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来源: 发布时间: 2009-10-31 00:12:50 游览次数: 0 已有评论: 0

  选择题:  ( )1. I get up _______ about seven fifty -five .  A. in B. on C. at D. fo...



  (    )1. I get up _______ about seven fifty -five .

  A. in B. on C. at D. for

  (    )2. Why are you looking at _______like that?

  A. I B. mine C. my D. me

  (    )3. I want _______ a map of China .

  A. buy B. is buying C. to buy D. am buying

  (    )4. Is it a picture ______ your school ?

  A. of B. to C. and D. with

  (    )5. Do you like _______ ?

  A. swim B. swimming C. are swimming D. swim, too

  (    )6. The man ______ a book in his hand is my uncle .

  A. and B. of C. with D. for

  (    )7. Who‘s the lady ______ blue ?

  A. in B. on C. at D. with

  (    )8. We usually stay _____ home ____ Saturday afternoon .

  A. at...in B. at...on C. in...at D. on...on

  (    )9. A: It’s a white shirt , is it yours ? B: No, ____ is yellow .

  A. I B. My C. Mine D. Me

  (    )10. ______ any men in the room ?

  A. Is there B. Are there C. There aren‘t D. There isn’t

  (    )11. The bed ______ the right is yours .

  A. on B. in C. at D. of

  (    )12. Look at _______ picture .

  A. one B. the one C. first D. the first

  (    )13. These books are my _______ .

  A. students B. students‘s C. students’ D. students of

  (    )14. My parents often tell me ______ your family .

  A. about B. from C. for D. by

  (    )15. ______ any food in the fridge ?

  A. Are there B. Is there C. Have D. Has

  (    )16.He often helps    with      English.

  A.her,her     B.she,her     C.her,she    D.she,she

  (    )17.How many      are there in your school?

  A.woman teacher    B.women teacher   C.woman teachers

  D.women teachers

  (    )18.“Are you     ?”“Yes,we are      brothers.”

  A.twin,twin     B.twins,twins    C.twins,twin


  (    )19.David goes to school      every day.

  A.by a bike     B.by his bike     C.on his bike     D.on bike

  (    )20.Are      in the same class?

  A.you,he and I    B.you,I and he    C.he,you and I

  D.I,you and he

  (    )21.There‘s      “u” in the word “use”.

  A.a     B.an    C.the    D.×

  (    )22.“     your brother’s number?” “4”.

  A.What‘s     B.How many   C.How       D.How old

  (    )23.That’s      bus.

  A.English     B.his         C.Japanese    D.he

  (    )24.“Thank you very much.”“     “.

  A.That‘s right.    B.Thank you.    C.Oh,yes,all right

  D.That’s all right.

  (    )25.     a bird.      name is Polly.

  A.Its,Its       B.It‘s,Its      C.It’s,It‘s    D.Its,It’s


  1. Look ! My sister _________ ( play ) with the toy cars .

  2. I _______ ( get ) up at 6:30 every morning .

  3. Do they like ________ (swim) ?

  4. Tom‘s mother _______ (have) a nice jacket .

  5. Can you _______ (make ) a paper plane for me ?


  1. the, read, in, don’t, sun, please _________________________________

  2. sisters, brothers, you, any, or, got, have? _________________________________

  3. black, all, like, I, at, don‘t _________________________________

  4. can, do, I, for, what, you? _________________________________

  5. drink, like, something, you, to, would? __________________________________


  1.”Where are my pen and pencil?“”     in your desk.“

  2.Ask that woman. I think it’s      picture.

  3.     four plus three? It‘s seven.

  4.     is that? That’s Miss Gao.

  5.Lucy and Lily look      same.


  My name is 1 . My 2 name is Joy. 3 twelve.   4   school is NO.

  1 Middle School. I‘m in   5  . I’m in Row 2.  6   Li is my English

  teacher. Her name is Sue.   She‘s a   7  .Liu Yang isn’t here today.

  I think he is   8  . Liu Yang is my friend. I have seven   9   at school.

  They are in Grade 1,  10  .

