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六年级英语试题——(6B) 英语期终检测试卷

来源: 发布时间: 2009-10-31 16:56:45 游览次数: 0 已有评论: 0

  (时间:60分钟)  学校__________ 姓名__________ 班级__________ 成绩__________  听力部分 (20%) ...



  学校__________  姓名__________   班级__________ 成绩__________

  听力部分 (20%)

  一、 找出你所听到的字母、单词、数字、词组和句子。5%

  (   )1.  A.   b             B.  d          C. p               D.  q

  (   )2.  A.   G             B.  A         C. H               D.  J

  (   )3.  A.  30             B. 13           C.    3           D.    30th

  (   )4.  A.    5:15          B.   4:45      C.  5:50           D.   5:05

  (   )5.  A.                B.              C.                D.

  (   )6.  A.                B.             C.                D.

  (   )7.   A.   二月          B.  八月        C.  十月          D.  十二月

  (   )8.   A. Christmas Day            B.  National Day

  C.  New Year‘s Day         D.  Sports Day

  (   )9.   A. eat rice dumpling          B. eat delicious food

  C. eat nice food              D. eat moon cakes

  (   )10.  A. Liu Tao often play football with his friends after school.

  B. Liu Tao often plays football with his friends after school.

  C. Liu Tao is playing football with his friends after school.

  D. Liu Tao played football with his friends after school.


  (    )         (    )         (     )         (     )         (     )

  三、根据你所听到的内容,判断下列图片正误。符合图意的画     ,不符合图意的画     。5%


  (   )1. A. It’s my.                 B. It‘s mine               C. It’s her.

  (   )2. A. Yes, I did.              B. No, he didn‘t.           C. Yes, she did.

  (   )3. A. They are on the desk.   B. They were on the desk.  C. They were there just now.

  (   )4. A.Yes, it is.               B. Yes, there is.            C. Yes, they are.

  (   )5. A. I’d like a football.       B. Yes, please.             C. Sure.

  笔试部分 (80%)


  A              B               C               D

  (   )1.   first            second           three            fourth

  (   )2.   my             mine            our              his

  (   )3.   am             is               are              was

  (   )4.   January         March           August           Maths

  (   )5.   Be quiet         No parking       No smoking       look around

  (   )6.   May Day        National Day     a dragon boat      Christmas

  (   )7.   climb           comb           mirror            teapot

  (   )8.   did             had             eat              went

  (   )9.   beside          behind           the               under

  (   )10.  glasses          earphones        CDs             film


  1. Christmas Day     _____________

  2. get off            _____________

  3. make noise        _____________

  4. Dragon Boat Festival_____________

  5. look around        _____________

  6. 在我的手机的前面_____________

  7.儿童节          _____________

  8.拉出            _____________

  9.问许多问题      _____________

  10.散步           _____________



  (   )1. What day is it today?

  (   )2. What date is it today?

  (   )3. What does this sign mean?

  (   )4. When‘s your mother’s birthday?

  (   )5. Where‘s my diary?

  (  )6. Did she watch TV yesterday evening?

  (   )7. What did the girl do last week?

  (   )8. Whose glasses are they?

  (   )9. Would you like a bike as a birthday present?

  (   )10. What do people usually do at

  Spring Festival?


  A. Yes, she did.

  B. It’s Thursday.

  C. Yes, please.

  D. It‘s the 25th of May.

  E. It’s on the first of July.

  F. They eat delicious food.

  G. They are mine.

  H. It means ‘Danger’.

  I. It‘s in the desk.

  J. She visited a farm with her family.


  A. looking for my mobile phone    B. cooked nice food      C. do housework

  D. the sixth of January      E. do their homework

  1. What date is it today? It’s ___________________________.

  2. What are you doing?  I am___________________________.

  3. Do you ___________________at the weekends?

  Yes, they do.

  4. What did your mother do yesterday? She ________________.

  5. Do Su Hai and Su Yang often _____________ after dinner?

  Yes, she does.


