    B. there                C.where

  (       ) 5. A. farmer                B. bar                   C. warm


  1. Let’s go to the _________ _________ (太空博物馆) .

  2. It‘s the ___________(大) planet in the solar system.

  3. I saw two _____________(动物) in the park.

  4. Her brother likes to____________(吃) bread.

  5. All of the ______________(小刀) are his.

  6. You are going too ____________ (慢) .

  7. How many _____________(树叶) are there on the tree?

  8. My home is ___________ _________(远离) the school.

  9. He _____________(游泳) for two hours every day.

  10. My grandfather doesn’t _________(居住) with _________ (我们) .


  (       )1. ---How ________ your father usually go to bed?

  ---He usually______ to bed at 11:00.

  A. did...go              B. does... goes        C. do... go

  (       )2. I have enough money. So I can ________.

  A. go to bed             B.sing                 C. buy the piano

  (       )3. My hair is long . But _________ is longer.

  A. you                      B. your                C. yours

  (       )4. She is ill.__________________

  A. She should  take a rest .

  B. She should  go to school .

  C. She should  eat a lot of food.

  (       )5. She stayed up late last night. __________

  A.She is very tired  now.

  B. She is  happy  now.      C. She is angry now.

  (       )6. --Where were you yesterday?   ---                  .

  A. I‘m at home       B. I was at home      C. I played cards

  (       )7. June comes                   July.

  A. before                   B. after                     C. above

  (       )8. The girl had a bad day .___________

  A. She can’t look for her keys.

  B. She can‘t find her keys.

  C. She read English this morning.

  (       )9. ---When is Children’s Day?     ---                    .

  A. It‘s  on  September  10th

  B. It’s  on  March  8th

  C. It‘s  on  June  1st

  (       )10. ---What’s your favorite sport?


  A. Football                   B. Run                    C. Eating


  Jenny: What are you doing?

  Jim: ________________________ (1) .

  Jenny: Do you like volleyball?

  Jim: Yes . I like it very much.

  Jenny: ___________________________ (2) ?

  Jim: I play volleyball once a week._________________ (3) ?

  Jenny: I like volleyball, too. _________________________ (4) ?

  Jim: That‘s a good idea. I have something to do now. See you.

  Jenny: ________________ (5).



  There is an old woman in English. She doesn’t like children at all.But she  loves cats. She has black cats and white cats. She has mother cats and baby cats. So the children like to come to her house. They come to play with the cats.More and more cats come to the old woman‘s house. Soon there are too many cats and the old woman can’t feed (饲养) them at  all. Then she has an idea. “The children love my cats,” she thinks. So she gives each child a cat.Then she is happy, the children are happy, and the cats are happy, too, because They each(每一只) have a home.

  (       ) 1. The old women likes cats and children very much.

  (       ) 2. The children come to the woman‘s house because  they want to help her do some housework.

  (       ) 3. The old woman can’t feed the cats because she doesn‘t like them

  any more .

  (       ) 4. The old woman gives each child a cat .

  (       ) 5.  Every cat has a home at last.


  Father and Sam are sitting at the table.They are having their dinner. “I don’t like this soup. I don‘t want any.”  Says Sam, and puts down the spoon. “All right.” says father.

  After dinner, Sam works in the field (田地)with his father. They work very hard. In the evening, father gives him a bowl of soup.

  “ Oh, the soup is very nice,” Sam says. “ It’s the same soup.” says his father.

  (       )1. ---Who doesn‘t like the soup at first?  ---____________.

  A. Sam          B. Sam’s father          C. Sam‘s mother

  (       )2. After lunch Sam and his father work_________.

  A. in the factory             B.on the farm        C. in the field

  (       ) 3. In the evening, Sam’s father gives him_________.

  A. a bowl of soup          B.a plate of meat           C. a glass of milk

  (       ) 4. ---Does Sam like the soup in the evening?  ---____________.

  A. No, he doesn‘t.

  B.Yes, he does.

  C. He like it very much.

  (       )5. Sam feels_________, so he likes the soup in the evening.

  A. angry.               B. hungry.            C. sad.



  Hainan Island


  sunny, fun

  Things to do

  swim, ride horses,

  play beach volleyball


  bus, ship

  Food and drink

  Hainan chichen, coconut milk

  Place to stay











  一、 听录音,从A、B.C三个选项中选择与录音相同的答案,并把答案前边的字母编号填在左边的括号里。

  1. many   2. cook   3.favorite   4. thirteen     5.cotton

  二、听录音,判断录音内容是否与句子相同, 相同的在括号里打“ √   “,错误的,打” × “。(本题共10分,每小题1分)

  1.  Let’s go shopping together.

  2.  Which is bigger,the cat or the dog?

  3.  My mother never goes swimming in the afternoon.

  4. Jenny is an English teacher.

  5. There is some bread on the desk.

  6. Gogo‘s hobby is dancing.

  7.  Now the girl is sleeping.

  8.  His birthday is April 4th.

  9. Lily likes ice-skating very much.

  10. He cleaned the blackball yesterday.


  1. What color is the bag?

  2. Who’s  that?

  3. What‘s your father like?

  4. May I have a pen?

  5. Is the bedroom messy?

  6. Where were you yesterday?

  7. Can you sing?

  8. Is this your book?

  9. which month is before February?

  10.Are the dirty shirts his father’s?


  Dinner is ready. But Peter isn‘t at the table. He is reading  a book on the floor. Mr Smith and Mrs Smith are  waiting for him. Mr Smith is very angry.


  We have two new kids in our school. They are Mike and Tim. They look the same, but they are not twins.

  Mike is American. He is twelve . He is in Class Four. He has a little sister. He often looks after her.

  Tim is Canadian. He is twelve, too. He is in Class One. He likes football. He often plays football with Mike. Mike and Tim are good friends. They are in No.10 Middle School.


  一 、1. A   2. B    3. A    4. B   5. C

  二、1. √  2. ×    3.  √   4.  √  5.   ×

  6. √   7.  ×  8. ×   9.   √  10. √

  三、1. B      2.  B   3.  A   4.  A     5. C

  6.   A   7.    C  8.   B   9.    B  10.  A

  四、1.  dinner    2. reading 3. floor   4.waiting       5. angry

  五、1. C     2. A     3.B   4. C  5. C

  六、1.C     2. B     3. C     4.A   5. C

  七、1. space museun   2.  biggest   3.  animals 4.eat   5.knives

  6. slow   7. leaves   8. far  from   9. swims   10. live us

  八、1. B    2. C    3. C     4, A     5. A    6. B     7. A  8. B    9. C     10. A

  九、1.I’m reading a  book about volleyball.

  2. How often do you play volleyball?

  3. What about you?

  4. What about playing volleyball tomorrow?

  5. See you.

  十、(一) 1. ×   2. ×  3. ×4. √  5. √

  (二)1. A    2.C      3. A  4. B    5. B




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