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来源: 发布时间: 2009-08-20 17:45:50 游览次数: 0 已有评论: 0

  1. parts of body(人体部位)  face 面 hand 手 hair头发 ear 耳朵 head 头 nose 鼻子 mouth...


  1. parts of body(人体部位)

  face  面   hand  手   hair头发  ear  耳朵 head  头  nose   鼻子   mouth 嘴巴 toe   脚趾   arm 手臂    leg  腿   foot-feet  足 tooth-teeth   牙齿lip 嘴唇 finger  手指 thumb 拇指 neck 脖子 knee  膝盖 tongue 舌头 shoulder  肩膀

  chest  胸膛

  wash your hands/face        brush your hair/teeth      clean your ears/teeth

  touch your toes/head         blow your nose          wipe your eyes

  raise your arms/right leg      shake your hips

  2. stationary(文具)

  pen  钢笔 pencil 铅笔 pencil-case/box  笔盒  pencil sharpener  削笔刀    coloured pencil 彩色笔  book 书 ruler  尺子 map  地图  rubber (eraser)  橡皮 school bag  书包

  Please lend me your ruler.    Pack your bag, please.     Open your books, children.

  Where’s my pencil?       Here’s my rubber.

  3. colours (颜色)

  red  红包 yellow 黄色  blue  蓝色  white  白色   black  黑色  green  绿色 brown  棕色(咖啡色) orange  橙色  pink  粉红色   purple  紫色  grey  灰色         (  dark/ light ) rainbow

  black +white = grey      red +yellow =  orange     yellow + blue = green

  green+ red = brown       blue + red =  purple

  a  yellow pencil-case     a red sun   a blue book   a green bag     a pink  ruler

  an orange pencil       a purple pen

  What colour is this in English?     Let’s colour it blue and pink.

  4. jobs(职业)

  farmer  农民 cook  厨师   doctor  医生  nurse  护士   policeman 警察   postman   邮递员  fireman  消防员   worker    工人 factory worker  工厂工人  soldier 士兵    teacher  教师  cleaner  清洁工   driver 司机  reporter  记者  film star  电影明星  gardener  园丁  dancer 舞蹈者    singer  歌手   lawyer 律师   painter 画家  coach  教练  inventor  发明家 musician  音乐家  bank clerk 银行接待员   ambulance  man  救护车司机   model  模特儿  salesman/saleswoman 信贷员 manager  经理   door(gate) keeper 门卫  goalkeeper 守门员   waiter / waitress  (餐厅)服务员     actor /actress  演员   engineer  工程师   footballer 足球员  athlete 运动员  student  学生   pupil  小学生 scientist  科学家  librarian图书管理员

  What’s your job?       What do you do?       What are you?

  5. shapes(图形)

  circle  圆形    triangle  三角形    rectangle   长方形      square   正方形

  What shape is this?       How many shapes are there (can you see)?

  6. transports(交通工具)

  car  小汽车   bus  公共汽车   bike 自行车   motorbike  摩托车   taxi  出租车     ship  轮船  spaceship 太空船  boat  小船   train  火车  truck  卡车  plane  飞机   underground    地铁

  How do you usually go to school?   How can you get to Foshan?


  zero   one    two  three   four    five    six   seven   eight    nine    ten

  eleven  twelve  thirteen   fourteen   fifteen   sixteen   seventeen   eighteen  nineteen    twenty   twenty-one  twenty-two   thirty    forty  fifty  sixty   seventy  eighty  ninety   hundred   thousand

  one hundred  two hundred    one thousand   two thousand   million

  (center meter/CM 厘米 , metre/meter 米,kilometre/kilometer千米,kilo 千克,)

  first/1st    second/2nd    third/3rd  fourth/4th   fifth/5th   sixth/6th   seventh/7th  eighth/8th  ninth/9th   tenth/10th   eleventh/11th  twelfth/12th  thirteenth/13th fourteenth/14th  fifteenth/15th   sixteenth/16th  seventeenth/17th

  eighteenth/18th  nineteenth/19th  twentieth/20th

  twenty-first/21st  twenty-second/22nd  twenty-third/23rd

  thirtieth/30th  fortieth/40th  fiftieth/50th  sixtieth/60th  seventieth/70th


  8. foods(食物)

