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来源: 发布时间: 2009-10-20 16:08:06 游览次数: 0 已有评论: 0

  第一 部分:听力(20%)  一、听音,选出发音不同的单词.(读2遍,10%)  1. ( ) A book B good C...


  第一 部分:听力(20%)


  1. (  ) A book     B good         C school

  2. (  ) A see        B head    C teacher

  3. (  ) A early  B bear    C pear

  4. (  ) A boy        B toy        C boat

  5. (  ) A star        B warm  C party


  (  )          (  )          (  )

  (  )                     (  )

  第二部分: 笔答 (80%)

  一、 择适当的字母。 (20%)

  (  )1. g_ld       A. e              B. c            C. o

  (  )2. m_de      A. i              B. a            C. e

  (  )3. so_n       A.y              B.c             C.o

  (  )4. w_nt       A. i              B. e            C. o

  (  )5. s_w        A. a              B. i            C. u

  (  )6. bre_k      A. o              B. i            C. a

  (  )7. h_d        A. a              B. e            C. o

  (  )8. w  sh      A.u              B. o            C. a

  (  )9. Kn_ _      A. ee             B. i r           C. a i

  (  )10. c_t        A. e              B. u           C. n


  went,   cut,         washed,   fell     ,  over

  1.We _________to the Great Wall.   2.She________her finger.

  3.He       his trousers, yesterday. 4. Then she fell  _______.

  5. She _______off her bike.


  1. Where ______ she live?

  A. does            B. had             C. did

  2. Yesterday _____ National Day.

  A. make            B. was            C. took

  3. ______ you break your toy?

  A. Had             B. Have           C. Did

  4. We ________ a good time.

  A. had              B. are            C.  does

  5.Sam fell _____ his bike.

  A. off               B. over            C. of

  6. He invented this bicycle _____1839.

  A. on              B. with             C. in

  7 .Chinese people __________important things.

  A. gets            B. printed           C. invented

  8.Where did you ______?

  A. went           B. go               C. going

  9. Children from England are         .

  A. American     B. English       C. Chinese

  10.I‘ve _______ stomach ache.

  A. get           B. got           C.make

  四、 动词变过去式(5%)

  1. win________    2. play_________      3. cut________

  4. make_______   5. clean_________

  五、 仿造例句做句子。(10%)

  例句: I finished my homework.

  I didn’t finish my homework.

  1.I helped my mum.             2. I cleaned my room.

  ________________________     _________________________

  3.She Played the flute.             4.She watched TV.

  ________________________     _________________________

  六、 阅读。(15%)

  Ma Liang was a good boy. He helped people. He had a paintbrush. It was magic. This old woman didn‘t have food. So Ma Liang painted food. Then the food was real. There was a bad man. He didn’t help people. He took Ma Liang‘s magic paintbrush. The bad man didn’t have gold. So he painted gold with the magic paintbrush. But it didn‘t make gold. It made a snake!

  (  )1. Ma Liang was a ________ boy.

  A. good         B. bad              C. naughty

  (  )2. Ma Liang had a __________.

  A. ship         B. dog             C. paintbrush

  (  )3. The paintbrush was _________.

  A. bad         B. magic            C.  new

  (  )4. The bad man wanted to paint __________.

  A. food         B. a snake          C. gold

  (  )5. But the magic paintbrush made___________.

  A. food          B. a snake          C.  gold


  作文。根据自己的一次旅游情况写一封信,用到下列单词  saw  ate  bought  went  had  climbed  learnt  played  cleaned  finished   (字数 30)  (10%)



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