  (    )1.A.Zhengxiao Fang    B.Zheng xiao fang

  C.Zheng Xiao Fang   D.Zheng Xiaofang

  (    )2.A.Chinese    B.English    C.Japanese    D.English‘s

  (    )3.A.Am     B.I       C.I’m       D.Am I

  (    )4.A.His    B.Her     C.Their     D.My

  (    )5.A.Grade One,Class One    B.Class One,Grade One

  C.Grade one,Class one    D.Class one,Grade one

  (    )6.A.Mr       B.Mrs      C.mr         D.mrs

  (    )7.A.man      B.boy      C.woman      D.girl

  (    )8.A.in home  B.at home  C.at school  D.at a home

  (    )9.A.friend   B.friend‘s C.friends’   D.friends

  (    )10.A.and     B.or       C.too        D.two


  (    )1. May ____ got a Chinese book.

  a. is    b. has     c. have

  (    )2. This is Mr Li‘s room. _____ room is clean.

  a. He    b. His     c. The

  (    )3. ____ any bags in the locker.

  a. There are  b. Is there  c. There aren’t

  (    )4. ____ , is this Park School?

  a. Pardon     b. Sorry      c. Excuse me

  (    )5. I‘m in _______ room.

  a. he   b. me    c. our

  (    )6. A: Where’s John?     B:____________.

  a. He‘s over there. b. Which one?

  c. Oh, she’s in the classroom.

  (    )7. There is a letter  ______ your grandma.

  a. in   b. for     c. to

  (    )8. How many ____ are there in the classroom?

  a. boy   b. girl    c. girls and boys

  (    )9. A:_____ is your phone number?

  B: My phone number is 59811678.

  a. Which   b. What   c. Who

  (    )10. A:_____ is your brother? B: He‘s 20 years old.

  a. What   b. Who   c. How old

  (    )11. Is there _______ paper in the desk?

  a. some     b. any       c. a

  (    )12. Mary has got _______ red apples.

  a. some       b. any      c. an

  (    )13. He’s got _______ brother.

  a. some     b. a     c. an

  (    )14. A: Have you got any books?    B:_______________.

  a. Yes, I have got.  b. No, I haven‘t.  c. Yes, I am.

  (    )15. Can you do some washing?

  a. Yes, please.   b. Sure. c. Thank you.

  (    )1. The students in our class__________ different primary schools.

  A. is from     B. are come from      C. comes from    D. are from

  (    )2. We go to school__________ Monday ________ Friday.

  A. from ... and     B. both ...and   C. from ... to   D. and...and

  (    )3. Would you ________ a cup of tea?

  A. like    B. to     C. at    D. for

  (    )4. Do they get__________________ school early?

  Yes, they do.

  A. on   B. to   C. at    D. for

  (    )5. They live ____________ the _________ floor.

  A. in...five     B. in...fifth   C. on ...fifth     D. on ...five

  (    )6. He usually goes to school_________ underground.

  A. on     B. in    C. by    D. to

  (    )7. Do you live far___________ school?

  No, I don’t. I live near here.

  A. for   B. to   C .at   D. from

  (    )8. I get up very early____________ weekdays.

  A. on    B. in   C. at   D. to

  (    )9. _________ do you go to work? On foot.

  A. What   B. How   C. Where  D. What time

  (    )10. What‘s your favourite book?

  I like books ________ animals.

  A. to   B. for    C. about   D. in

  (    )1. There’s _________ apple tree in our garden.

  Under _________ tree, there is ________ young man.

  A. a; the; a     B. an; the; the   C. an; the; a   D. the; the; a

  (    )2. ---Whose watch is this?

  ---Is it a black _________?

  A. it            B. one            C. this            D. that

  (    )3. There aren‘t _______ pears _______the tree.

  A. some; on      B. any; in     C. some; in    D. any; on

  (    )4. ---What can you see in the bag?

  ---_________. Oh, they are pencil-boxes.

  A. All right    B. No,  I can’t    C. Thanks   D. Let me see

  (    )5. ---Excuse me, do you have any erasers?


  A. It‘s my pleasure      B. Sorry, I can’t

  C. OK, here you are     D. Yes, here you are

  (    )6. There __________ some books and a clock

  on the desk. The clock ________three hands.

  A. are; is     B. is; has    C. are; has     D. have; has

  (    )7. ---____________ is your shirt?

  ---It‘s black and white.

  A. What    B. What colour   C. Which    D. Where

  (    )8. It’s time ______________.

