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来源: 发布时间: 2009-10-31 16:36:52 游览次数: 0 已有评论: 0

  班级 姓名 得分  一、辨音。  ( )31、A .cow B. yellow C. how D .now  ( )32、A .think B...


  班级                    姓名               得分


  (   )31、A .cow        B. yellow         C. how        D .now

  (   )32、A .think       B .thank          C .these        D .three

  (   )33、A .there       B .their           C .here        D .where

  (   )34、A .room       B .broom         C .classroom    D .school

  (   )35、A .bread       B .tea            C .meet        D .we

  (   )36、A .cooked      B .asked         C .danced       D .watered

  (   )37、A .drink       B .English        C .then        D .uncle

  (   )38、A .her         B. sister          C. worker      D. tiger

  (   )39、A .watch       B. child          C. Christmas    D. lunch

  (   )40、A .can         B. bag           C .many        D .cat


  (   )41、She can _____ English. But she _____ an English girl.

  A .speaks , not     B .speak , isn‘t  C .speaking ,don’t    D. speak ,doesn‘t

  (   )42、______sweater is it ? It’s my brother‘s.

  A .Who’s     B. What     C. Whose     D. Where

  (   )43、I like ______.I ‘d like _______around China.

  A .travel, to go   B. travelling ,go    C. traveling ,to go    D. travel , going

  (   )44、What an _________game it is!

  A . excite     B. exciting    C .excited      D. excits

  (   )45、There _____a ruler and some pencils in the pencil box. It’s_______.

  A. are , his     B. is , his    C. are , hers     D. is , her

  (   )46.________ kick the ball to him.     A. Can‘t    B. Don’t   C.Isn‘t     D. Aren’t

  (   )47. Which is the third of the week?     A.Monday     B. Tuesday   C. Wednesday


  (   )48. I meet our _______ in the street.

  A. the teacher       B. a teacher      C. teacher      D. one teacher

  (   )49. What _____ in the bag? There _______ some  apples.

  A. is, is   B. is , are      C. are , are     D .are ,  is

  (   )50. You look nice today.

  A. No ,it isn‘t good.    B. Thank  you    C. Is it good?     D. Not at all.

  (   )51.. Here’s a photo of ______family for you. May I  have one of ________.

  A .yours ,my      B. my ,yours       C. your ,my      D. yours , mine

  (   )52. It‘s time for _______ home. Let’s _______.

  A. us to go ,go   B .we to go ,to go  C .I to go , go  D. me to go , to go

  (   )53.. I  usually ______my homework at seven o‘clock..      A .did  B. do  C. does   D. doing

  (   )54. What’s the score?

  A. It‘ s two .    B.It’s two all.   C. They‘re two all .   D.It’s all two.

  (   )55. They are from ______.They speak _______.

  A. America,  America      B. American , China   C. the UK , England

  D. America , English

  (   )56. Put your hands _______ your head and  turn _______left and right.

  A. on, /    B. up, /     C.on , to      D. / , to

  (   )57.It  was here just now . Where _______ it now?

  A.is  B. were  C.was   D . are

  (   )58.What _______ people usually do _______May Day?

  A. did, in     B. did, on     C,do, at     D. does, of

  (   )59. This morning I______ a walkman under the bed.

  A. see  B. saw   C.seen    D.seeing

  (   )60. This is my little sister. Please look _______ her.

  A.at   B. like  C.after   D. for


  Look at this photo. It‘s  61  old photo .There are  62  people in it. The tall man is  63  Liu.  He’s a  64  at our school. We are his student. He is  65  a tree.

  In the photo you can also  66  seven boys and six girls. The girl in a yellow hat is  67  . She can

  sing English songs well.   68  she is not from England.

  You can find some  69  and dogs in the photo.  The birds are in the tree and the dogs are under the tree.

  Near them , there   70  some cats ,too.

  (   )61. A. a       B. an      C. the        D. /

  (   )62. A.7       B. 14      C. 15         D 16

  (   )63.A.Mr      B. Mrs     C.Miss       D. Ms

  (   )64.A. teacher  B. doctor   C. nurse      D policeman

  (   )65.A. in      B.on       C. beside     D. over

  (   )66. A. look   B. see      C. meet       D. know

  (   )67.A. Bill    B. Dick     C. Rose      D. Sam

  (   )68. A. and    B. or       C. but        D. too

  (   )69. A. birds   B. dogs     C. sheep     D. animals

  (   )70. A. are    B. is        C. am        D. be


  (   )71. We had an art festival in the sixth of October last year.

