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  Unit 1 (A)  一、 听录音,给下列图标号。(听两遍)  1. No cycling 2. Keep off the grass 3....


  Unit 1 (A)

  一、 听录音,给下列图标号。(听两遍)

  1. No cycling   2. Keep off the grass  3. No littering  4.Keep quiet  5. Danger

  一、 听短文,选择正确的答案。(听三遍)

  Mr Smith is taking a walk in the park. Suddenly, he sees something under a tree. Oh, it‘s a sweater. He looks around. There is no one nearby. He takes it in his hand and asks in a loud voice: “Whose sweater is this ?” No one answers him. He asked again and again. Then a park keeper comes up to him . he says to Mr Smith: “Can’t you see that sign over there ? It says ‘keep quiet’. So please don‘t shout and leave here quickly.” But when he sees the sweater , he is red in face and says to Mr Smith : “Oh, I am sorry. This is my sweater. Thank you.” Mr smith gives it to him and goes away.

  二、 听录音,填入所缺的单词。(听两遍)

  1. A: What does this sign mean ?  B: It means you shouldn’t walk on the grass.

  2. A: What day is it today  B: It‘s Tuesday.

  3. A: Can I go in ?    B: No, you can’t. You must stay away from the building.

  Unit 1 (B)

  一、 听录音,选出你听到的内容。(听一遍)

  1. letter  2. grass  3. should  4. sing  5. note  6.away  7. suddenly

  8. keep off   9. keep quiet  10. What does that mean?


  1. No smoking  2. No parking  3. Do not touch  4. No eating and drinking


  1. What does “keep quiet” mean?

  2. Can I go in ?

  3. What day is it today ?

  4. Where are Su Yang and Su Hai from ?

  三、 听录音,填入所缺的单词。(听三遍)

  Hello, I‘m Jim. Ben is my cousin. He told me a lot about public signs yesterday. Now I know all the signs in the park. They mean different things. We shouldn’t walk on the grass. We should keep quiet near the bird‘s cage, we shouldn’t make noise here. The sign on the building in the park means ‘Danger’ . We must stay away from it.

  Unit 2 (A)


  1. November  2.on Tuesday  3.the first of March  4.take  5.twentieth  6.may

  7. blow   8.little  9. twenty to three  10.same


  The girl in red is my classmate, Kate. She is from England. She is my good friend. Today is her birthday. Liu Tao gives her a book of Sun Wukong, the monkey king. Wang Bing gives her a VCD of Chinese cartoon. Su Hai and Su Yang give her a nice dress. What do I give her? I give her a toy panda. Kate is very happy. She asks us to come to her birthday party in her home. We are having a lot of nice food here.


  1.when is your birthday ? My birthday is on the first of May.

  2.What would you like as a birthday present? I would like a puppet .

  3.When‘s your mother’s birthday ?

  4.His birthday is on the second of March.

  5.What date is it today ?

  Unit 2 (B)


  1.late  2. match  3. July  4. cousin  5. present   6.his costume  7. blow out

  8. Let‘s wait and see. 9. Do you like this pencil? 10. What date is it today?

  二、听录音,选择正确的应答。 (听两遍)

  1. What date is it today ?     2. When’s your father‘s birthday ?

  3. What would you like ?     4. When’s your birthday?

  5. What would she like ?


  A:Hi,May.Tomorrow is my birthday.

  B: Is  it? What date is it today?

  A: Today is the second of December. My birthday is on the third of December.

  B: Will you have a birthday party?

  A: Yes. Welcome to my birthday party.

  B: Thank you. What would you like as a birthday present ?

  A: I‘d like a mask.


  四、 听录音,选出你听到得内容。(听一遍)

  1. handkerchief   2. 8th of June     3. 33425     4. also  5. race

  6. talk about      7. stand up    8. the third year   9. in the bathroom

  10. a roll of film

  五、 根据所听句子,选择正确的答案。(听两遍)

  1. What day is it today?      2. Here’s your camera.      3. What‘s that in English?

  4.What does it mean?        5. Is it your handkerchief?

  六、 听录音,填入所缺的单词。(听三遍)

  1. There was a roll of film on the sofa over there.

  2. I can’t find my dairy. Where is it?

  3. Su Hai is looking for her films.

  4. There was an exciting running race in the playground.

  Unit3 (B)


  1. pocket    2. careful   3. look   4. us   5. aunt   6. sixth

  7. juice     8. getting   9. bar    10. was


  It‘s Sunday today. It’s Sports Day. They have no classes today, so there‘s nobody in the classroom. All the students are in the playground. Look, the boys are having an exciting running race, and the girls are watching beside the football field. Su Yang wants to take some photos, she is looking for her camera in her bag, but she can’t find it there. It was there just now. Where is Su Yang‘s camera? Look, it’s on the ground

  1: What day is it today?

