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来源: 发布时间: 2009-10-31 16:22:27 游览次数: 0 已有评论: 0

  班级     姓名     得分  听力部分  一、听录音,写序号。(12分)  二、听录音,并判断。(12分)...


  班级     姓名     得分





  1. □  a. younger     b. older      c. shorter

  My father is          than my uncle.

  2. □  a. English   b. Maths    c. PE

  Yang Ling is not doing well in        .

  3. □  a. first        b. second    c. third

  Go along this street, and then turn right at the                crossing.

  4. □  a. higher    b. faster    c. slower

  The butterflies fly         than the bees.

  5. □  a. swims      b. runs      c. jogs

  Su Yang        faster than me in my class.

  6. □  a. minibus  b. taxi      c. bus

  I can take a        to get to the shopping centre.



  forty    workbook     blouse    world    horse     house   worm    out    morning

  1. word

  2. sports

  3. mouse


  1.  Su Yang‘s twenty minutes              (小)than Su Hai.

  2.  SuHai’s uncle is         (高) and              (壮)than her father.

  3.  Where‘s the bus s top? You can get          (上车)bus No 6 and get            (下车)at the next stop.

  三、情景对话:(从B栏中选出与A栏对应的句子序号填在括号内 10分)

  (    )1. How many stops are there?              a.  Tom is.

  (    )2. Whose dog is thinner?                  b.  Three.

  (    )3. Who’s taller than Ben?                  c.  the boy‘s dog is.

  (    )4. Do you get up as early as your brother?     d. No, I can’t

  (    )5. Whose bag is bigger, yours or mine?       e. You are welcome.

  (    )6. How far is it from here?                 f. He‘s five.

  (    )7. How can I get there?                    g. Yes, I do.

  (    )8. Can you swim better than the fish?         h. Yours is, I think.

  (    )9. Thank you very much                   i. You can take bus No. 5

  (    )10. How old is Ben’s little dog?             j. It‘s about a kilometer away.

  四、完成句子:(每词只用一遍,句首要小写 10分)

  doesn’t, heavier, who, gets, who‘s higher ,living, farther, strong, better

  1.         is taller? The boy is taller.

  2. An elephant is           than a pig.

  3. Docs tom run slower than Jim? No, he

  4. Su Yang           up earlier than SuHai.

  5. Jim is not as           as the other boys.

  6. Do more exercise, and you’ll do           in PE.

  7. The butterflies fly           than the bees.

  8. My father jumps            than me.

  9. Mr Smith is           in China now.

  10.            older ,your father or mother?


  1. I, am, you, as, as, tall.  (。)

  2. along ,Go, street, this.  (。)

  3. Jim, faster, swims, David, than.  (。)

  4.How, stops, are ,many, thcrc . (?)

  5. left, at , Turn, the , crossing, third.  (。)


  (    )  1. I‘m as               as my father.

  A. tall    B. taller   C. high    D. higher

  (    )  2. He looks much older than

  A. I      B. me     C. my    D. mine

  (    )  3. Helen is good          swimming.

  A. on     B. in      C. at     D. to

  (    )  4. Jim dose not do well            PE.

  A. on     B. in      C. at     D. to

  (    )  5. The traffic is           than yesterday.

  A. bader     B. gooder     C. heavier     D. nice

  (    )  6.             Jim fatter than Tom?  Yes, he is.

  A. Is       B. Does     C. Do      D. Are

  (    )  7. Can you tell me          to the post Office? OK.

  A. the roads   B. the way   C. the times.

  (    )  8. There is a bus

  A. five minute    B. every five minutes  C. for five minutes

  (    )  9. The girl         blue sings well.

  A. in       B. at     C. to      D. on

  (    )  10.           is your home from here? One kilometre.

  A. How many    B. How away   C. How far.

  七. 阅读理解:正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。(10分)

  On  a   bus

  The bus stops at the next stop. A mother and her child get on the bus and sit down. The conductor(售票员) comes to them for the tickets (票) the mother says, “One ticket to the Children’s Park.” The conductor look at the child, then says to him “How old are you, little boy?”

  The boy says , “Mum says  I‘m four years old at home and two on the bus.” Al l the other people laugh.

  (    ) 1. A mother and her child want to go to the zoo.

  (    ) 2. They go to the Children’s Park by bus.

  (    ) 3. The conductor wants the woman to buy one ticket.

  (    ) 4. The child is only two years old.

  (    ) 5. All the other people on the bus laugh.



  一、1. Mike runs as fast as Ben

  2. Jim jumps higher than Gao Shan

  3. The boys swim faster than the girls

  4. Yang Ling‘s kite is higher than Liu Tao’s

  5. Nancy does better in Maths than Gao Shan

  6. Jim goes to school earlier than Ben.


  1. Su Hai and Su Yang are twin sisters. They look the same. Su Hai is a little taller than Su Yang.

  2. Last weekend my father and mother went to visit my grandparents. They had two big bags with them. My father‘s bag was heavier than my mother’s .

  3. Liu Tao is good at PE. He likes high jump very much. Now he and Wang Bing are in the playground.

  4. Mrs Brown wanted to go to the post office to buy some stamps, but she didn‘t know the way. She asked a child for help and the child said, “It’s next to the cinema on Zhongshan Road.”

  5. Yesterday was Nancy‘s birthday. Her mother wanted to buy a present for her. Nancy had a sweater but it was too small. Nancy would like to have a bigger one.

  6. It’s raining, but Jim does not have an umbrella with him. He is waiting for his father at school.

  三、1. younger    2. Maths    3. second     4. higher      5. runs     6. bus


  听力部分:一、2、3、5、1、4、6     二、略     三、1. a  2. b  3. b  4.a  5. b  6.c


  一、1. workbook.  world.  worm    2. forty  horse  morning   3. blouse. house.out

  二、1. younger   2. taller, stronger   3. on, off.

  三、1-5 (b, c, a, g, h)     6-10   (j, I, d, e, f )

  四、1. Who   2. heavier    3. doesn‘t      4. gets     5. strong     6. better

  7. higher  8. farther     9. living     10. Who’s

  五、1. I am as tall as you.

  2. Go along this street.

  3. Jim swims faster than David.

  4. How many stops are there?

  5. Turn left at the third crossing.

  六、1-5 (A,B,C,B,C) 6-10((A,B,B,A,C)

  七、1. F   2. T     3. F     4. F     5.  T



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