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来源: 发布时间: 2009-11-01 15:08:47 游览次数: 0 已有评论: 0

  班级 学号 姓名 等级  一、Listen and choose (听音,选出正确的图片)(10%)  二、Listen and c...


  班级              学号           姓名            等级

  一、Listen and choose (听音,选出正确的图片)(10%)

  二、Listen and circle  (听音,圈出你所听到的内容)(10%)

  (1)  GJL   LJG    JGL       (2)  IRA    AIR     RAI

  (3)  ecs    sec     xse       (4) map     mab      nab

  (5)  124    112     140      (6)  56972    56827    65972

  (7)  46kg   46m    46cm     (8)  head      hand    hat

  (9)  have a fever    have a toothache    have a sore throat

  (10)  artist    singer    writer

  三、Listen and write  (听音,找出你所听到的问题的答案)(10%)

  (1)(    ) A . I‘m 156cm tall.              B. I’m 45kg.

  (2) (    ) A . Tiger.                     B. Elephant.

  (3) (    ) A . I played the violin           B.I can fly kites.

  (4) (    ) A . On foot.                   B. On Monday.

  (5) (    ) A . I ate good with my parents.    B.I went to London.

  (6) (    ) A . I feel bored.              B. My nose hurts.

  (7) (    ) A . I like diving.             B. I am making a kite.

  (8) (    ) A . She‘s a cleaner.           B. She’s cleaning the room,

  (9) (    ) A . I can make a snow man.    B. L like winter.

  (10) (    ) A . On Sep.10th.            B. On Mar.8th .

  四、 Write (写出5个元音字母的大小写)(5%)

  五、Read and circle (圈出化线部分发音不同的词)(5%)

  (1)  face  apple  lake         (2)  use  bus   us

  (3)  head  egg  he           (4)  boat   box  goat

  (5)  sister   doctor  her

  六、Read and write(仿照示例写单词)(10%)

  A: short     shorter

  small-       thin-        heavy-        big-      tall-

  B: play- played

  go-        see-        sing-        do-        row-

  七、Write the sentence (10%)

  A. 用正确的形式抄写下列各句,注意格式和标点

  1、what can you do mike

  2、i can do Chinese kung fu





  八、read and choose(选择题)(10%)

  (1)(   )I have       umbrella.

  A. a   B. an   C./

  (2) (   ) Last weekend we       in the park.

  A. read the book   B. sing   C. climb the mountain

  (3) (   ) How are you today?

  A. I‘m five.  B. I feel well.   C. I can jump.

  (4) (   ) Did you learn English?

  A. Yes,I do.  B. Yes,I did.   C. Yes,you did.

  (5) (   ) It’s 11:30. It‘s time       lunch.

  A. to     B. for   C. at

  (6) (   ) The monkey’s tail is long. The dinosaur‘s tail is       .

  A. long      B. longer   C. longest

  (7) (   ) Sarah’s hair is short. My hair is       ,too.

  A. short  B. shorter  C. shortest

  (8) (   ) Tom lost his book. He‘s so sad. We can say he is feeling        .

  A. black     B.  red    C. blue

  (9) (   )One meter is        centimeter.

  A.10     B.100      C.1000

  (10) (   )I am 42 kg. So I am       g.

  A.420    B. 4200    C. 42000

  九、Read and fill(用单词的适当形式填空)(10%)

  (1) I’m (go)        to the bookstore. I want a new comic book.

  (2) I want (buy)        some vegetables.

  (3) She (live)        in a village at the foot of a mountain, and doesn‘t often go to town.

  (4) Chen Jie is going to make (she)        mother a birthday card.

  (5) I would like a new pair of (shoe)        for my birthday.

  十、Read and write the letter(朗读,并填写字母)(10%)

  (      ) (1) How do you feel?

  (      ) (2) What’s the weather like in Kunming?

  (      ) (3) Whose bag is bigger?

  (      ) (4) What can Mike do at the party?

  (      ) (5) Dig you help them clean their room?

  A. Yes, I did.

  B. My bag.

  C. I feel sick.

  D. It‘s usually sunny and warm.

  E. He can sing English songs.

  十一、Read and answer(朗读并回答问题)(10%)

  It’s Sunday. All the children of Class 1 are going on a trip. The children are very excited. They will go to the zoo.

  Mr. Black: Look! The elephants!

  John: Wow! Look at the big one. It‘s much bigger than others. Its legs are longer. And it’s stronger.

  Wu Yifan: Yes. I think it‘s older, too.

  Amy: Look at the monkeys. They are funnier.

  Sarah: There is a little monkey. It’s so sad, isn‘t it? Why?

  Amy: Oh! Look at its tail. Its tail burst. Its tail is shorter than the other monkeys’.

  Sarah: It is so poor.

  (1) They go to the        on Sunday.

  (2) The big elephants is much        than others.

  (3) The monkeys are shorter but        than the elephants.

  (4) The little monkey‘s tail

  (5) The little monkey feels so



小升初半年倒计时 备考过程中要注意什么?
中学“重文轻艺”现状严重 只因中考用不上




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