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来源: 发布时间: 2009-08-20 18:03:29 游览次数: 0 已有评论: 0

  听力部分(30分)  一、听句子三次,用大写字母给下面的图编号。(8分,每小题1分)  ( ) ( ) ( ...




  (   )      (   )      (   )      (   )      (   )     (   )


  1. (    )  A.Yes, I do.        B. Yes, I'd be glad to.      C. Thank you.

  2. (    )  A. It's Jack.        B. I'm fine.              C. It's Jack's speaking.

  3. (    )  A. No, he isn't.     B. No, he doesn't.         C. No, he can't.

  4. (    )  A. I don't think so.  B. No, I don't.            C. Sure.


  1. We come from _________  _________ ten countries.

  2. We _________ eat too much __________.

  3. She _________ goes to school ___________.

  4. What's the _________ like today?  It's ___________.

  5. _________ the medicine three _________ a day.

  6. Which are the _________, blue whales, elephants or ___________.


  (      ) 1. A. Summer.   B. No, she doesn't.   C. She can wear her skirts.

  (      ) 2. A. By car.    B. By bus.   C. On foot.

  (      ) 3. A. He has a toothache.   B. He has a fever.   C. Yes , he does.

  (      ) 4. A. 1115.      B. 1015       C. 315

  (      ) 5. A. It's rainy.    B. It will be foggy.   C. It is sunny.


  (     ) 1. Mary feels good today.

  (     ) 2. She feels very hot.

  (     ) 3. She wants to go to school.

  (     ) 4. After Mary gets home, she takes the medicine.

  (     ) 5. Mary goes to see the doctor with her mother.



  ①windy    ②foggy    ③beef    ④pork    ⑤cheetah

  ⑥pizza    ⑦wet   ⑧dry    ⑨hot dogs    ⑩eagle

  Animals : ____________________________________________________

  Food :   ____________________________________________________

  Weather : ____________________________________________________


  1.Which do you prefer, hamburgers or pizza?   _______________________________________

  2.What season do you like best? Why?        _______________________________________

  3.Janet feels ill today. What should she do?     _______________________________________

  4.How do you often go to school?            _______________________________________

  5.Does it often rain in Guangzhou in summer?   _______________________________________


  (       ) 1. ______________ some of your classmates come from other countries ?

  A. Is        B. Do        C. Does

  (       ) 2. I'd like to see ___________ eagle.

  A. a         B. an        C. these

  (       ) 3. Jiamin can't _____________ to school on time. So he is always late for class.

  A. get        B. getting       C. gets

  (       ) 4. Ben has ____________ books than Yongxian.

  A. many        B. more        C. most

  (       ) 5. Sally swims ______________ in her class.

  A. best        B. the best        C. better

  (       ) 6. Autumn is always ____________ and cool in China .

  A. hot         B. wet        C. dry

  (       ) 7. What ____________ do you come from ?

  A. country      B. language        C. English

  (       ) 8. ____________ we meet at the gate of the school on Sunday ?

  A. Would       B. Should         C. Shall

  (       ) 9. Sea food is ____________ most famous food in Guangzhou.

  A. a            B. an            C. the

  (       ) 10. There isn't ____________ coffee in the cup.

  A. any         B. some         C. not

  (       ) 11. If (如果) you need the other people to help you, you should say : __________________.

  A. What can I do for you ?    B. Could you help me ?    C. Help me!

  (       ) 12. If (如果) you want to call Miss White , you should say : ________________________.

  A. May I speak to Miss White ?   B. Are you Miss White ?   C. I'm Miss White.

  (       ) 13. 你和Janet 一起吃饭,你想帮她点菜,你该怎么说呢?

  A.Look at the menu, what do you want ?

  B.Janet ,What would you like to have ?

  C.What do you eat ?

  (       ) 14. 如果你去看医生,你会怎么说?

  A.What's the matter ?     B. I don't feel good.  C. Let me give you a checkup.

  (       ) 15. 当你的意见与朋友不一致。

  A. I'm agree with you.    B. I don't agree with you.  C. I'm right. You're wrong.

  (       ) 16.你想与Sally发电子邮件。

  A. Sally, e-mail to me.       B.I prefer e-mail.      C. May I e-mail to Sally?


  visit       move     language     bigger    pupils

  A; I'm going to  _________ to a new school.  It's a nice school..

  B:   Is it  _________ than the old one?

  A:   Yes, it is. And it's beautiful too.

  B:  How many  _________ are there in your new school?

  A:  There are about one thousand.

  B:  What  _________ do you speak at school?

  A:  We speak Chinese and English.

  B:  Can I  _________ your school?

  A:  Sure. Let's go.

  hot     can     bye      drink     put      weather

  temperature       shouldn't          because

  Ben : What's the _____________ like today , Mum ?

