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五年级英语试题——5ABook9 M7-8

来源: 发布时间: 2009-10-21 19:13:29 游览次数: 0 已有评论: 0

  一、将单词补充完整  1 blin_(盲的) 2 spec_al(特别的) 3 hea_(听见)  4 f_re(火) 5 ins__de...



  1 blin_(盲的)   2 spec_al(特别的)  3 hea_(听见)

  4 f_re(火)      5 ins__de(在....里面) 6 saf_(安全的)     7 li_e(排  队)

  8 morning ___________(早操)   9 m_ss(想念)10 bre__k(休息)


  is___(      )   are___(       )  can___(       )can‘t___(       )

  find___(      )  have____(       )get___(      )  laugh___(       )

  read_____(      ) paint____(     )


  1 Happy Mother’s Day!            A儿童节快乐

  2 Happy Birthday!                 B教师节快乐

  3 Merry Christmas!                C母亲节快乐

  4 Happy Children‘s Day!           D生日快乐

  5 Happy New Year!               E圣诞节快乐

  6 Happy Teacher’s Day!            F 新年快乐


  hot   ice    man   court   train   dog   tennis   fire   station  cream

  例:police+man= policeman (警察)

  1 ___________+___________ →___________

  2 ___________+___________ →___________

  3 ___________+___________ →___________

  4 ___________+___________ →___________

  5 ___________+___________ →___________


  1 This dog can help him.


  2 Can Fifi help the blind people? No , he can‘t . He only wants to play.


  3 She couldn’t speak then. She can speak now.


  4It could hear the people.


  5 They sing songs together every morning.


  6 English children can have fun at break time.



  1 There‘s a TV ______(show / shows) about dogs.

  2 This elephant _________(don’t / can‘t ) play football.

  3 There _______( was/were) a fire.

  4 ____(Are/Can) you hear?

  5 We _______( did / do ) morning exercises evey day..

  6 _____(Can/Are) you read it?

  7 It ______( finishes / finishing) at 8 o’clock.

  8 There are ________(a lot / lots of) games.

  9 He ________( could/ couldn‘t ) play basketball ,but he could play football..

  10 Let’s _____(drawing/draw) the pictures.


  1 can / dog / help / this / him

  2 Fifi / help / can / the / blind / people

  3 couldn‘t / she / speak /then

  4 could / it / hear / the / people

  5 had / a / but / they / special/ dog

  6 couldn’t / they / help / the /people

  7  they / sit / around / tables / in England

  8  sit / in / lines / we / in / China

  9  morning / exercises/ we / do

  10  every / morning / they / sing/ songs /together

  11  English / children / can / fun / at / have / time /break

  12  every / day / they / homework / do


  1 In England ,the children sit around tables.(      )

  2 In China, We finish school at five o‘clock.(       )

  3 In China, the children sit in lines.(      )

  4 In England, they start school at eight o’clock.(      )

  5 In England , they do morning exercises.(       )

  6 In China, We start school at 8 o‘clock.(       )


  1 What time do you get up?


  2 What time does your school start?


  3 What time does it finish?


  4 What do you do at break time?


  5 Whar is your favourite subject?


  7 What time do you go to bed?




小升初半年倒计时 备考过程中要注意什么?
中学“重文轻艺”现状严重 只因中考用不上




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