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  班级__________ 姓名__________ 得分__________  听力部分(30分)  一、根据你所听到的顺序,给下面的图...


  班级__________    姓名__________    得分__________



  (    )       (    )       (    )       (    )       (    )


  (    )1.A.Go along this street, and turn left at the first cornet.

  B.It‘s about a kilometre away.

  C.You can take bus No.6.

  D.It’s on River Road.

  (    )2.A.David.                            B.Jim is taller than David.

  C.Mike is tall.                     D.Ben is as tall as David.

  (    )3.A.I‘m from England.                 B.He’s from America.

  C.I‘m from China.                   D.I’m from Nanjing.

  (    )4.A.I went to the park with my parents.

  B.Sometimes I do housework.

  C.We often catch insects in the park.

  D.I often watch cartoons in the park.

  (    )5.A.She studies English, Mathes and Art.   B.He usually plays football.

  C.He studies English, Maths and Art.     D.Science and Chinese.


  (    )1.A.Spring          B.Summer          C.Autumn          D.Winter

  (    )2.A.By taxi         B.By underground  C.On foot         D.By minibus

  (    )3.A.The oranges from the USA.         B.The oranges from Hong kong.

  C.The oranges from Japan.           D.The oranges from Garden City.

  (    )4.A.Flour           B.Butter          C.Eggs            D.Sugar

  (    )5.A.To go to the cinema.              B.To play table tennis.

  C.To go to the cinema.              B.To play table tennis.


  (    )1.What subject does he study at school?

  A.Piano                 B.Art                   C.PE

  (    )2.When will he stop his study?

  A.April                 B.June                  C.July

  (    )3.What is he going to do in the evening?

  A.To have dinner.       B.To play the piano.    C.To study Art.

  (    )4.How many hours will he sleep?

  A.Four hours            B.Eight hours           C.Nine hours

  (    )5.Why does he like the work?

  A.Because he only works three nights a week.

  B.Because he only works from 4 to 1.

  C.Because he only works three days a week.















  1.与......一样冷                         2.pick strawberries

  3.去钓鱼                               4.play baseball

  5.参加......                             6.plant trees

  7.昨天下午                             8.milk cows

  9.进行一次野餐                        10.a photo of my family


  1.An elephant is h          than a monkey.

  2.T          right at the first crossing and you can find it on your right.

  3.What are you g         to do this weekend?

  4.I am going to take part in the singing c        .

  5.Can I have some w         paper?

  6.Tom is my p        , we often write letters to each other.

  7.I would like to see a Beijng O        .

  8.Liu Tao likes making m         planes.

  9.The boys run f         than the girls.

  10.Can you t          me the way to the post office?


  I                                II

  (    )1.What‘s the weather like in summer?      A.No,I can’t.

  (    )2.What are you going to do tomorrow?      B.They are girls.

  (    )3.Are you a student?                      C.I don‘t know.

  (    )4.Where’s Lucy‘s bike?                    D.She is my friend.

  (    )5.Are they American or English?           E.It’s a map of China.

  (    )6.How old is your uncle?                  F.They are American.

  (    )7.Are the twins boys or girls?            G.Yes,I am.

  (    )8.Who is Kate?                            H.It‘s under the tree.

  (    )9.What’s that on the wall?                I.It‘s usually very hot.

  (    )10.Can you see the car on the hill?       J.I’m going to watch TV.


  (    )1.Whose bag is bigger,         or        ?

  A.your, I         B.yours, my       C.yours, mine

  (    )2.The cap isn‘t mine. It’s        , I think.

  A.Mary‘s          B.Mary            C.Marys

  (    )3.        your kite high in the sky!

  A.Put             B.Let             C.Fly

  (    )4.How many         can you see in the picture?

  A.man             B.child           C.people          D.woman

  (    )5.A:         the weather          in Nanjing?

  B:It’s very hot in summer.

  A.What‘s,like     B.What,like       C.What’s,is       D.What‘s,/

  (    )6.         it often          in winter?

