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来源: 发布时间: 2009-10-21 20:25:29 游览次数: 0 已有评论: 0

  听力 (22%)  一.听录音,把编号填在括号内. (10%)  ( )1. a: bread b: read c:red  ( )2. a: f...


  听力 (22%)

  一.听录音,把编号填在括号内. (10%)

  (   )1. a: bread       b: read         c:red

  (   )2. a: fine        b:  nine        c:shine

  (   )3. a: 57358       b: 53785        c:57385

  (   )4. a: 6313801     b: 6133081      c:6130813

  (   )5. a: What are you doing?     b: Where are you going now?

  c: How are you going there?

  (   )6. a: Many boys are playing football in the playground.

  b: Many girls are playing games behind the house.

  c: Many pupils are playing in front of the house.

  (   )7. a: Is it rainy today?        b: Is it snowy today?

  c: Is it windy today?

  (   )8. a: The girls in white can draw a cat.

  b: The boy in blue can draw a dog.

  c: The man in black can draw birds.

  (   )9. a: have a lesson    b: have no lessons   c: have lunch

  (   )10.a: half past six   b: half past seven  c: half past eight

  二.听录音回答,把编号填在括号内. (5%)

  (   ) 1. a: She is reading a book.      b: Miss Green is writing.

  c: He is washing his face.

  (   ) 2. a: It‘s time for English class.     b: It’s fine today.

  c: It‘s half past eleven.

  (   ) 3. a: He’s in the office.        b: She‘s having lunch now.

  c: They’re playing ball games.

  (   ) 4. a: Yes, they can speak Chinese quickly.

  b:  No, he can‘t speak English quickly.

  c: Yes, I can.

  学校 五( )班 姓名            学号    得分

  (   ) 5. a: There are many apples in my right hand.

  b: There are ten apples in my left hand.

  c: I have two apples in my right hand.

  三.听录音判断,相符的用“T”,不符的用“F”. (7%)

  (   ) 1.现在是八点三十分.       (   ) 2.汤姆在看电视.

  (   ) 3.迈克会讲英语.           (   ) 4.现在是吃饭的时间了.

  (   ) 5.露丝想买些苹果.         (   ) 6.在我们校园前有一所公园.

  笔试 (78%)

  一.正确书写下列句子.   (6%)

  how many pictures are there on the wall

  what are you doing

  i am cleaning the window

  二.根据要求写单词.   (10%)

  1.look(近义词)        2.shut(-ing)          3.having(原形)

  4.they(所有格)        5.write(同音词)       6.come(反义词)

  7.shoe(复数)          8.libraries(单数)

  9.swimming(原形)       10.dance(-ing)

  三.中译英.   (12%)

  6:00                   1:30                听音乐

  上英语课               看电视              擦自行车

  讲中文                 起床                画只狗

  关门                   读书                玩游戏

  四.用“I,he,she,you,we,they”填空.   (7%)

  1. A: Can your father draw a bird?        B:No,     can’t.

  2. Mary and May are only three.      can‘t read and write.

  3. Is that girl Linda? Can     swim?

  4. A: Dad, can      go out?     B:No,      can’t.

  5. Tim and      are from Shanghai.      like Shanghai very much.

  五.选择填空.  (15%)

  (  ) 1. A: Can I listen to the radio now?   B:    .

  a: Yes, I can.     b:No, you can‘t.    c: Yes, you are.

  (  ) 2. A: How are you, Tom?      B:    .

  a: Nice.    b:Fine,thank you.    c:With pleasure.

  (  ) 3. A: What is Peter doing?   B:    .

  a: Having a lunch.     b: Have supper.     c: He’s reading.

  (  ) 4. A: What are you?     B:    .

  a: I am Tom.    b: My name is Tom.       c: I am a nurse.

  (  ) 5. A: Can you speak English,Li Ling?    B:    .

  a: No,I don‘t.    b:No,I can’t.     c:No,I am not.

  (  ) 6.It‘s half past eleven. It’s time for    .

  a: breakfast     b:lunch      c:supper

  (  ) 7.     Mr Li doing now?     a:What     b:What‘s    c:Where

  (  ) 8. Don’t     on the wall.  a:draw    b:drawing   c:writing

  (  ) 9. A:     is it now?     B: It‘s half past ten.

  a:What      b:Where      c:What time

  (  )10. What     Tom and Jim doing?    a:are     b:is     c:am

  (  )11.What     the elephants do?      a:is      b:can    c:are

  (  )12. The boys     like music.   a:aren’t   b:don‘t   c:can’t

  (  )13. A: What can I do for you?    B:   milk,please.

  a:/        b:A         c:Many

  (  )14. A:What time?     B:It‘s seven    .

  a:/    b:a clock    c:clock

  (  )15. Peter and I are     books.

  a: reding   b: reading   c: readding

  六.用现在进行时填空.     (8%)

  1.Look! Li Hua      (shut) the window.

  2.It’s nine o‘clock. The pupils      (have) a maths lesson.

  学校 五( )班 姓名            学号

  3.Now your brother is in the room. He     (listen) to the radio.

  4.My father and mother      (have) supper   now.

  5.Look! Many ducks      (swim) in the river.

  6.A: Where are our teachers?   B:They      (be) in the office.

  A: What    they    (do) now?          B:They      (write).

  七.按要求改写句子.   (14%)

  1. There are many teachers in the library.   (一般疑问句)

  2. Peter and I can draw tigers.     (用who提问)

  3. She has many beautiful pictures.     (用I代替she)

  4.Tom and Jack like singing.        (一般疑问句)

  5. That man can speak good Chinese.    (否定句)

  6. What are you doing?   (跳舞)

  7. What is Peter doing?   (开盒子)

  八.情景选择.   (6%)

  1.琳达会跳舞.   a: Linda can dance.    b: Linda is dancing.


  a: Tom is shutting the window.   b: Tom, shut the window.


  a: He can see those boys.    b: He can look at those boys.

  4.看,天上有驾飞机.      a: Look at the plane in the sky.

  b: Look, there is a plane in the sky.

  5.让我们去打乒乓.     a: Let’s go and play pingpong.

  b: We‘re playing pingpong.

  6.请在八点到校.   a: Please come to school at eight.

  b: Please go to school at eight._ at eight._ight._


小升初半年倒计时 备考过程中要注意什么?
中学“重文轻艺”现状严重 只因中考用不上




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