  2: Where are the students?

  3: What are the girls doing?

  4: Does Su Yang want to have a running race?

  5: Where was the camera a moment ago?


  Su Hai: I want to listen to some music, but I can‘t find my CD Walkman. Where is it, Su Yang?

  Su Yang: Is it on your desk?

  Su Hai: No, it isn’t. It was there a moment ago.

  Su Yang: Oh, look, it‘s next to the video recorder.

  Su Hai: Where are my CDs. I can’t see them

  Su Yang: They were on the bookcase this morning.

  Su Hai: No.

  Su Yang: Are they in front of the TV?

  Su Hai: Oh, yes. I see them. Thank you, Su Yang.

  Unit 4(A)


  1. blackboard  2. baseball  3. three  4. notebook  5. would

  6. July        7. sign    8. fridge  9. cake    10. present


  1. What would you like?

  2. Where are my earphones?

  3. What does this sign mean?

  4. Is your birthday in September?

  5. Give me your book, please.

  6. What would you like as a birthday preset?

  7. When do you often go to school?

  8. What‘s the date today?

  9. What day is it today?

  10. How do you spend your weekend?


  I know a lot about the public signs in the park. They mean different things. We must keep off the grass. We shouldn’t walk on it. We shouldn‘t make noise near the bird’s cage. The sign on the building in the park means “Danger”. We must stay away from it.

  Unit 4 (B)


  1.small  2. grass  3. many  4. public  5. whose


  1.A: Happy Children‘s Day. This card is for you ?  B: Thank you .

  Question: What date is it today?

  2.A: Liu Tao, what time is it ?   B: It’s seven. I‘m having breakfast.

  Question: What is Liu Tao doing?

  3.The coat is on the chair. The sweater is on the bed .

  The jacket is on the ground.

  Question: Where is the sweater ?

  4.A:What does this sign mean ?  B: It means ’ No parking‘.

  Question: What does that mean ?

  5. A: Where’s my key ?   B: Is it in the bathroom?

  A: No, it isn‘t.         B: Look, it’s in the study.

  Question: Where is the key?


  1. What does this sign mean ? It means ‘No littering’.

  2. What date is it today? It‘s the fourth of April.

  3. What does this sign mean ? It means ’ No cycling‘.

  4. What date is it today? It’s the 25th of December.


  1. A:What date is it, today?

  B:It‘s the twelfth of September.

  A:Oh, there’s a football game at Jingling Primary School.

  B:Great! Let‘s go and see.

  2. A:Today is my mother’s birthday .  I‘ll buy a present for her.

  B: Let’s go to the supermarket. It‘s behind the park.

  Unit 4 (C)

  五、 听录音,选出听到的选项(听一遍)

  1.letter    2. sign    3.Jane    4. Mar 18   5. feel      6.8:13

  7. match   8. stop    9.  still  10.  horse

  六、 听录音,选择正确的答案(听二遍)

  1、There is a basketball game at Yucai school.

  Q: What’s at Yucai school?

  2、Tim‘s birthday is on the Feb. 27th , Jim’s birthday is on the Sep. 7th .

  Q: When‘s Tim’s birthday?

  3、Look, there are two girls under the tree, the one in blue is Nancy‘s sister.

  Q: Which girl is Nancy’s sister?

  4. She would like a purple dress as my birthday present, purple is her favourite colour.

  Q: What‘s her favourite colour?

  5. -I’m thirsty.

  -Here‘s some water for you.

  Q: What can I drink?

  七、 听录音,判断下列句子内容是否与录音意思相符。(听两遍)

  1、Where is your Dad’s mobile photo?

  It was next to the telephone just now, but it‘s not there now.

  2、What’s Nancy doing?

  She‘s looking for her handkerchief.

  3、Would you please pick the films up for me, Su Hai?

  Sure. Here you are, Su Yang.

  4、What date was it yesterday?

  It was the 20th  of November.

  5、Tom’s got a VCD of Japanese cartoons from his parents as his birthday present.

  八、 听录音,将对话补充完整(听三遍)

  A: What date is it today, Kate?

  B: It‘s the 20th  of April.