  Mrs Webb: It's sunny and _______________, so you should ___________ on you T-shirt .

  Ben : What's the _______________ now ?

  Mrs Webb: It's 35℃.It's very hot today.

  Ben : Wow ! I like hot weather , _________________ I can swim, and eat ice cream.

  __________ I go swimming with Jiamin this afternoon , mum ?

  Mrs Webb: Yes, you can. But you _______________ swim for too long , and you must _____________

  more water .

  Ben : OK, bye-bye , mum.

  Mrs Webb: _____________ !


  1. The new  classroom is b_______ than the old one.

  2. Which subject do you p_______, P.E. or English?

  3. Rose f_______ tired today.

  4. My father often t_______ exercise in the morning.

  6. It's raining.Take your u_________.

  十一、看图读句子,判断句子是否符合图意,如相符,请在括号内写"T",否则写"F"。(7分)(      ) 1. This is a cup of coffee.

  (      ) 2. The cat is going to catch the fish.

  (      ) 3. Look at the card , it's a Queen.

  (      ) 4. The temperature is thirty degrees centigrade now.

  (       ) 5. Tomorrow is Sunday.

  (       ) 6. The old man isn't from Japan.

  (       ) 7. The sweater is thirty-three yuan.

  (1)         (2)       (3)       (4)       (5)      (6)        (7)


  It's a fine Sunday. Mike and Sally are visiting the new zoo in Panyu. They can see many animals at the zoo. Now, they're watching the monkeys. The monkey can climb the hill up and down very well. They like eating fruit. But Mike and Sally can't feed them.

  Now, they're watching the elephant. An elephant is very big. There is a mother elephant and a baby elephant in the zoo. Their noses are very long. They can work with their noses. They can pick up small things into their mouths.

  Then they go to see the cheetahs and pandas. Cheetahs are very dangerous. They can run very fast. Pandas are black and white. They can climb trees. They like eating bamboo best.

  Mike and Sally can take photos of the animals. They can show the photos to their friends. They're very happy.

  (    ) 1. What day is it today?

  A. It's Monday.         B. It's Sunday.        C. It's Saturday.

  (    ) 2. Can the elephants work with their noses ?

  A. No, they can only work with their legs.

  B. No, they can only work with their hands.

  C. Yes, they can.

  (    ) 3. What can the monkey do?

  A. They can climb the tree up and down.

  B. They can swim in the river.

  C. They can run very fast.

  (    ) 4.What do the panda like best?

  A. jumping         B. eating fruit       C. drinking

  十一、请用英语介绍一种你喜爱的动物,要求:30个单词以上、意思完整、语法正确、句式丰富、语言得体、表达连贯合逻辑,书写工整美观, 并要求部分句子使用比较或最高级。(5分)


  A. Sally practises the piano for half an hour on Sundays.

  B.  The doctor must give you a checkup first.

  C.  The blue whale is larger than the dinosaur.

  D  Which do you prefer? I prefer hamburgers.

  E.  Today is 40℃. It's very hot.

  F.  The girl is drawing better than the boy.


  1.Would you like to visit Guangzhou Zoo tomorrow?

  2. Hello, May I speak to Jack?

  3. Does your father often go to work late?

  4. Do you think horses can run much faster than cheetahs?


  1. We come from more than ten countries.

  2. We shouldn't eat too much sweets .

  3. She never goes to school late .

  4. What's the weather like today?  It's windy .

  5. Take the medecines three times a day.

  6. Which are the biggest, blue whales, elephants or dinosaurs.


  1.A:Which season do you like best, Xiaoling?

  B: I like summer best.

  A: Why?

  B: Because I can wear my skirts.

  Q: Why does Xiaoling like summer?

  2. A: How do you go to school, Ben? Do you go on foot?

  B: No, I don't. I often go to school by bus.

  Q: How does Ben go to school?

  3. A: Would you like something to eat, Mike?

  B: No, thanks.

  A: What's the matter with you ?

  B: I have a toothache.

  Q: Does Ben have a toothache?

  4. A: Your school is larger than ours. Janet. How many pupils are there in your school?

  B: There are about one thousand and fifteen pupils this term.

  Q: How many pupils are there in Janet's school?

  5. A:What's the weather like today?

  B: It's rainy.

  A: What about tomorrow, will it be rainy?

  B: I don't think so. The weather man says it will be sunny.

  Q: What will the weather be like tomorrow?


  Mary feels bad today. She looks pale. Sometimes she feels hot and sometimes she feels cold. She doesn't want to go to school. She wants to stay in bed. Mary's mother is taking her to see the doctor. The doctor says: Take the medicine three times a day. But Mary doesn't like taking medicine, she put it on the table. But she feels good now.


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