  1. My brother often _______ ( play / plays) football with his friends after school.

  2. This sign means we _______ ( should / shouldn‘t) be quiet in the library.

  3. My birthday is coming. Would you like ______( coming / to come) to my birthday party? Sure.

  4. This skateboard is yellow. It’s _______ (their / theirs ).

  5. Last Sunday, I ______ ( visit / visited ) my grandparents with my parents.


  (   )1. There is _______ interesting storybook on the teacher‘s desk.

  A. a                B. an              C. the

  (   )2. There isn’t ______ water in the glass.

  A. some               B. any             C. a

  (   )3. --What date is it today?  -- It‘s the ______ of January.

  A. eleven            B. 11rd            C. 11th

  (   )4. At the weekends, Jim often _______ housework.

  A. do               B. does            C. did

  (   )5. -- __________ months are there in a year?

  -- There are 12 .

  A. How much         B. How old        C. How many

  (   )6. Christmas is _____ the 25th of December.

  A. at                B. on             C. in

  (   )7. -- _______ calculator is this?  --It’s hers.

  A. Who‘s            B. Which          C. Whose

  (   )8. -- _______ you in the classroom just now?

  -- Yes, we _______

  A. Were... were         B. Were... are       C. Was... are

  (   9. -- What does this sign ______?

  -- It _______ ’Danger‘.

  A. means... means      B. mean... mean    C. mean... means

  (   )10. Listen, the children ________ in the music room.

  A. sing a song          B. is singing a song  C. are singing a song


  A. See you.

  B. Yes, speaking.

  C. Hi, Nancy. This is Helen. Today is my birthday.

  D. Sure.

  E. Thank you! Would you like to come to my birthday party this evening?

  F. Hello, is that Nancy?

  G. See you this evening.

  H. Happy birthday to you!





  A.  This sign means ’No eating or drinking‘.

  B.  He collected eggs on the farm on Monday.

  C.  My favourite holiday is Mid-Autumn Festival.

  D.  Today is the sixth of May.

  E.  That black comb is mine on the desk.







  1. A:  _______  Children’s Day ?

  B:  It‘s _______ the _______  of _______.

  2.   A:  _______  in the box?

  B:  _______   _______  a skateboard.

  _______  mine.

  3.   A:  What  _______  the girl do last Saturday?

  B:  She _______  flowers in the gardon.


  (    )1.你想告诉你的好朋友你最喜欢的节日是元旦,应该说:

  A. I like New Year’s Day.  B. I like Spring Festival.

  C. My favourite holiday is New Year‘s Day.

  (    )2.你的好朋友过生日,你想知道他想要什么礼物,你可以问:

  A. Would you like a kite as a birthday present?

  B. What would you like as your birthday present?

  C. Would you like to come to my birthday party?

  (    )3. 在校园的草地上,你看见有同学在上面走,你会对他说:

  A. What does that sign mean?

  B. You shouldn’t keep off the grass.

  C. You shouldn‘t walk on the grass.

  (    )4. 你找不到你的计算器了,你会怎么问你的同学:

  A. Excuse me, where’s my calculator?

  B. Excuse me, where‘s my diary?

  C. Excuse me, is that my calculator?

  (    )5. 你想知道现在几点了,你会问:

  A. What date is it today?

  B. What day is it today?

  C. What’s the time now?



  It‘s the first day of school. Tom wants to go back to school. He wants to see his friends. He wants to meet his new teacher.

  Tom gets up early in the morning. He washes and eats his breskfast. Then he rides his bike to school. He sees his friends on the playground. He plays hide-and seek(捉迷藏) with them. In the classroom, Tom meets his new maths teacher. Her name is Miss Green. Tom likes Miss Green.She can speak English very well. He thinks she is a nice teacher.

  (   )1. It’s the first day of the new year.

  (   )2. Tom doesn‘t want to go back to school.

  (   )3.Tom goes to school on foot.

  (   )4. Miss Green is Tom’s English teacher.

  (   )5. Tom‘s maths teacher can speak English.