  A.Do,snow         B.Does,snows      C.Do,snows        D.Does,snow

  (    )7.A:         season in Beijing          you like best?

  B:I like autumn best. It’s cool and sunny.

  A.What,do         B.Which,are       C.Which,do        D.What,are

  (    )8.A:What          you          do today. Nancy?

  B:I‘m going to see a movie with my family.

  A.do,going to     B.are,going to    C.do,to           D.are,want

  (    )9.A:Where’s the shopping center?      B:It‘s         Zhongshan Road.

  A.at              B.on              C.in              D.of

  (    )10.                like to join us?

  A.Can you         B.You would       C.Do you          D.Would you


  1.A:Can you           me the way to the


  B:Yes.Go           the street and turn

  at the           crossing.

  A:Thank you.

  2.A:          season do you like          ?

  B:Autumn is my favourite season.

  A:         ?

  B:Because it’s cool and usually sunny.

  We can go            and



  1.The boys over there           (be) my classmates.

  2.I ate a big cake and           (drink) some water last night.

  3.A:What is YangLing going to do tomorrow?

  B:She             (take) part in a singing contest.

  4.Which program did you           (watch) yesterday evening?

  5.        (do) Nancy often           (visit) her grandparents at the weekends?

  No,she doesn‘t.


  David’s birthday was on a snowy day in December. He got lots of presents from his family and friend.

  His father and mother gave him a red box with a storybook in it. His mother said,“There are a lot of funny stories in it, it‘s good for you.”Mike,David’s best friend, gave him a large box. A toy car is in it.

  David‘s sister gave him a round box. It was a birthday cake, he think. But it was a basketball. David likes playing basketball.

  David’s brother gave him a big yellow box. David opened it and there was another box in it. The box was green. He opened the small box and saw the third box. This one was blue. There was a short letter in it.“Go to your study. You can see three boxes there, a black one, a grey one and a white one. Your birthday present is in one of them.”David ran to his study and found them on the desk. The black one is bigger than the grey one, and the white one is the smallest. He opened the grey box, but found nothing in it. Then he opened the biggest one. He was very glad to see a model plane in it.


  (    )1.David‘s parents put their present in         for his birthday.

  A.a yellow box    B.a lot of boxes  C.a black         D.a red box

  (    )2.Who is Mike?           .

  A.A friend of David’s father.       B.One of David‘s best friends.

  C.David’s brother.                  D.David‘s sister.

  (    )3.What colour was the biggest box?          .

  A.White           B.Black           C.Grey            D.Blue

  (    )4.How many boxes did David’s brother give to him?

  A.Four            B.Five            C.Six             D.Seven

  (    )5.What was in the biggest box?          .

  A.book.           B.A letter.       C.A model plane.  D.A small box.


  Dear Susan,

  How are you? It‘s very nice of you to write   1   me.   2   your letter I know a lot   3   you and your school now. I will tell you   4   about me and my school.

  I am eleven   5   old. I’m in   6   at Jinling Primary School. My mother is a

  7  , she teaches Maths. My father is an   8  . He‘s good at his work.

  There   9   1500 students and 100 teachers in our school. Our classrooms are big and bright. Please come and have a look   10   our school if you have time.



  (    )1.A.for             B.to              C.from            D.in

  (    )2.A.For             B.To              C.From            D.About

  (    )3.A.in              B.about           C.with            D.at

  (    )4.A.anything        B.something       C.sometimes       D.someone

  (    )5.A.year            B./               C.years           D.age

  (    )6.A.Grade Five, Class Three           B.Grade five, Class three

  C.Class three, Grade Five           D.Class Three, Grade Five

  (    )7.A.student         B.teacher         C.doctor          D.worker

  (    )8.A.farmer          B.teacher         C.doctor          D.engineer

  (    )9.A.am              B.is              C.are             D.be

  (    )10.A.in             B.about           C.at              D.on



小升初半年倒计时 备考过程中要注意什么?
中学“重文轻艺”现状严重 只因中考用不上




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