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来源: 发布时间: 2009-10-31 16:21:43 游览次数: 0 已有评论: 0

  班级      姓名      得分  A. Listen and judge.(1分×8=8分)  (   )    ...


  班级      姓名      得分

  A. Listen and judge.(1分×8=8分)

  (   )     (   )     (   )      (   )

  (   )     (   )     (   )     (   )

  B. Listen and complete.(1分×14=14分)

  1. They sat down      a      tree and      a chat.

  2. Are you as       as your twin      ?

  No, I‘m          Su Yang.

  3. Who’s      , you or SuYang?

  SuYang‘s twenty minutes             me.

  4. What      Mrs Li      ?

  She       a box of      .

  C. Look and write.(1分×12=12分)

  old older   young      tall

  heavy      big      strong

  thin      small      fat

  light      long      short

  D. Read and write.(1分×12=12分)(写反义词)

  1. young      2. old      3. thin

  4. black      5. short      6. small

  7. no       8. come      9. light

  10. bad      11. sit        12. short

  E. Read and choose.(1分×16=16分)

  (  )1. This cat is       than that one.

  A. fatB. faterC. fatter

  (  )2. The elephant is       than the bear.

  A. biggerB. bigerC. big

  (  )3. The brown dog is as       as the black dog.

  A. thinC. thinerD. thinner

  (  )4. A: Are these your jeans?

  B: Yes, they’re     .

  A. my B. ourC. mine

  (  )5.      skirt is this?

  A. Who‘sB. WhichC. Whose

  (  )6. This is       bedroom.

  A. the twins’sB. the twin‘sC. the twins’

  (  )7. Where      Mr and Mrs Brown from?

  A. areB. isC. am

  (  )8. Who is     , Mike or David?

  A. short  B. tallC. taller

  (  )9.     Saturday morning. I went for a walk.

  A. On B. AtC. For

  (  )10. Su Hai      a twin sister.

  A. haveB. hadC. has

  (  )11. Is she as tall as     ?

  A. yourB. mineC. you

  (  )12. I want to meet he       day.

  A. aB. allC. one

  (  )13. Do you have       brothers?

  A. someB. a C. any

  (  )14. Do you like this book      that book?

  A. andB. orC. of

  (  )15. Lucy and Lily are twin sisters, so they look     .

  A. sameB. the  sameC. like

  (  )16. Tom is two       older than Jim.

  A. yearB. years C. day

  F. Look and complete.(1分×16=16分)

  1. A:        is taller?

  B: The       is       .

  2. A: What        heavier than the pears?

  B:          are     than          .

  A: What are      than the pears?

  B: The apples are      than the pears.

  3. A: Whose hair is shorter      the nurse‘s?

  B: The waitress’s hair is   than the     .

  A: Whose hair is       than the nurse‘s?

  B: The      hair is longer than the nurse’s.

  G. Choose and correct.(1分×10=10分)

  (  )1. He has a twins brother.

  A B  C    D

  (  )2. The girl is 15 minute younger than her sister.

  A        B      C        D

  (  )3. Do you have some story books?

  A  B  C   D

  (  )4. I don‘t have brothers and sisters.

  A  B  C          D

  (  )5. Who is tall, Jim or Mike?

  A  B  C    D

  (  )6. His jeans is longer than mine.

  A  B  C       D

  (  )7. My friend lighter than Mary.

  A   B    C   D

  (  )8. Whose glasses is this!

  A   B  C  D

  (  )9. He doesn’t has any masks.

  A    B   C      D

  (  )10. Mary‘s two year younger than Tom.

  A     B     C      D

  H. Write the sentences.(2分×6=12分)

  1. do, you,  any  brothers,  or  sisters,  have  (?)

  2. who’s,  younger,  or,  your  mother,  your  father  (?)

  3. sat,   a,  they,  big,   had,   chat,   under,   tree,   and,   a    (!)

  4. to  see  them,  she,  was,  very  glad  (.)

  5. look  the  same,  they,  do  (?)

  6. he,  his  cousin,  not,  is,  as  strong  as  (.)


  A. Listen and judge

  1. Look at the girl, Her eyes are big.

  2. Look, I‘m fat.

  3. I’m not happy. because I‘m short.

  4. Who’s thinner, the boy or the girl?    The girl is. I think.

  5. Whose apple are bigger Mike‘s or Een’s.

  Ben‘s apples are smaller, I think.

  6. My schoolbag is heavier than yours, Nancy.    Yes.

  7. Which woman is older?      The woman in black is, I think.

  8. Who’s stronger, the rabbit or the dog?    The dog is.

  B. Listen and complete

  1. They sat down under a big tree and had a chat.

  2. Are you as tall as your twin sister?

  No, I‘m shorter than Su Yang.

  3. Who’s older, you or Su Yang?

  Su Yang‘s twenty minutes younger than me.

  4. What does Mrs Li have?

  She has a box of chocolate.

  C. Look and write.(略)

  D. Read and write.

  1. old       2. new      3. fat       4. white      5. tall       6. big

  7. yes       8. go       9. heavy    10. good      11. stand     12. long

  E. Read and chose.

  1. C     2. A     3. A     4.C     5.C     6.C     7.A      8. C

  9. A    10.C     11.C     12.C    13.C     14.B    15.A    16.B

  F. Look and complete.

  1. Who boy taller.

  2. are The oranges heavier the pears lighter lighter

  3. than shorter nurse’s longer teacher‘s.

  G. Choose and correct.

  1. D   twin brother

  2. B   15 minutes

  3. D   any

  4. D   or

  5. C   taller

  6. B   are

  7. C   is lighter

  8. C   are

  9. B   have

  10. D  years

  H. Write the sentences.

  1. Do you have any bothers or sisters?

  2. Who’s younger, your father or your mother?

  3. They sat under a big tree and had a chat.

  4. She was very glad to see them.

  5. Do they look the same?

  6. He is as strong as his cousin.


小升初半年倒计时 备考过程中要注意什么?
中学“重文轻艺”现状严重 只因中考用不上




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