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来源: 发布时间: 2009-08-20 18:08:57 游览次数: 0 已有评论: 0

  听力部分(30分)  一、听句子三遍,用英文大写字母写出图的编号。(共6分)  ( )  ( )  ( ) ( ) ...




  (     )

  (     )

  (     )   (     )

  (     )

  (     )


  (     ) 1.  A. Mike will have a five-day holiday.     (     ) 2. A. My uncle is a teacher.

  B. Mike will have a six-day holiday.               B. My uncle is a doctor.

  C. Mike will have a seven-day holiday.            C. My uncle is a manager.

  (     ) 3.  A. The temperature will be 2℃-13℃ tomorrow.

  B. The temperature will be 12℃-30℃ tomorrow.

  C. The temperature will be 22℃-30℃ tomorrow.

  (     ) 4.  A. Janet's best friend is Xiaoling, a tall girl with long blonde hair.

  B. Janet's best friend is Xiaoling, a tall girl with short blonde hair.

  C. Janet's best friend is Xiaoling, a tall girl with long brown hair.

  (     ) 5.  A. Beijing is the capital city of the PRC.

  B. Washington D.C. is the capital city of the USA.

  C. London is the capital city of the UK.

  (     ) 6.  A. There are 1620 desks in my school.

  B. There are 1260 desks in my school.

  C. There are 1026 desks in my school.

  (     ) 7.  A. Lily had a birthday party with her friends yesterday.

  B. Lily is having a birthday party with her friends now.

  C. Lily is going to have a birthday party with her friends tomorrow.


  1. It's going to                  outside. Please                  your umbrella.

  2. Which do you prefer,                   or                   ?

  3. There is a                   banyan opposite the                   canteen.

  4. Mary's brother is a                                          .

  5. The little boy is                   and                   .

  6. That                   man is more than                   kilos.


  (     ) 1. A. It's 65 yuan.           B.  It's 80 yuan.        C. It's 56 yuan.

  (     ) 2. A. Yesterday was Mar. 11th.

  B. Yesterday was Mar. 12th.

  C. Yesterday was Mar. 20th.

  (     ) 3. A. For an hour. B. For half an hour. C. For two hours.

  (     ) 4. A. 30 years old.B. 35 years old. C. 40 years old.

  (     ) 5. A. Yes, she is.B. Yes, she was.C. No, she wasn't.

  (     ) 6. A. There are 20 sheep, 12 chickens, 3 dogs and a horse.

  B. There are 12 sheep, 20 chickens, a dog and 3 horses.

  C. There are 12 sheep, 20 chickens, 3 dogs and a horse.



  (     ) 1. There are three people in Ada's family.

  (     ) 2. Ada's family is preparing for the Spring Festival.

  (     ) 3. Ada's mother is doing some shopping in the supermarket.

  (     ) 4. Ada's sister is decorating the Christmas tree.

  (     ) 5. There are many presents in the stocking.



  Public place (公共场所):_______________________________________________________

  Vegetable (蔬菜):_____________________________________________________________

  Animal (动物):_______________________________________________________________

  Subject (科目):_______________________________________________________________










  Sue   Jane    Amy9.


  1.Don't p                  the flowers, please.

  2.David always p                  computer games on weekends.

  3.Don't go near the tiger. It's very d                  .

  4.It's c                  and windy today.

  5.The girl is w                  clothes.

  6.The girl was s                  because her grandma was ill.

  7.The pupils p                  trees the day before yesterday.

  8.Jane is shorter than Sue and Amy. She is the s                  of the three.

  9.The girl is good at s                  .

  10.This is my aunt. She is a n                  .


  (     ) 1.  How _________ pupils are there in your school?

  A. muchB. manyC. long

  (     ) 2.  Mr. Green is a musician. He's good at playing ___________ piano.

  A. aB. anC. the

  (     ) 3.  I usually go home __________ five o'clock in the afternoon.

  A. atB. inC. on

  (     ) 4.  My sister doesn't have _________ pets.

  A. someB. anyC. a

  (     ) 5.  -Whose is the ruler on the table?

  -It's _________.

  A. meB. myC. mine

  (     ) 6.  My classmates ___________ Hong kong next Saturday.

  A. visitB. visitedC. are going to visit

  (     ) 7.  Elephants are the __________ animals on land.

  A. bigB. biggerC. biggest

  (     ) 8.  I went boating with my father __________.

  A. last SundayB. next SundayC. every Sunday

  (     ) 9.  It's a quarter to five now. The girl _________ the classroom.

  A. cleanB. is cleaningC. cleaned

  (     ) 10. I don't like the film. My uncle doesn't like it, ___________.

  A. eitherB. tooC. also

  (     ) 11. -Would you like some coke?

  - _________________________________.