  A: Oh, my birthday’s coming soon.

  B: When‘s your birthday?

  A: It’s on the 25th  of April

  B: What would you like as a birthday present?

  A: I‘d like a computer.

  Unit 5 (A)

  三、 听录音,选出你所听到的内容(听一遍)

  1. else     2. cow       3. week   4. before     5. Wednesday

  6. pull     7. holiday    8. really   9. watch     10. up

  四、 听录音,选择正确的应答。(听两遍)

  1.What did you do on Sunday?

  2. How many trees did you see on Monday?

  3. Were there any cows, hens and ducks there?

  4. Where were you last Friday?

  5. Who is the girl in the picture?

  五、 听录音,填入所缺单词。(听三遍)

  1. Yesterday Su Hai, Su Yang and their parents visited a farm. They milked cows and picked oranges. They had a lot of fun.

  2. Last Saturday was Gao Shan’s birthday. He played computer games with his friends.

  3. Su Hai listened to the music with her CD Walkman yesterday.

  Unit 5 (B)

  五、 听录音, 给下列每组单词标序号。(听两遍)

  A plant   play   plane    ant      can‘t

  B how    cool   cow    holiday   who

  C else    last    taste    must     trees

  D four   door    or      more     floor

  E light   toilet   kite     let       like

  六、 听录音,给下列句子标序号。(听一遍)

  1. I watched a cartoon at home last weekend.

  2. Did you like the cartoons?

  3. Helen visited a farm with her classmates on Monday.

  4.What did you do last Sunday.

  5.There were some fruit trees on the farm.

  七、 听录音,判断所听单词与所给单词是否相同,用“√”或“×”表示。(听一遍)

  1. milk    2. grow    3. how    4. farm    5. carry

  6. wait    7. same    8.fun     9. when   10. before

  八、 听录音,填入所缺单词。(听三遍)

  Miss Li: Good morning, boys and girls. Did you have a good time last weekend?

  Students: Yes, we did.

  Miss Li: What did you do, Ben?

  Ben: I played with my dog. It was fun.

  Miss Li: What did you do, Mike?

  Mike: I listened to the cinema and watched a film with David.

  Miss Li: Did you watch a film, Nancy?

  Nancy: No, I watched a cartoon on TV.

  Miss Li: What else did you do?

  Nancy: I watered flowers, washed my clothes and played the violin.

  Miss Li: What about you, Gao Shan?

  Gao Shan: I visited a farm. I picked grapes and pulled up carrots.

  Unit 6(A)

  一、 听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(听一遍)

  1.  holiday  2. children  3.  delicious  4.  excited   5. foot

  6.  map     7. popular   8.  beach    9.  bright  10. present

  二、 听录音,寻找相关内容,将序号写在题前的括号中。(听两遍)

  1. We usually eat moon cakes and watch the moon.

  2. I didn’t have a big lunch with my parents.

  3. David and his family went to a party at the Spring Festival.

  4. Did you eat delicious food last Spring Festival?

  5. What did you do last Mid-Autumn Festival?

  6. Do you like Halloween? No, I don‘t.

  7. Did you play with lanterns at the Mid-Autumn Festival?

  8. What’s your favourite holiday? Children‘s Day.

  9. When’s Christmas? On the 25th of December.

  10. Did you go to parties last New Year‘s Day?


  Mr White: Christmas is on the 25th of December .

  What holiday comes after it?

  David:   New Year.

  Mr White: What do people usually do at New Year?

  David:   They go to parties. And it’s my favourite holiday.

  What about you?

  Mr White: My favourite holiday is the Mid-Autumn Festival.

  David:   Why?(为什么)

  Mr White: Because I like playing with lanterns  .

  Unit 6(B)

  一、 根据录音的顺序,给下列图标上相应的序号。(听两遍)

  1. A: What are you doing?

  B: Teachers‘ Day is coming. I’m making a card for Mr Green.

  2. A: Hello, you are so happy today.

  B: Yes. It is Children‘s Day tomorrow. I like it very much

  A: It’s my favourite holiday, too. Let‘s go to the cinema tomorrow afternoon.

  B: That’s a good idea.

  3. A: Mum, Hallow is coming. I need some pumpkin lanterns.

  B: OK. Let‘s buy some pumpkin lanterns.

  A: Great.

  4. A: There’s no school today.

  B: I want to go to the shop.

  A: What would you like?

  B: I‘d like a storybook and a Christmas card.

  5. A: What do people usually do at the Spring Festival?

  B: They visit their relatives and friends.

