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  听力部分(30分)  一、 听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(听一遍)(10分)  ( )1. A. cupboard B. bo...



  一、 听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(听一遍)(10分)

  (    )1.  A. cupboard    B. bookcase    C. blackboard    D. whiteboard

  (    )2.  A. basketball   B. volleyball     C. baseball      D. football

  (    )3.  A. throw      B. three         C. there         D. those

  (    )4.  A. storybook   B. notebook      C. copybook   D. bookmark

  (    )5.  A. would      B. should        C. must       D. may

  (    )6.  A. January     B. February      C. June        D. July

  (    )7.  A. sign        B. score        C. song         D. same

  (    )8.  A. phone      B. fifth         C. from         D. fridge

  (    )9.  A. black       B. cake         C. back         D. tick

  (    )10. A. parent      B. present      C. people        D. photo

  二、 听录音,选择正确的应答。(听两遍)(10分)

  (    ) 1. A. I like the diary.

  B. I‘d like the guitar.

  C. I like skating.

  (    ) 2. A. They’re beside the lamp.

  B. It‘s on the desk.

  C. They’re black.

  (    ) 3. A. It means “danger”.

  B. Thank you very much.

  C. All right.

  (    ) 4. A. Yes, it isn‘t.   B. No, it isn’t.          C. Yes, I can.

  (    ) 5. A. Not at all.

  B. Keep off the grass.

  C. OK. Here you are.

  (    ) 6. A. I‘m sorry.     B. A pair of gloves.      C. Yes, please.

  (    ) 7. A. At seven o’clock.

  B. I often go to school by bike.

  C. On foot.

  (    ) 8. A. It‘s Saturday.

  B. It’s sunny today.

  C. It‘s the first of May.

  (    ) 9. A. It’s Monday.

  B. It‘s the fifth of Jun.

  C. It’s nine o‘clock.

  (    )10. A. Surf the Internet.

  B. Yes, I do.

  C. No, I don’t.

  三、 听录音,填入所缺单词。(听三遍)(10分)

  I know a lot about the        signs in the park. They mean       things.

  We must               the grass. We shouldn‘t        on it.

  We shouldn’t               near the bird‘s cage. The sign on the        in the park means “Danger”. We must               from it.


  一、 找出划线部分发音不同的选项。(5分)

  (    )1.  A. Monday      B. day       C. today

  (    )2.  A. bear         B. dear      C. hear

  (    )3.  A. hobby       B. over       C. pocket

  (    )4.  A. front        B. month     C. orange

  (    )5.  A. duty        B. June       C. Thursday

  (    )6.  A. grass        B. cage      C. skate

  (    )7.  A. recorder     B. October    C. sports

  (    )8.  A. sign        B. cousin      C. public

  (    )9.  A. moment     B. phone      C. stop

  (    )10. A. computer     B. umbrella    C. butterfly

  二、 英汉互译。(17分)

  1. public signs                            2. 一卷胶卷

  3. a piece of paper                         4. 一个生日礼物

  5. go home together                        6. 刚才

  7. blow out the candles                     8. 一副耳机

  9. walk on the grass                       10. 十月六号

  11. pick up                              12. 在一月份

  13. take off                             14. 一场足球比赛

  15. a pear tree                           16. 鸟笼

  17. on the ground

  三、 按要求写词语。(10分)

  1. take off (反义词组)                  2. Japan (形容词)

  3. I’d (完整形式)                      4. should (否定形式)

  5. run (现在分词)                      6. they (宾格)

  7.fifth (基数词)                        8. thirty(序数词)

  9. like (第三人称单数形式)             10. is (过去式)

  四、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。(15分)

  1. Mike‘s         (get) a new bike from his father.

  2.The cartoon is very         (fun).

  3. Look, Wang Bing is         (surf) the Internet.

  4. There         (be) a basketball between the chairs.

  5. What         (do) this sign mean?

  6. You         (can) make noise in the library.

  7. Do you have         (some)         (hobby)?

  Yes, I like         (collect)         (stamp).

  8. I’d like         (talk) about the map of England.

  9. Your CD Walkman         (be) on the ground just now.

  10. A pair of glasses         (be) behind the diary now.

  11. It means “No        “ (smoke).

  12. Do you like         (take) photos.

  五、 找出错误的选项,并在横线上订正。(10分)

  (    )1. Who‘s the girl with the red dress? She’s Lucy.

  A.         B.        C.     D.

  (    )2. What date is it today? It‘s second of April.

  A.           B.   C.     D.

  (    )3. Listen, the girls singing an English song in the music room.

  A.  B.           C.      D.

  (    )4.All the peoples are very excited.

  A.      B.   C.       D.

  (    )5. The diarys were under the copybook just now.

  A.   B.            C.      D.

  (    )6. There are three rolls of film in my pocket.

  A.      B.    C.        D.

  (    )7. Li Lei likes watching the VCD in Japanese cartoons.

  A.    B.          C.    D.

  (    )8. Now I know a lot of about the signs.

  A.   B.    C.     D.

  (    )9. Where do you from? I’m from China.

  A.  B.     C.            D.

  (    )10. My birthday is on the twelveth of June.

  A. B.   C.      D.

  六、 将下列句子排列成完整的对话。(12)

  1. a. I‘d like a bird’s cage.

  b. When‘s your birthday?

  c. What would you like as a birthday present?

  d. It’s on the third of August.

  e. All right.

  2. a. Thanks a lot.

  b. Is it in your school bag?

  c. It was on the desk just now.

  d. I can‘t find my crayon. Where is it?

  e. Not at all.

  f. Yes, it is. Thank you very much.

  g. But it isn’t here now.

  七、 阅读理解,判断正误,用”√“或”x“表示。(6分)。

  Ben: Hi, Kitty.

  Kitty: Hi, Ben.

  Ben: Let‘s have a camp trip this Saturday.

  Kitty: Great! What do we need?

  Ben: We need some bread and drinks.

  Kitty: What drink do you like?

  Ben: I like apple juice. What about you?

  Kitty: Milk. It’s my favourite drink.

  Ben: All right. Let‘s go to the supermarket now.

  Kitty: OK. But I haven’t got enough (足够的) money.

  (    ) 1. Ben and Kitty want to go for a camp this Sunday.

  (    ) 2. They only need something to drink.

  (    ) 3. They want to go to the supermarket to buy these things.

  (    ) 4. Ben‘s favourite drink is milk.

  (    ) 5. Kitty want to take some apple juice with him.

  (    ) 6. They have enough money now.


小升初半年倒计时 备考过程中要注意什么?
中学“重文轻艺”现状严重 只因中考用不上




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