  A. Yes, I do.B. Yes, here it is!C. No, thanks.

  (     ) 12. -Please lend me your coloured pencils.


  A. No, thanks.B. Ok, here you are. C. No, I don't like you.

  (     ) 13. -Are you free tomorrow?


  A. Yes, I have no time.B. No, I don't.C. No, I'll be busy.

  (     ) 14. -May I speak to Betty?

  - __________________________________.

  A. That's Betty.           B. Speaking.C. I'm Betty.

  (     ) 15. -You shouldn't eat too much ice-cream.


  A. Yes, we do.            B. Yes, please.C. All right.


  1. Is there a book shelf in your bedroom?


  2. What time do you usually have dinner?


  3. What do you want to be when you grow up?


  4. What did you do yesterday evening?


  5. Who is taller, your English teacher or your Chinese teacher?


  6. How do you usually go to school?




  Jiamin: Hello.

  Xiaoling: Hello. This is Xiaoling speaking. ____________________

  Jiamin: _____________________

  Xiaoling: Hi, Jiamin. We are going to have a picnic in the Dafushan Park on Sunday morning.


  Jiamin: That's great! I'd like to. When are you going to leave?

  Xiaoling: We will meet at the school gate at eight o'clock. Don't be late.

  Jiamin: __________________________

  (二)Tourist: Excuse me. ___________________.

  Yongxian: Of course. ______________.

  Take the second right. _______________.

  Tourist: Thank you.

  Yongxian: __________________.




  (     ) 1. The Great Wall is in Shanghai.

  (     ) 2. In Guangzhou, it often snows in winter.

  (     ) 3. There are five stars on the national flag of China.

  (     ) 4. New York is the capital city of America.

  (     ) 5. We have four terms in a school year.

  (     ) 6. Dr Sun Yatsen is the father of modern China.


  (Alan and Ben are classmates. They both live in London. Now they are talking in the classroom.)

  Alan:Excuse me. Are these postcards yours, Ben?

  Ben:Yes, they're my birthday presents from my pen friend in Guangzhou.

  Alan:Look at this postcard. What building is this?

  Ben:It's Zhongxin Building. It's the tallest building in Guangzhou.

  Alan:What is that old building in the park?

  Ben:It's Zhenhai Building. Now it's a museum.

  Alan:This big house looks beautiful. Is it in Guangzhou, too?

  Ben:Yes, it's Sun Yatsen Memorial Hall. Dr. Sun Yatsen was the great revolutionist in China.

  Alan:Do you like Guangzhou?

  Ben:Yes. I went there last year. It's warm there, and it never snows. You can see

  green trees and beautiful flowers in Guangzhou all the year.

  Alan:Is there a river in Guangzhou?

  Ben:Yes, it's the Pearl River. It's the longest river in Guangdong.

  Alan:What about the food in Guangzhou?

  Ben:Very good! The food there is very famous in China. I like the dim-sum and

  sea food best.

  Alan:That sounds great. I wish I could visit Guangzhou on the summer holiday.

  (     ) 1. Whose postcards are these?

  A. They are Alan's.   B. They are Ben's.   C. They are Ben's pen friend's.

  (     ) 2. Which is the tallest building in Guangzhou?

  A. Zhongxin Building.  B. Sun Yatsen Memorial Hall.

  C. Zhenhai Building

  (     ) 3. What's the weather like in Guangzhou?

  A. It's warm.          B. It often snows.     C. It never rains.

  (     ) 4. Did Ben visit Guangzhou last year?

  A. Yes, he did.    B. No, he didn't.   C. He went to Guangzhou last year.

  (     ) 5. Which river is the longest river in Guangdong?

  A. Changjiang River   B. Yellow River        C. Pearl River

  (     ) 6. What's Ben's favourite food in Guangzhou?

  A. The dim-sum and noodles.

  B. The sea food and noodles.

  C. The dim-sum and sea food.


  Leonardo da Vinci

  Leonardo da Vinci was a great artist. He was born in 1452. He was Italian.

  Da Vinci was a very good painter. He began go learn how to paint when he was 14 years old. His most famous picture was the"Mona Lisa". He began to paint it in 1503 and he worked at this picture for 4 years. Da Vinci loved the picture, and he did not sell it to anyone.

  Here is a story about the"Mona Lisa"smile.

  Da Vinci was good at baking(烤)chocolate cakes. Mona Lisa was his good friend, and she loved chocolate cakes very much. One day, Mona Lisa came to visit Da Vinci. Da Vinci was baking chocolate cakes. He said, "Let me paint you, and then we can share (分享) my chocolate cakes." Mona Lisa was very happy. She smiled, and Da Vinci painted her just like that.

  NameLeonardo da Vinci

  Born in



  Time of starting to learn painting

  Famous work (代表之作)

  Be good at






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