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来源: 发布时间: 2009-10-30 16:33:51 游览次数: 0 已有评论: 0

  学校:__________ 班级:________ 姓名:__________  第一部分:听力(30点)  一.听音,选择听到的单词...


  学校:__________  班级:________  姓名:__________



  1.(  )A. bike  B. like  C. hide  D. high

  2.(  )A. me   B. see   C. ski   D. sleep

  3.(  )A. March  B. May  C. July  D. June

  4.(  )A. date  B. cake  C. make  D. hay

  5(  )A. dark  B. glass  C. class  D. grass


  1.(  )A. I went to Dalian.  B. I ate a lot of dumplings.

  2.(  )A. Yes, I have.  B. I‘ve got a desk and a chair.

  3.(  )A. No, I don’t.  B. I don‘t like it.

  4.(  )A. I’m from Anshan.  B. I live in Anshan.

  5.(  )A. It‘s in November.   B. It’s in September.


  Old Smith is a very,very ____man. He knows ______, he thinks.One day, a boy called Sam asked him ______the Great Wall is. Old Smith told Sam it‘s in ____.Samasked him how______ the Great Wall is. Old Smith told Sam it’s 5,000______long.Sam asked him _____old the Great Wall is. Old Smith told Sam it‘s ______of years old._____ Sam told old Smith it is _____more than 2,000 years old.



  1.(  )I’m visiting my uncle______ the summer.

  A. at   B. for   C.in

  2.(  )She can ______ some Japanese.

  A.say   B. talk   C. speak

  3.(  )Let‘s write a poem _____ English.

  A. with   B. in   C. to

  4.(  )Can I write _____ my friend.

  A. to   B. for   C. in

  5.(  )Can you tell me _____ Chinese New Year?

  A. to   B. for   C. about

  6.(  )Christmas is a very important festival _____ many countries.  A. in   B. at   C. for

  7.(  )Christmas is ____ the 2th. of December.

  A. on   B. in   C. at

  8.(  ) Thanksgiving is _____ November.

  A. at   B. in   C. for

  9.(  )Have you got any stamps____ America?

  A. from   B. for   C. in

  10.(  )I _____ my friend in the street yesterday.

  A. meted   B. meets   C. met


  1.go to the Great Wall        6. 颐和园

  2. at the weekend              7. 在街道上

  3. Where do you come from?    8. 集邮

  4. go swimming                9. 一张海南岛照片

  5. Pleased to meet you.       10. 二百棵树


  1.same(反义词)______   6.write(过去式)_______

  2. put(现在分词)________  7.speak(过去式)_______

  3.builing(复数)________  8.see(过去式)_____

  4.please(形容词)________  9.took(原形)_______

  5.beautiful(同义词)_______  10.many(比较级)_______


  1. The Great Wall is ten thousands Li long.

  A                         B        C

  2. I’m putting my new stamps into my album.

  A                    B       C

  3. Christmas is a very important festival in many countrys.

  A                            B              C

  4. I can speaking some English.

  A    B             C

  5. Are you want to be my pen pal?

  A       B      C

  八.作文:以 Christmas 为题。要求:描述清楚,语句通顺,表达准确,字迹工整。至少50个词(10点)





  ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________


  1. Where did you go last night? ________________________

  2. What did you see? _________________________

  3. What did you eat? _________________________

  4. Did you have a good time there? _______________

  *Please check your answer sheet again before handing in.



小升初半年倒计时 备考过程中要注意什么?
中学“重文轻艺”现状严重 只因中考用不上




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