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来源: 发布时间: 2009-10-30 16:31:24 游览次数: 0 已有评论: 0

  (?)1. The car is _______.  A. Tom and Jim B. Tom‘s and Jim’s C. Tom and J...


  (?)1. The car is _______.

  A. Tom and Jim  B. Tom‘s and Jim’s  C. Tom and Jim‘s  D. Tom’s and Jim

  (?)2. _______ girl is Mary? That girl.

  A. Whose  B. Who  C. What  D. Which

  (?)3. It‘s time _______ play games.

  A. for   B. on   C. to   D. about

  (?)4. Which of the two _______ books Lily’s ?

  A. is    B. are   C. have   D. has

  (?)5. _______ school is big ,but _______ is small.

  A. Our, their   B. Our, theirs   C. Ours, their     D. us, theirs

  (?)6. The boy _______ the bike is my brother.

  A. on    B. by    C. in    D. about

  (?)7. The watch in my pocket looks like _______.

  A. you  B. your    C. yours     D. him

  (?)8. This is _______ picture of _______ White family.

  A. a , a    B. the , the     C. a , the     D. a ,×

  (?)9. They go to school _______ seven thirty.

  A. on     B. about at    C. at about      D. about

  (?)10. _______ morning we read English.

  A. In     B. Every     C. On     D. At

  (?) 11. Look at your new clothes. Please ________.

  A. put it on    B. put    on it    C. put them on    D. put on them

  (?) 12. “Aren‘t you American?” “_____. I’m English.”

  A. No, I am.    B. Yes, I‘m not.    C. No, I’m not.   D. Yes, I am.

  (?) 13.Tom looks ______Jack. They‘re twins.

  A. at     B. after     C. up    D. like

  (?) 14. “____ that at the school gate? “ “I think _____Mr Wang.”

  A. Where’s, she‘s    B. What’s, I‘m    C. Who’s, it‘s    D. How’s, you‘re

  (?) 15. The sweater _____our Chinese teacher is old.

  A. with    B. on    C. in     D. under

  (?) 16.I have a ______.

  A. twin sister    B. twin’s sister    C. twin sisters    D. twins sisters

  (?) 17. They‘re _______. They aren’t ______.

  A. Americans, Englishman     B.American, Englishs

  C. Americans, Englishmen     D. American, Englishmen

  (?) 18. The boys ______a football. It‘s new.

  A. there are   B. there is   C. there have   D. there has

  (?) 19.“Can’t you help me now?”“____, I can‘t now.”

  A. Yes   B. No    C. Ok     D. Sorry

  (?) 20. Which is your pen? _____?

  A. A red one and a blue one      B. A red one or a blue one

  C. The red one and the blue one   D. The red one or the blue one

  (?)31.He often helps ______with______ English.

  A.her,her   B.she,her   C.her,she   D.she,she

  (?)32.How many______ are there in your school?

  A.woman teacher B.women teacher C.woman teachers D.women teachers

  (?)33.“Are you ______?”“Yes,we are______ brothers.”

  A.twin,twin  B.twins,twins  C.twins,twin  D.twin,twins

  (?)34.David goes to school ______every day.

  A.by a bike   B.by his bike   C.on his bike   D.on bike

  (?)35.Are______ in the same class?

  A.you,he and I  B.you,I and he   C.he,you and I  D.I,you and he

  (?)36.There’s______ “u” in the word “use”.

  A.a  B.an   C.the  D.×

  (?)37.“______your brother‘s number?”“4”.

  A.What’s  B.How many   C.How   D.How old

  (?)38.That‘s ______bus.

  A.English   B.his   C.Japanese   D.he

  (?)39.“Thank you very much.”_____________“”.

  A.That’s right.   B.Thank you.   C.Oh,yes,all right D.That‘s all right.

  (?)40. _______a bird. ______name is Polly.

  A.Its,Its  B.It’s,Its   C.It‘s,It’s   D.Its,It‘s



小升初半年倒计时 备考过程中要注意什么?
中学“重文轻艺”现状严重 只因中考用不上




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