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六年级英语试题——(6B) 第一单元试题

来源: 发布时间: 2009-10-31 16:51:39 游览次数: 0 已有评论: 0

  班级______姓名_________成绩______  一、 听录音,完成下列对话10%  1 A: Look at that sign. B: ...



  一、 听录音,完成下列对话10%

  1 A: Look at that sign.   B: What does it _____?

  A: It _____“No _____”.

  B: I see. We can‘t _____our car here.

  2 A: _____ that girl?  B: Which _____?

  A: The _____ in a _____ dress.

  B: She is my sister, Nancy.  She_____  _____TV.

  二、 选出划线部分读音与所给音标相同的单词10%

  [   ]1  cycle  yellow       [   ] 2   must  music

  [   ]3  litter  like          [   ] 4   grass  apple

  [   ]5  cage  always        [   ] 6   pass  have

  [   ]7  tree  very           [   ] 8   mean  bread

  [   ]9  good  room         [   ]10  much  shoe

  三、 完成下列短文 10%

  Now I know a _____ about public_____ in the park.  They _____ different things.  We _____ walk on the _____. We _____ _____ quiet near the bird’s cage. The sign on the building in the park _____“Danger”. We _____ stay _____ from it.

  四、 从B栏中找出A栏的应答句。8%

  (   ) 1 Is there a knife on the table? A It means you shouldn‘t touch it.

  (   ) 2 What does the sign mean?   B No, I can’t.

  (   ) 3 Can you swim?            C She is reading a book.

  (   ) 4 What is she doing now?     D  Yes, he does.

  (   ) 5 Does Ben like drawing?     E  No, there isn‘t.

  (   ) 6 Who’s the boy in black?     F  It‘s a tape.

  (   ) 7 What’s that over there?     G  It‘s one hundred yuan.

  (   ) 8 How much is it?           H  He’s Mike.

  五、 句型转换 15%

  1 I can see a public sign on the grass.提问

  _____ can you _____ on the grass?

  2 He likes music.提问      What _____ he _____?

  3 Mrs Smith is taking a walk in the park.提问

  _____ Mrs Smith _____ in the park?

  4 She doesn‘t like growing flowers.肯定句 She _____ _____ flowers.

  5 Her pretty skirt is red. 提问     _____ _____ is her pretty skirt?

  6 That green T-shirt is Mike’s. 提问      _____ is that green _____?

  7 I can dance beautifully. 否定句       I _____ _____ beautifully.

  8 Walk on the grass.否定句            _____ walk on the grass.

  六、 选出错误部分,并在横线上改正。10%

  _____1 He walks to the book and picks up it.

  _____2 Ron is only seven year old.

  _____3 The signs on the bird‘s cage is interesting.

  _____4 He can see a lot public signs in the park.

  _____5 A park keeper comes up, a park keeper points to a sign to him.

  七、 朗读音标,填入相应字母。20%

  [  ] 1 b_ _ d   b_ _ thday   th_ _d      [  ] 5 w_ sh   _ ctober

  [  ] 2 d_ nger    d_ te     M_ _       [  ] 6 _ _ en    _ ait

  [  ] 3 gr_ ss    _ sk      p_ _ k       [  ] 7 f _ ne    s_ gn

  [  ] 4 litt _ _     keep _ _   _ way     [  ] 8 pr_ sent  tw_lve

  八、 用所给词的正确形式填空7%

  1 There _____(be) lots of public signs in the park.

  2 Ben ______(take) a walk with her mother now

  3 Jack often ____ (ask) his cousin many _____ (question)

  4 Ben ____(have) a nice friend.

  5 Ann is ____(four) years old. And her father is ____ (four) years old.

  九、 阅读理解。10%

  One morning, Jim said he was ill. His mother called a taxi出租车 and took him to the doctor. The doctor asked Jim,“What’s wrong with you, young man”. Jim answered,“I‘m ill. I’m coughing and have a headache. I can‘t go to school today.” The doctor examined检查 him, and then asked his mother,“What did he have for breakfast?” Her mother said,“He had some bread , two eggs, a carton of milk and a pear.” The doctor smiled微笑, “Don’t worry. It‘s not serious严重的. The boy will be OK after the football match.” The mother said,“I don’t understand 明白, doctor.” The doctor smiled again, “This afternoon, the biggest最大的 football game of this year will be on TV, I think the boy will be fine after the game. Let‘s wait and see.”

  (   ) 1The mother took Jim to the doctor _________.

  A by bus           B by taxi              C by train

  (   ) 2 The doctor told __________.

  A Jim’s mother to take him now     B Jim‘s mother not to worry  C Jim not to eat too much太多

  (   ) 3 Did Jim want to go to school?

  A Yes, he did.     B No he didn’t.    C Sorry I don‘t know.

  (   ) 4 What was on TV that afternoon?

  A an English film   B a football match    C a volleyball match

  (   ) 5 Was Jim ill that day?

  A Yes he was    B No, he wasn’t      C Sorry, I don‘t know.



小升初半年倒计时 备考过程中要注意什么?
中学“重文轻艺”现状严重 只因中考用不上




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