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来源: 发布时间: 2009-10-20 16:01:01 游览次数: 0 已有评论: 0

    听力力部分  一、 选择你听到的单词(共10分,每题2分)  ( )1 AwinB won C withD winter  (...



  一、 选择你听到的单词(共10分,每题2分)

  (    )1 AwinB won C withD winter

  (    )2 AgoalB gloveC goodD gold

  (    )3 ApracticeB pleaseC policeD prince

  (    )4 A capB catC cutD cup

  (    )5 AhappyB hungryC happened D hurry


  (    )1 AI went to the Great Wall.

  B I live in in London.

  C I am from London.

  (    )2 A I saw a big monster.

  B I ate chocolate biscuits.

  C I played the flute.

  (    )3 ASam went for a bike ride.

  B Sam‘s got a stomach ache.

  C Sam’s got a gold cup.

  (    )4 A Yes, I did.

  B No,he didn‘t.

  C No, I didn’t.

  (    )5 A I bumped my head. B I cleaned my room.

  C I went to school at 6:30 o‘clock.


  bumped  cut  hurt  fell    went

  Yesterday, I        for a bike ride with my friends. We usuallly play in the park. But yesterday, Sam Amy and Lingling were at

  home. Because Sam         off his bike and       his knee. Amy        her finger. And Lingling         her head.



  (   )1Yesterday I didn’t go out. I stayed     home.

  A atB onC in

  (   )2.How many trees were there? There       twenty-four.

  A wereB areC was

  (   )3 This boy      a gold cup in the competition last week.

  A winB wonC wins

  (   )4 What      to you? I hurt my leg.

  A happensB happenedC happening

  (   )5.Did you fall     your bike? Yes, I did.

  A ofB fromC off

  (   )6 When did they      ? They came last Saturday.

  A cameBcomesC come

  (   )7 This boy ate     many biscuits.

  A tooB twoC to

  (   )8 Last Sunday we went     a bike ride.

  A to B forC on

  (   )9 I fell off my bike. And I fell      the watermelon.

  A offB ofC on

  (   )10 Where       you go yesterday? I went to the park.

  A didB doC does

  五、 组词成句(共10分,每题2分)

  1 happened, you, to ,what


  2 my, cut, I, finger


  3 yesterday, eat, what, you, did


  4 a ,got, Amy, has, headache


  5 matter, what‘s, the


  六、 将A组与B组内容联系起来,将其标号填写在前面的括号中(共10分,每题2分)

  A                        B

  (  )1 I’ve got a fever.          A.I ate too many sweets.

  (  )2 I‘ve got a stomach ache.   B.I didn’t sleep.

  (  )3 I‘ve got cold.            C. It was very cold.

  (  )4 I’ve got headache.        D.I ate too much.

  (  )5 I‘ve got toothache.        E. I didn’t wear warm clothes.

  七、 阅读短文,回答问题(共10分,每题2.5分)

  Paris Mouse became angry because London Cat got a big house. He planned to get a big house, too. He ran here and there in Paris for a ling time. In the end, he got a big house in Paris. It was a house in the metro(). He was happy. He told the news to London Cat. London Cat came to see the house and he saw a lot of his things there. He became angry and ran to Paris Mouse. Paris Mouse ran here and there in the big house,but he couldn‘t find a place for him. He fell down from a big table and bumped his head. When he woke up, he told himself, “I don’t need a big house at all.”

  1. Paris Mouse got     .

  A a big tableB a small houseC a big house

  2. London Cat came        a big table.

  Ato seeB seeCseeing

  3. Paris Mouse        a big table.

  Ajumped offB fell offC ran up to

  4 Paris Mouse bumped his

  AheadB legC foot

  八、作文:用yesterday, went, saw, ate, had, fell off, hurt, bumped等描述一下你昨天发生的事情(共10分)



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