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五年级英语试题——第十册Unit 7 练习题

来源: 发布时间: 2009-10-21 21:38:50 游览次数: 0 已有评论: 0





  四会词汇:a face, a game, half, night, on duty, past, a quarter, quick, ready, really

  三会词汇:begin, brush, tooth, yet

  四会句型:What time is it? It‘s time for ...

  I want to ...Do you want to ...?



  1. 我们可以用What’s the time? / What time is it?来询问时间,如:

  -What‘s the time? It’s seven o‘clock.      现在几点钟?七点。

  -What time is it? It’s half past five.   现在几点钟?五点半。

  2. 时间表达法:

  (1) 直接照小时、分钟读。如:

  7: 00  seven o‘clock         9: 30  nine thirty

  5: 25  five twenty-five      3: 06  three o six

  如果所表示的时间是整点,就用“整点+ o’clock”表示,但o‘clock常常可省略。如:7:00可以说seven o’clock,也可以说seven。

  (2) 借助past和to的表达法:

  ① past表达法。分钟数小于30时用past,即表达为“分钟数+past+小时数”,意为“几点过几分”。如:8: 10  ten past eight  10:25  twenty- five past ten

  半点表达为“half + past+ 小时数”。如:6:30  half past six

  ② to表达法。分钟数大于30时用to,表达为“(60-分钟数)+to+(小时数+1)”,即“几点差几分”。如:8:40 (9 点差20 分) twenty to nine

  另外,若分钟数是15或45,通常用a quarter来表示。如:

  5:45   a quarter to six            4:15   a quarter past four



  一、Listen and circle the time what you hear 圈出你所听到的时间

  1  a.            b.            c.            d.

  2  a.            b.            c.            d.

  3  a.            b.            c.            d.

  4  a.            b.            c.            d.

  5  a            b             c            d

  二、 Listen and judge whether the sentences according with the passage you hear听录音,判断下列句子是否与内容相符,用“√”或“×”表示

  (  )1.  Liu Tao gets up at a quarter past six.

  (  )2.  He goes to school at forty past seven.

  (  )4.  He does his homework at half past seven.

  (  )5.  He watches TV at nine o‘clock.

  (  )6.  He goes to bed at ten.


  三、Complete the word in the sentences according to the context and the given alphabet根据句意及首字母提示,在横线上写出单词,补全句子

  1  Are you r   _   , boys and girls? Let’s begin our lesson.

  2  It‘s a q    _   past eight. Shall we read magazines?

  3  I am w    _   my face and b_______ my t   _    now.

  4  Lucy, we are late for the party. Be q   _   , please.

  5  Lucy and Lily are twins. They are the s   _    age.

  6  I’m very b    _  , I have no time for r_______.

  四、Reading comprehension.  Answer the questions to the passage阅读理解,回答问题

  The Sawyers live at 87 King Street. In the morning, Mr Sawyer goes to work and the children go to school. Mrs Sawyer stays at home every day. She does the housework in the morning.

  In the afternoon, Mrs sawyer usually sees her friends. In the evening ,the children come home from school early. Mr Sawyer comes home late.

  At night , the children do their homework. Mr Sawyer usually reads newspapers. And Mrs Sawyer watches TV. They Go to bed at ten o‘clock.

  1. Where do the Sawyers live?


  2. What does Mrs Sawyer do in the morning?


  3. Who comes home early in the evening?


  4. When do they go to bed?


  5. Who watches TV at night?



  一、There’s a mistake in each sentence, circle it and then correct it in the blank 圈出句中的一处错误并改正

  (   ) 1  - Are you want to join them?  - Yes, but I‘m doing my homework.

  A      B     C                    D ______________

  (   ) 2  - What’s time is it? - It‘s half past six. Let’s read English.

  A                  B       C    D  ______________

  (   ) 3  Paul goes to school on foot on twelve to eight.

  A        B       C         D         ______________

  (   ) 4  Put your left hands on your right shoulder, please.

  A         B   C         D            ______________

  (   ) 5  What does Joe usually do at Saturdays?

  A   B       C          D             ______________

  (   ) 6  Lisa works from eight in the morning at eight in the evening.

  A            B      C      D ________________

  二、Find out the words contain the sound of the underlined parts in word “park” 找出含有与单词划线部分发音相同的音素词,填在横线上

  1. The Red Army marched past the farmyard.

  __________  __________  __________  __________

  2. Half the class have passed the test.

  _________  _________  _________

  3. The party stopped at half past nine.

  ________  _________  _________

  4. From far, the farms look larger than they are.

  ________  _________  _________  _________

  5. These vases are from my father, my aunt, and my classmates.

  _________  _________  _________  _________  _________

  三、Try to translate the poem 将以下的诗歌译成中文

  Money Isn‘t Everything


  Money can buy a housebut not a home.


  Money can buy a bed  but not sleep.


  Money can buy a clock  but not time.


  Money can buy a book  but not knowledge.(知识)


  Money can buy food      but not an appetite (食欲,胃口).


  Money can buy position(权位)  but not respect.


  Money can buy blood  but not life.


  Money can buy medicine  but not health.


  Money can buy insurance(保险)  but not safety.



小升初半年倒计时 备考过程中要注意什么?
中学“重文轻艺”现状严重 只因中考用不上




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