  6. A: What’s that in the box? Let‘s open it and have a look.

  B: Ah, moon cakes. When do people usually eat the moon cakes?

  A: They usually eat the moon cakes at the Mid-Autumn Festival.


  1. What did you do at the Teachers’ Day?

  2. Did you visit your grandparents last Spring Festival?

  3. What‘s your favoutite holiday?

  4. It’s the 23rd of December today.

  5. When‘s New Year?

  6. Whose toy dragon boat is this?

  7. What holiday comes after Halloween?

  三、 根听录音,填入所缺单词。(听三遍)

  Nancy: Hello, Helen. Who is she?

  Helen: She’s my little sister. Her name‘s Rose.

  Nancy: Nice to meet you, Rose.

  Rose: Nice to meet you, too.

  Nancy: Where are my glasses, Helen.? Do you know?

  Helen: Perhaps they’re in your school bag.

  Nancy: No, they aren‘t.

  Helen: They were there just now.

  Unit 7 (A)

  一、 听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(听一遍)_

  1.comb    2. mine    3.here    4. noticeboard    5. mirror

  6. popular  7. very    8. house   9. parent     10. those

  二、听录音,选择与录音匹配的译文,将其序号写在题前的括号中。( 听两遍)

  1. Mr Green opened the present on the teacher’s desk.

  2. Everybody was very excited.

  3. David and his parents are playing in the zoo.

  4. That calculator is not mine.

  5. Who‘s your present from?

  6. I like drinking milk.

  7. I like the colour very much.

  8. This mirror is from my good friend.

  9. Where are our birthday presents?

  10. These presents are from my parents.


  There are so many presents under the Christmas tree. This one is from Grandpa. Let’s open it and have a look. Ah, it‘s a teapot. I like the colour very much. That one is from Dad. It’s a new wallet. They are mine.

  Unit 7(B)

  一、 听录音,给句子排序.(听两遍)

  1. Whose mirror is it? It‘s Helen’s.

  2. Is this skateboard yours? Yes, it is.

  3. Look at the teapot, it‘s from my father.

  4. Whose watch is it? It’s hers.

  5. Is the calculator hers? No, it‘s mine.

  6. Give me the wallet, please.

  7. Is this magazine yours? Yes, it’s mine.

  8. Look at the nice hairdryer, is it Miss Li‘s? Yes, it’s hers.

  9. Whose comb is it? It‘s mine.

  10. Whose CDs are they? They are hers.


  1. A: What’s in the box?

  B: There is my birthday present.

  A: What is it?

  B: It‘s a lovely hairdryer.

  Q: What’s the present?

  2. A: Look at those balls? Are they David‘s?

  B: No, they aren’t. They are the boy‘s.

  Q: Whose balls are they?

  3. A: Did you and your brother go to see a film yesterday?

  B: Yes, we did.

  Q: Where did they go yesterday?

  4. A: What day was it yesterday?

  B: It’s Tuesday.

  Q: What day is it today?

  5. A: Look at the glasses on the ground.

  B: Oh, they‘re mine.

  Q: Where are the glasses?

  三、 听录音,填入所缺单词。(听三遍)

  Danny: What do you like to do at the weekend?

  Nancy: I like to listen to music. How about you, Danny?

  Danny: I like to play football with my friends.

  Nancy: Where do you play football?

  Danny: In the park. You can come to watch us.

  Nancy: That’s great.

  Unit 8(A)

  一、 听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(听一遍)

  1. half past nine    2. which     3. worry     4. give      5. November

  6. the 21st of Feb.  7. danger     8. festival   9. mountain  10. suddenly


  1. pull up carrots          2. milk cows              3. last weekend

  4. the second of February   5. a science festival         6. Children‘s Day

  7. have a party            8. at lunch time            9. this morning

  10. plant trees

  三、 听录音,选择正确的应答。(听两遍)

  1. What do people usually do at the Mid-Autumn Festival?

  2. What did you do last weekend?

  3. Whose present is this?

  4. Did you plant trees on the farm?

  5. When’s Children‘s Day?

  Unit 8(B)


  1. they      2. where    3. give     4. November     5. hurry up

  6. collected  7. quietly   8. 754326   9. have fun      10. Spring Festival


  1. Where were you last week?

  2. What date was it yesterday?

  3. What do people do at Halloween?

  4. Who is the present from?

  5. Did you watch a cartoon last night?


  1. It is the 27th of May. Children’s Day is coming.

  2. There are some cows on the farm.

  3. Don‘t give the ball to Mike.

  4. Would you like a puppet as your birthday present?

  5. It means you shouldn’t make noise here.

  6. Last month, we had an Art Festival.

  7. A lot of people came to my school and have a look at them.

  Unit 8(C)