  My cousin Jane’s birthday was last Sunday. She was 10 years old. Dad and Mum took me to her house. We went there by bus. She got many birthday presents. She liked them very much. I made a card for her. Her favourite present was a new bike from My parents. Her Dad gave a watch to her. Her Mum bought a beautiful dress for her. There were some presents from her friends. They are CDs ,pictures, flowers, a lots of cards and a big birthday cake. That day, we had a good time.

  (   )1. How old was Jane?

  A. nine           B.ten             C. eleven

  (   )2. Who had a birthday party?

  A. I              B. Jane           C. Jane‘s friend

  (   )3. How did we go to the party?

  A. On foot.        B. By train.        C. By bus.

  (   )4. What’s her favourite present?

  A. A card.         B. A watch         C. A bike.

  (   )5. Did she have a good time?

  A. Yes, she did.    B. No, she didn‘t.    C. Yes, he did.


  It w       the National Day h       last week. The students were talking about their holidays. Nancy w       a film with her parents on Wednesday. This film w       a funny cartoon. Helen v       a farm with her f        on Monday and Tuesday. On Monday, they w       trees and p       up carrots. On Tuesday, they m        cows, collected eggs, pick a lot of oranges and t         them on the farm.













  1.p    2. J     3.13    4. a quarter to five   5. No littering

  6. a hairdryer  7. August   8.Christmas Day  9. eat delicious food

  10. Liu Tao often plays football with his friends after school.


  1. What date is it today? It’s the 16th of October.

  2. Does this sign mean‘Be quiet’.

  3. Whose calculator is this? It‘s his.

  4. What holiday do you like? I like National Day.

  5. Did he water flowers yester day? No, he pulled up carrots.

  三、根据你所听到的内容,判断下列图片正误。符合图意的画     ,不符合图意的画     。5%

  1. A: Today is my birthday.

  B: Happy birthday to you.

  2. A: Where are my earphones?

  B: They are in my school bag.

  3. A: What did you do last week?

  B: I played basketball and picked lots of apples.

  4. A: Did you go to a party last Halloween?

  B: Yes, we did.

  5. A: What does this sign mean?

  B: It means we shouldn’t eat or drink here.


  1. Whose comb is this?

  2. Did the girl clean the classroom?

  3. Where were the books a moment ago?

  4. Is there any milk in the glass?

  5. What would you like as your birthday present?




  1. C   2.D   3.B    4.B     5.D

  6.B    7.B   8.A    9.B     10.B


  2   3   5   4   1

  三、根据你所听到的内容,判断下列图片正误。符合图意的画     ,不符合图意的画     。5%

  1        2       3       4           5


  1.B   2. C   3. B    4.B     5.A



  1. C  2. B  3. D  4. D  5. D  6. C   7. A   8. C  9. C   10. D


  1. 圣诞节  2.下车  3.发出声音  4.端午节  5.环顾四周

  6. in front of my mobile phone  7. Children‘s Day  8. pull up   9. ask lots of question

  10. take a walk.


  1.B  2.D  3.H  4.E  5. I

  6.A  7.J   8.G  9.C  10.F


  1. D   2. A   3. C   4. B   5. E


  1.plays   2.should   3.to come   4. theirs   5. visited


  1.B   2.B  3.C   4.C    5. C

  6.B   7.C  8.A   9. C    10.C











  A.  Today is the sixth of May.

  B.  This sign means ’No eating or drinking‘.

  C.  My favourite holiday is Mid-Autumn Festival.

  D.  That black comb is mine on the desk.

  E.  He collected eggs on the farm on Monday.


  1.  A:  When’s Children‘s Day?

  B:  It’s on the first of June.

  2.  A:  What‘s in the box?

  B:  There is a skateboard.

  It’s mine.

  3.  A: What did the girl do last Saturday?

  B: She watered flowers in the gardon.


  1.C    2. B   3.C    4.A   C



  1.F   2. F    3. F   4.F   5. T


  1. B  2. B  3. C   4. C   5. A


  1. was    2. holiday   3. watched   4. was    5. visited

  6. family  7.watered   8. pulled      9.milked   10. tasted



小升初半年倒计时 备考过程中要注意什么?
中学“重文轻艺”现状严重 只因中考用不上




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