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六年级英语试题——(6B)Unit 3 It was there

来源: 发布时间: 2009-10-31 16:30:27 游览次数: 0 已有评论: 0

  一、词汇  mobile phone 一个手机 ( telephone 一个电话) diary 日记本 (复:diaries)  CD Wal...



  mobile phone  一个手机 ( telephone 一个电话)  diary 日记本 (复:diaries)

  CD Walkman  光盘随身听(复:CD Walkmans)    earphones 耳机(复数用法)

  a pair of glasses 一副眼镜 (two pairs of glasses)

  a roll of film   一卷胶卷  (two rolls of film)

  Sports Day 体育运动日   running race 赛跑(跑步比赛)  take some photos 拍些照片

  look for her camera 寻找她的照相机  pick them up 把它们捡起来  (代词it, them放中间)

  remeber 记(反义:forget忘)  close your eyes 闭上你的眼睛

  a moment ago 片刻前(刚才) --just now 刚才

  teach her 教她   the names of some of the things 其中一些物品的名字

  learn the words 教那些单词  put their things 放置他们的东西

  ask and answer the questions 问和回答那些问题  listen to some music 听些音乐

  circle the correct words 圈出正确的单词


  excited--exciting  分辨





  Are you excited about going to Beijing? 你要去北京了,感到兴奋吗?

  He told us an exciting story yesterday. 他昨天给我们讲了一个使人激动的故事。

  It‘s nothing to get excited about. 这没什么可值得激动的。

  I’ve got an exciting piece of work. 我得到了一份令人兴奋的工作。

  练习: We‘ll have a new lesson-computer studies. All of us are_______about it.

  Please share(分享)your ______ moment with us.

  三 语法点

  过去式(1)  Be动词型


  be型句子(也就是am, is ,are在句子里做动词的句子)

  am, is → was       are → were

  体会: He was a student 2 years ago, now he is a worker.

  There were 3 oranges in my bag a moment ago, but now there is only one.

  I often got up at six 2 years ago. 我两年前通常在六点起床。(过去习惯性做的动作)

  ( I often get up at six in the morning. 现在习惯性做的动作)

  (体会: 通过Be动词的变化来体现过去式的意思)

  句子转换:  My camera was on the desk just now. → My camera was not on the desk just now.

  (我的照相机刚才在课桌上。)         (我的照相机刚才不在课桌上)

  Was your camera on the desk just now?→ Where was your camera just now?

  (你的照相机刚才在课桌上吗?)  (你的照相机刚才在哪儿)

  以前学过的部分Be句子:注意Be 动词的变化

  What are their jobs? They are teachers now.  --

  What were their jobs? They were teachers 2 years ago.

  Where is your mother? My mother is in the shop. --

  Where was your mother?  My mother was in the shop just now.

  What’s the matter with him? He is very hot.    --

  What was the matter with him?  He was very hot just now.

  How old are you? I‘m 6 years old. --

  How old were you at that year?  I was 13 years old.

  What’s in the room? There are 3 people in it.

  -- What was in the room? There were 3 people just now.


  Where‘s your diary?                   Where are your glasses?

  It’s on the desk.                       They are on the sofa.

  No, it isn‘t there now.                  No, they are not there now.

  But it was there a moment ago.           But they were there just now.

  ( on  in  under  beside  near  behind   between  around )



  A: I can’t find my CD Walkman. Do you know?

  B: It‘s on your desk.

  A: Let me see. Oh, no, it isn’t there.

  B: But it was there a moment ago. Where is it now?

  Let me see. Is it in the bookcase? Go and have a look.

  A: OK. Let me have a look.--My dear, it‘s so funny.

  It’s here right. But it was not here just now. Who put it here?

  (2) A: Excuse me. I want to visit Miss Gong. Is she in this office?

  B: Yes, She was in the office just now. But now she is not here.

  A: Is she tall?

  B: Yes, and today she is in a red coat.

  C: No, she was in a red coat yesterday, but today she is not.

  B: Ah, yes.

  A: Thanks, bye.

  (3) A:  There were 3 mobile phones on the sofa.

  B:  Yes, and there are 4 mobile phones beside the tape recorder. But there are not so many now.

  A:  They were all in this room. But where are those 5 ones?

  B:  Don‘t worry. The policemen are coming soon.

  (4)  A:  There were a lot of trees around our school 2 years. But now there are only about 10 trees.

  B:  And there was a beautiful park beside our home, but now it isn’t there now.

  A:  Shall we grow some trees again?


  (1)       A:  _____ your brother in the kitchen?

  B:  No, he _____. I can‘t see him.

  A:  But he _____  in it just now, beacause he _____ having supper

  B:  ______ he in the garden?

  A:  Perhaps, his toy is there. Let’s find him.

  B:  Oh, no. He _____ in the tree.

  (2)       A:  Where______ you just now?

  B:  We_____ behind the school. We were playing games.

  A:  I see. But where _____ Mike? Now he _______ with you.

  B:  I think he _______still there with another(另外的)boys.



  1.  Where are you a moment ago?

  2.  My parents were in the sitting-room, I am in my study.

  3.  Is there a cat here just now?

  4.  My English book wasn‘t there just now, but it was here. How funny.

  5.  There was an excited football match here in the afternoon.


  1.  你的手机在哪?我想在沙发上。

  2.  你刚才在哪?我在电脑房。

  3.  Mike刚才不在这里。

  4.  我的照相机刚才还在这里的,现在不在这了。

  5.  刚才在冰箱上有几把钥匙。

  6.  万圣节就要到了,我的学生变的很兴奋。



小升初半年倒计时 备考过程中要注意什么?
中学“重文轻艺”现状严重 只因中考用不上




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