  1. wallet      2. uncle      3. March         4. cycle        5. thirty

  6. in costumes 7. at lunch time  8. National Day   9. mobile phone 10. noise


  1. What day is it today?

  2. Are the children watching the running race?

  3. Hello, is that Nancy?

  4. When‘s the Spring Festival?

  5. Were there any apple trees on the farm last year?


  Last week, there was an art festival in Ann’s school. The children drew some picture. They put the pictures on the wall near the school library. They made a lot of kites and flew them in the playground. They also sang English songs and did Chinese dances. Ann had a good time




  一、C B A D A

  二、A B B C A

  三、4 3 2 1

  四、1.date, the, twelfth, September, game, Primary, go,

  2.birthday, present, Let‘s, behind, park


  一、B B C A B

  二、1.photos 2. having 3.second 4.Mike’ 5. him 6. twelfth 7.was 8. were 9.mangoes 10. keeper

  三、1.吹灭蜡烛 2.进一球 3.一起回家 4.散步 5. 爬树 6. the bird‘s cage  7. look for

  8. keep off the grass  9. after school  10. public signs

  四、1. playing, likes 2. was 3. are, strawberries 4. put  5. to , take  6. is , was

  五、A C D B C B C B D A

  六、1.Can, pick, up, me  2.Try, remember, where, are   3. All, boys , are , excited

  4. Can’t , see, sign, grass   5. boy, does, want, for

  七、1. D  park keeper  2. D them   3. B got   4. A  What date  5. C  her

  八、× × √ √ √




  二、 AACBC

  三、 ×√×√×

  四、 date, today, 20th, April, coming, When‘s, on, April, would, computer


  一、×  × √  ×  √

  二、1. 体育运动日   2.  把钱捡起来  3. 买一些草莓    4. 一本有趣书

  5.写信息  6. keep quiet  7.  a moment ago (just now)    8.  in July

  9. public signs      10. listen to the tape recorder

  三、1. matches     2. they   3. smoke   4. running  5. beside

  6. Japanese     7. first   8. were    9. know    10. beautifully

  四、1. was     2. Does   3. smoke   4. is        5. was

  6. were     7. my    8. him     9. knives   10. watch

  五、1. B         2. C      3. C       4. A       5. B

  6. B          7. B      8.B        9.C       10.B

  11.B          12. B     13. B      14. C      15. A

  六、1. man the camera.    2. was a pair of glasses     3. How old

  4. Shall I / we

  七、1. (A) sheep  2. (B) a lot    3. (C)quiet  4. (D) in March  5. (c) about

  八、1. B  2. A  3.C  4. A  5. B  6. C  7. A  8. C  9. B  10.C

  九、√  ×  √  √  ×

  Unit 8 (B)




  三、1. Children’s coming    2. cows      3. give      4. Would, present

  5. shouldn‘t           6. month     7. came, school



  二、1. table 2. flew 3. glasses 4. their 5. let us 6. has 7. giving 8. me 9. people

  三、1. 美味的食物   2. New Year   3. 禁止乱扔垃圾    4. talk about

  5.喝一些果汁    6. milk cows   7. 在公共标志的隔壁

  8. my favourite holiday     9. 在耳机的旁边      10. No cycling



  六、1. B in     2. B your    3. D No smoking    4. B are    5. D diaries

  七、1. cooked a lot of      2. Did, play, your     3. Where, playing

  4. Which


  Unit 8 (C)




  三、there, was, drew, put, school, library, made, flew, sang, had


  一、x x x√x   x x x x√

  二、1. stopped   2. plays   3. shouldn’t   4. fifth      5. children

  6. us       7. were     8. colourful   9. teachers‘  10. family

  三、1. 格林先生的新茶壶    2. blow out               3. 远离

  4. last year             5. 在我的口袋里          6. pick up

  7. 在电影院的隔壁      8. on the ninth of August    9. 环顾四周

  10. a present from his parents


  五、1. have 2. goes, went 3. was, had 4. are playing 5. him 6. second 7. glasses

  8. excited 9. playing 10. to be

  六、1. are watching   2. How many, are   3. When’s   4. What is  5. Are, any

  七、listen, music, Is, was, moment, see, thank, where, they‘re, them



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