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来源: 发布时间: 2009-10-20 20:43:51 游览次数: 0 已有评论: 0

  I.判断每组单词中划线部分的读音是否一致,可√或×1分*4=4分  ( )1. A. about B. now C. k...



  ( )1. A. about B. now C. know

  ( )2. A. tree B. three C. train

  ( )3. A. watch B. after C. garden

  ( )4. A. bus B. cup C. build

  II. 按单词的中文意思填入所缺字母。 2分*12=24分

  1.ele ha t (大象) 2.r_ _m (房间) 3.sn_ke (蛇) 4. s _hoolbag (书包)

  5. g at (通常) 6. h_m_ (家) 7. sl_ _p (睡觉) 8. t ger (老虎)

  9. c t (猫) 10. d ck (鸭子) 11.bi d(小鸟) 12.d g (狗)

  III. 将下列单词或词组和对应的中文意思用直线连接。1分*5=5分

  bike 摩托车

  Bus 动物

  Helicopter 自行车

  Motorbike 公共汽车

  Animal 直升飞机


  1. have breakfast              5.吃蛋糕

  2. Throw a ball                6 .唱歌

  3. Kick a ball                 7.一条鱼

  4. Play with a dog          8.一头牛


  apple bus egg car bike banana cake jeep ship orange tea t train



  VI. 联词组句3分*5=15分

  1.the classroom go I to bike by __________________________________

  2. do you to go Shanghai how _______________________________ ____ ?

  3.foot I go there on _____________ ______________________

  4. many are books there how ___________________________________ ?

  5.are doing what you ___________________________________ ?


  1.Do you go to qingdao by or by plane?

  I go there by .

  2.what‘s your name ?

  My name is

  3.How do you go to school?

  I go to school

  VIII.将下列句子翻译成汉语 (共9分1小题4分,2小题5分)

  1.What do you do every day? I learn English, read books and play games.(4分)

  2.I drink milk and eat cakes every day .I like to eat fish, but I don’t like to chicken.


  This is my bedroom. You can see a desk in it. There are some books on the desk. The walls are white and the windows are green.



  一. words

  [1]  请写出5个元音字母,大小写(10分)

  [2] 听一听,选一选(8分)

  (   )1) A. mat   B. cat     (    ) 2) A. fish  B. leg

  (   )3) A. dog   B. fish    (    ) 4) A. bus   B. cup

  (   )5) A. lamp  B. bag    (    ) 6) A. box   B. dog

  (   )7) A. clock B. brush   (    ) 8) A. lemon B. desk

  [3]. 写出听到的单词  10分

  [4]. 写出下列单词的中文意思  10分

  Goat          crocodile          chick          armchair

  Helicopter        snake         giraffe           tiger

  [5]. 写出下列单词的拼写  10分

  老鼠         猴子        河马        蜘蛛        小鸟

  鸭子         小马        鸭子        小鱼        小羊

  [6]. 你能写出几个交通工具呢    2分#8=16分

  二、 sentences

  [1] .我能翻译出下列句子  20分

  1. How do you go to Shanghai?   I go there by plan.

  2.Do you go to school by bus or by bike?

  3.What do monkeys like to eat?

  4.What animals do you like ?    I like dogs.

  [2] 我能用英语翻译出下列句子 6分


  [3]  copy it

  I love monkeys, dogs. cats, and birds.

  Who do you do every day?  I learn English and read books.



小升初半年倒计时 备考过程中要注意什么?
中学“重文轻艺”现状严重 只因中考用不上




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