  A      B      C                   D

  (    )72. Children‘s Day is our favourite holiday.

  A         B C           D

  (   )73. I asked he to give the book to Sam.

  A   B   C         D

  (   )74. Open my presents to  me, please.

  A     B     C   D

  (   )75. I  like  take photos.

  A  B   C   D

  (   )76.I can making cakes very well.

  A   B     C     D

  (   )77.Help my answer the questions.

  A   B   C        D


  Linda and Ann are classmates. They are American girls. Linda is tall. She has black hair, brown eyes and dark skin(皮肤). Ann is not tall. She has blonde(金色的)hair, blue eyes and fair (白皙的)skin. They both speak English.

  Linda is twelve years old. She likes dancing. She dances well. Ann is thirteen. She doesn’t dancing. She likes singing. She can sing many Chinese songs.

  They go to school together in the morning, and go home together after school.

  Linda‘s birthday is in January. Ann’s birthday is in September.

  (   )78. Linda and Ann are twins,

  (   )79.They speak English.

  (   )80.Linda is short. Ann is tall.

  (   )81. Ann has fair skin

  (   )82. Linda is thirteen years old.

  (   )83. Linda likes singing

  (   )84.Ann‘s birthday is in September.

  (   )85. Linda has black hair, blue eyes and dark skin


  Sam and Sally are brother and sister. Now they are in Nanjing . They go to the same school. Their school is not far from their home. There’s a hill behind the school.

  Sam is thirteen. He is in Mr White‘s class. He is a good student. Mr White likes him very much . Sam can speak Chinese very well, but Mr White can’t.

  Sally is eleven. She is in Mrs White‘s class. Mrs White is an English teacher. Sally can speak French well, but she cannot speak Chinese.

  (   )86. How old is Sally?       A.Eleven   B. Thirteen    C.Twelve     D.Ten

  (   )87.Who can speak Chinese ?

  A.Mr White    B. Mrs White      C. Sally      D. Sam

  (   )88.Where  is Sam and Sally’s home?

  A. In the school.          B.Behind the hill.

  C. Near the school.        D.Between the hill and the school.

  (   )89.Who is Sally‘s English teacher?

  A.Mrs White    B. Mr White     C. Sam      D.We don’t know .

  (   )90. Which sentence is not true (正确)?

  A.Sam is thirteen years old.

  B.Mr White and Mrs White are parents of Sam and Sally.

  C.Mrs White can speak English.

  D.Mr White likes Sam very much.


  91.buy(过去式)_________      92. front (反义词)_________   93. here (同音词)___________

  94. them (单数)_________       95. twelve (序数) _________   96. Aug. (完全形式)_________

  97.his(主格)__________         98. travel(现在分词)_______   99.happy(副词)____________

  100.more (原形)______


  101.公共标志                             102.一月一日

  103.盛装打扮                             104.吃月饼

  105.观看跑步比赛                         106.最喜欢的动物

  107.take him to the police station                   108.a VCD of  Chinese stories

  109.give present to each other                      110.make pumpkin lanterns


  111.My mother often ________(go) to the club. Yesterday she _________(go) there again.

  112.Mr Read is a _________(visit).He wants ___________(visit)China.

  113.They made lots of __________(colour) kites and __________(fly) them in the playground.

  114. Where ________(be ) you last weekend ?

  I ___________(be) at home.


  115.She does her homework every day. (否定句)

  She ______  ________ her homework every day.

  116.I was born (出生) on the fifth of April .(同意句)

  _________  _______  _______ on the fifth of April.

  117.He‘d like a yo-yo as his present.(1.同意句 2.一般疑问句)

  He ______  _______  ______ a yo-yo as his present.

  _______  he _________ a yo-yo as his present?

  18. Su Yang helped Tom last week.(划线部分提问)

  _______  helped Tom last week?

  119.Marry likes collecting stamps. (划线部分提问)

  ______  _______ Marry  like ___________?

  120.any,  there ,  the ,  trees,  farm ,  were , fruit , on (连词成句)




  I can _______  ________  _________  ________the Internet


  _______ up your _______leg and _______it ________your _________hand.


  Today is the ______day _________ Nation Day ____________.


  What‘s ________ with _______?He’s ________ a _________ cold.


小升初半年倒计时 备考过程中要注意什么?
中学“重文轻艺”现状严重 只因中考用不上




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