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来源: 发布时间: 2009-10-30 16:35:29 游览次数: 0 已有评论: 0

  听力部分(30%)  1、Listen and circle. (听录音, 圈出你听到的字母组合。)(5%)  1). CD AC 2)....



  1、Listen and circle. (听录音, 圈出你听到的字母组合。)(5%)

  1).  CD  AC      2).  gf  dh    3).  zyi  kup

  4).  beo   wfq     5).  LMN  JRT

  2、Listen and circle.(听录音,直接圈出与你所听内容相符的图片。)(5%)

  1).                       2).                     3).

  4).                                                                      5).

  3、Listen and choose.(听录音,选出你听到的单词,把字母写在括号里。)(10%)

  1)  A、tomorrow     B、tonight     C、next weekend              (  )

  2)  A、newspaper    B、magazine    C、post card              (  )

  3)  A、go to school    B、take a trip    C、buy a book           (  )

  4)  A、theme park    B、the Great Wall   C、shoe store           (  )

  5)  A、this morning   B、this evening   C、this afternoon         (  )

  4、Listen and tick or cross. “√”or “×”(根据听到的句子,判断图片正误,对的画“√”,错的画“×”)(10%)

  1(    )     2(    )      3(   )     4(     )   5(    )


  1、 Look and write.(写出相邻的小写或大写字母)(5%)

  1).       K           2).      d           3).       G

  4).       y           5).      M

  2、 Look and choose.(看图选择正确的单词或短语.)(10%)

  1).                 2).                       3).

  4).                          5).

  3、Look and write.(看图片,写出每组不同类的单词)(10%)

  1). dictionary/ bus/ notebook

  2).sneaker/slipper/ cinema

  3). magazine/newspaper/orange

  4).watch TV/ take a trip/ bedroom

  5).plant/fruit shop/ pet shop

  4、 Choose and write.(选择正确单词,将括号中的单词填入四线格中)(10%)

  1). What are you doing                (together、tomorrow)?

  2).I am going to                (plant、shop) trees.

  3). I am going to buy a                (comic、cinema ) book.

  4).Where are you going? I‘m going to the              . (bookstore、tonight)

  5).When are you going to the cinema?                .(Tonight、Buy a book)

  5、 Read and choose(读一读,选择恰当的选项填入括号中。)(15%)

  (    )1).Nice to meet you!

  A. I’m fine, thank you!  B. Nice to meet you, too.

  (    )2).What are you going to do this weekend?

  A、I‘m going to visit my grandparents. B、I often do homework.

  (    )3).We are going to _______.

  A、comic book   B、take a trip

  (    )4).When are you going ?

  A、This afternoon.  B、That’s great.

  (    )5).I am going to the supermarket with  ________ .

  A、this evening   B、my mother

  (    )6).Where are you going tomorrow?

  A、It‘s on the left.   B、I’m going to the shoe store.

  (    )7).What is Sarah going to do this afternoon?

  A、She is going to plant trees.  B、She is tall.

  (    )8).I am going to buy an English book in the _______.

  A、bookstore   B、cinema

  (    )9). Zhang Peng is going _______.

  A、need  B、by bike

  (    )10).Where are you going play sports?

  A、你到什么地方去游泳? B、你到什么地方去进行体育运动?

  (    )11).I am going to the cinema.


  (    )12).I am going at 8 o‘clock.

  A、我将在8点钟去。  B、我将在下午去。

  (    )13).我明天要去上海。

  A、I am going to Shang Hai tomorrow.  B、I go to Shang Hai tomorrow.

  (    )14).你明天几点去主题公园?

  A、What are you going to do?  B、When are you going to the theme park?

  (    )15).约翰将要去买一本字典。

  A、 John is going to buy a dictionary.  B、John is going at 9 o’clock.

  6、 Look and match 。(看一看,连线。)(10%)

  1).How are you.                               My name is Jack.

  2).What are you going to do?                    At 18:00.

  3).What‘s your name?                          Fine, thank you.

  4).When are you going to the cinema?             I am going to buy a book.

  5).Where are you going this afternoon?            I am going to the hospital.

  7、Write.(抄写句子。) (10%)

  1、What are you going to do tonight?

  2、I am going to read a magazine.

  3、Where is Wu Yifan going next week?

  4、He is going to the Beijing.

  5、I am going to visit my grandparents this weekend.


  1.1)AC  2)gf  3)kup  4)wfq  5)LMN

  2.1)post card  2) comic book  3)magazine  4)pen  5)dictionary

  3. 1)I am going to visit my grandparents next weekend.

  2) Father is going to read newspaper tonight.

  3)Tom is going to buy a book.

  4) My family is going to the Great Wall next week.

  5)When are you going to Luqiao? I am going to Luqiao this afternoon.

  4 1)What are you going to buy after school?  I am going to buy a pair of shoes.

  2)When are you going to the hospital? At 9:00.

  3)What are you going to do on the weekend? I am going to buy a comic book.

  4)What are you going to do this evening . I am going to read a magazine.

  5)How do you go to school? I go to school by bike.



小升初半年倒计时 备考过程中要注意什么?
中学“重文轻艺”现状严重 只因中考用不上




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