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五年级英语试题——5B 单元检测(Unit 6 - Unit 7)

来源: 发布时间: 2009-10-21 19:31:13 游览次数: 0 已有评论: 0

 听力部分  一、 Listen and judge whether the pictures accords with what you hear判断下列图片...



  一、 Listen and judge whether the pictures accords with what you hear判断下列图片与所听内容是否相符,用“√”或“×”表示(8%)

  1. (   )         2. (   )         3. (   )        4. (   )

  5. (   )         6. (   )         7. (   )        8. (   )

  二、Listen and complete the passage 听录音,完成短文(14%)

  Boys and girls,            in a line, please. Let‘s            some exercise. Now, __________  carefully. __________ your hands on your            __________ and            left and right. Now,            on your back. Lift __________ your left           and touch it with your right          . Do this ten          .OK.          .Let’s            __________ a __________.

  三、Listen and judge whether the sentences according with the passage you hear听录音,判断正误,用“T”或“F”表示(5%)

  (   )1. I get up at half past seven in the morning.

  (   )2. I have lunch at twelve.

  (   )3. I watch TV at half past seven in the evening.

  (   )4. I go to school at a quarter to eight.

  (   )5. I‘m really tired. I want to have a rest.


  四、Read and find out whether the sound of underlined parts are same or not, write an S if they are same, write a D if they are different  判断下列每组单词中划线部分的发音是否相同,用“√”或“×”表示6%

  1     garden         2    ready         3   duty

  party    (    )      really  (    )      busy(    )

  4     night          5    game          6   Monday

  quick (    )      face   (    )      morning  (    )

  五、Rearrange the sentences into a dialogue 重新排列下列句子(8%)

  1.  a. Yes, I do, but I’m on duty today.b. Do you want to join us?

  c. We want to play table tennis.       d. You‘re so busy.

  __________________________________             _

  2. a. It’s half past four.                b. Let‘s hurry.

  c. What time is it?                 d. There’s a basketball game at ten to five.


  3. a. I‘m doing my homework, Mum.  b. Supper’s ready. You can do it later.

  c. OK. I‘m coming. d. It’s six ten. Come and have supper.   ___________________________________

  4. a. Mary, it‘s a quarter to eight. Are you ready for school?

  b. It’s on the bed.

  c. Thank you , Mum. Goodbye!

  d. Not yet. I can‘t find my Maths book. I’m looking for it.

  __________________________________       _    _

  六、Look and complete the dialogues 看图,完成对话 (15%)

  1                    A: Can you _______  the _______ on your head?

  B: No, I         .

  A:           can you do?

  B: I can put it           my finger.

  2                     A:           carefully, son.

  B: Yes, Dad.

  A:           your          on your

  and jump up and down ten          .

  B: All          .


  A: Lie on your         , please.

  B: OK.

  A:   _____ your   _ ___ _______ your fingers.

  七、Rewrite the words according to the instructions 按要求写出下列单词(8%)

  1. try(第三人称单数)__________2. everybody(近义词)__________

  3. up(对应词)__________4. left(对应词)__________

  5. lie(现在分词)__________6. them(主格)__________

  7. carefully(形容词)__________8. students(所有格)__________

  八、Find out the answers in column B to the questions in column A 在B栏中找出A栏的答句(8%)

  A                                  B

  (   ) 1. What day is it today?            A. I‘ve got a fever.

  (   ) 2. Put the hands on your head.       B. It’s 8360924.

  (   ) 3. Can you put the toy on your finger?C. She grows flowers.

  (   ) 4. What‘s wrong with you?      D. It’s Sunday.

  (   ) 5. May I speak to Jim King?E. Sorry, I can‘t.

  (   ) 6. Does he like drawing pictures?       F. All right.

  (   ) 7. What’s his telephone number?    G.. Yes, this is Jim speaking.

  (   ) 8. What does Lisa usually do?         H. No, he doesn‘t.

  九、Complete the sentences with the proper forms用适当的形式填空(12%)

  1. Do you like _________ (jump)?

  Please ________ (jump) up and down three times.

  Li Lei ________ (jump) high.

  2. They are ________( have) an English lesson.

  The bird in the picture ________(have) nine heads and one neck.

  Let’s _________ (have) a rest.

  3. The boy ________(be) standing behind the window.

  I ________(be) not at home this afternoon.

  Don‘t _________(be) shy. Speak loudly, please.

  4. The policeman ________(order) the man to leave().

  This office gives us an ________(order).

  Mr Ma is giving ________(order).

  十、Circle the mistakes and then correct them 圈出句中的一到两处错误并改正(10%)

  1. This little boy is sitting in her mother’s knees.


  2.The teacher is giving order his students.


  3.My father play basketball with me every Sunday.


  4. A rabbit have two long ear.


  5.Put your foot together and jump for six times.


  十一、Reading comprehension.  Answer the questions to the passages阅读理解,并回答问题(6%)

  Billy is seven years old now. He‘s in Grade Two. The school is near his home. So he goes to school on foot and gets home at about four o’clock in the afternoon. But today he is late. His mother asks him, “Why are you late today?”

  “I‘m in the teachers’ office.” “Why do you go to the teachers‘ office?” “Because my teacher asks a question in class, and no one can answer it, but I can.” “ “It’s good to answer the teacher‘s question.” “But the question is: Who puts ink(墨水) on my chair?”

  1. How does Billy go to school?


  2. Is Billy Late for school today?


  3. Does Billy go home late every day?


  4. What’s Billy‘s age?


  5. Why does Billy go home late today?


  6. What time does Billy usually go home in the afternoon?



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