  A. play basketball  B. to go to bed   C. playing games

  D. for the supper

  (    )9. Here‘s a letter ______ Kate. She’s ill _____ home.

  A. to; in     B. from; for     C. for; at     D. at; from

  (    )10. ---Is this computer ______________?

  ---No, it‘s not _____________.

  It’s my _____________.

  A. yours; my; brother     B. your; mine; brother

  C. his; hers; brother‘s   D. yours; mine; brother’s

  (    )1. Classes begin            seven fifty-five.

  A. in   B. on  C. at   D. for

  (    )2. They often help            .

  A. I  B. mine  C. my   D. me

  (    )3. I want          a map of China .

  A. buy    B. is buying  C. to buy    D. am buying

  (    )4. Is it a picture          your school?

  A. of   B. to  C. and   D. with

  (    )5. Do you like          ?

  A. swim  B. swimming   C. are swimming   D. swim, too

  (    )6. The man          a stick(手杖)is my grandpa.

  A. and  B. of   C. with    D. for

  (    )7. Who‘s the lady       blue?

  A. in   B. on   C. at      D. with

  (    )8. We usually stay       home         Saturday afternoon.

  A. at...in   B. at...on    C. in...at    D. on...on

  (    )9. A: It’s a white shirt, is it yours? B: No,        is yellow.

  A. I   B. My    C. Mine      D. Me

  (    )10.          any men in the room?

  A. Is there      B. Are there

  C. There aren‘t  D. There isn’t

  (    )11. The bed          the right is yours.

  A. on   B. in   C. at         D. of

  (    )12. Look at          picture.

  A. one   B. the one   C. first   D. the  first

  (    )13. These books are my           .

  A. students   B. students‘s   C. students’    D. students  of

  (    )14. My parents often tell me        China.

  A. about   B. from   C. for    D. by

  (    )15.           any food in the fridge?

  A. Are there   B. Is there   C. Have   D. Has

  (    )1. I like English. How        you?

  A. are   B. do     C. about

  (    )2. Does Su Hai have          hobbies?

  A. some  B. any    C. all

  (    )3. The girl usually plays the violin      Sunday morning.

  A. at    B. in     C. on

  (    )4. He     to school from Monday to Friday.

  A. go    B. goes   C. going

  (    )5.       am your English teacher. Please listen to     .

  A. I, mine  B. I, me    C. you, my

  (    )6. Kate      blue eyes. Her hair       brown.

  A. has, is    B. has, are     C. have, is

  (    )7. The boy draws          .

  A. careful    B. carefully    C. be careful

  (    )8. Put your hands       your head and turn       left and right.

  A. on, /      B. on, to       C. with, /

  (    )9. This is Ben. He is from         . He speaks          .

  A. the USA, American  B. American, English

  C. the USA, English

  (    )10. Give me      orange,please. I want     big orange.

  A. an, an    B. a,an     C. an,a

  (    )1. Ben _______ morning exercises now.

  A. do   B. does   C. doing   D. is doing

  (    )2. _______ you like watching TV? Yes, I do.

  A. Are  B. do    C. does   D. Can

  (    )3. He usually _______ breakfast at 6:30.

  A. has  B. have  C. do     D. does

  (    )4. The boy is good ______ drawing.

  A. on   B. at    C. in     D. are

  (    )5. My cousin ___      _____ Paris next Spring Festival.

  A. visits  B. is visiting  C. visit   D. will visit

  (    )6. The girl often ________ home at 5:00.

  A. go   B. go to   C. goes   D. is going

  (    )7. They go to school ___ ___.

  A. by foot  B. on foot  C. on bike  D. take bike

  (    )8. Do you play the piano            ?

  A. badly  B. bad   C. good   D. nice

  (    )9. There ________ some milk in the bottle.

  A. has  B. are   C. have  D. is

  (    )10. Whose present is it?  It‘s ___  .

  A. I    B. me    C. my    D. mine

  (    )11. We often _______ games after school.

  A. playing  B. plays  C. play  D. do

  (    )12. What would you like?   I’d like _     ________.

  A. two piece of bread     B. two piece of breads

  C. two pieces of bread    D. two pieces of breads

  (    )14. ________ does your first class begin?   At 8.00.

  A. What  B. When   C. Where    D. Why

  (    )15. My hobby is ________ pets.

  A. keeping   B. keep  C. keeping   D. to keep



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