  Food: cake  蛋糕  egg 鸡蛋 cookies (cooky)  pizza 意大利饼sandwiches三文治 hamburger(burger) 汉堡包 hot dog 热狗  chips 薄片salad 沙拉 pasta 意大利面  bread 面包 bun小包子noodles面条porridge 粥 rice 米饭 dumplings饺子、云吞、汤圆steak 牛排  fish 鱼肉 meat 肉 chicken 鸡肉  beef 牛肉  pork 猪肉  sea food 海鲜 zongzi 粽子 toast 土司 chocolate 巧克力 roast beef 烤牛肉  butter 牛油  jam果酱    (fry-fried) 煎、炸、炒

  Drinks: (greenblack)tea  茶  Coke  可乐   (orangeapple)juice  果汁  water 水          milk  牛奶  coffee  咖啡  soup  汤

  Fruits: apple 苹果  banana 香蕉  orange 橙  peach  桃  grape 葡萄  pear  梨 园pineapple   凤梨

  Vegetables: pepper 辣椒  broccoli 椰菜花  cabbage 卷心菜  Chinese cabbage大白菜   potato 马铃薯 tomato 西红柿  mushroom蘑菇   carrot 红萝卜 onion 洋葱  pumpkin南瓜

  Which do you prefer, Coke, tea or coffee?

  Which food do you like best?     Which do you like better, pasta or pizza?

  What would you like to eat/drink?  What would you like for dinner/breakfast/lunch?

  Meat :pork….  Cereals: rice…

  Fruit-vegetables: apple…

  Milk foods: cheese,butter, ice cream…

  9. relationships(亲戚、关系)

  father/dad 父亲  mother/mum  母亲   uncle 叔叔/伯父/舅舅/ aunt 姨母/舅母

  cousin 堂/表兄弟姐妹  brother 兄弟   sister 姐妹

  grandfather/grandpa/granddad  (外)祖父 grandmother/grandma  (外)祖母

  husband 丈夫  wife 妻子  son 儿子  daughter 女儿  grandson (外)孙子

  granddaughter  (外)孙女  niece 侄女   nephew  侄子

  How many people are there in your family?

  How old is your father/mother?   How old are you?  How is your father?

  What’s your father’s job?  What does your father do?

  Who’s your sister?     Do you know that man/lady/boy/girl?

  10. persons

  man-men 男人 woman-women  女人/女性  lady-ladies  女士/小姐  boy  男孩   girl  女孩  baby  婴儿    child-children  孩子(们)

  beautiful 美丽的  pretty 漂亮的/可爱的  nice 亲切的/友好的 cute  可爱的   handsome  英俊的 strong  强壮的 weak弱的 fit  适当的  slim  苗条  old 老的  young年轻的      tall  高的    short  矮的   thin 瘦的   fat  肥的   heavy  重的   big 大的/肥的   small   小的

  Who is the lady?     Who is the tall boy?  What does your mother look like?

  11. animals (动物)

  chick 小鸡  chicken 鸡/鸡肉  hen 母鸡 rooster公鸡  goose-geese 鹅 duck 鸭  swan 天鹅bird 鸟 eagle鹰  cat 猫  dog 狗  cow  母牛/奶牛  bull  公牛  horse 马  goat 山羊  sheep 绵羊 frog  青蛙   blue whale 蓝鲸  shark 鲨鱼  goldfish 金鱼  rabbit 兔子 hare  野兔  tiger 老虎   lion 狮子  turtle 海龟  snake  蛇pig  猪   guinea pig  仓鼠/天竺鼠  mouse-mice 老鼠  bear 熊  polar bear 北极熊 panda 熊猫  elephant 大象  giraffe 长颈鹿  monkey  猴子   kangaroo 代鼠   deer  鹿   zebra 斑马  seal海豹dinosaur 恐龙  cheetah 猎豹  leopard  豹  crocodile  鳄鱼  wolf 狼fox 狐狸   camel 骆驼(horn  角 , tail  尾巴,  strong , dangerous, beautiful, funny, lovely )

  1.Where is the lion from?  2. Can a lion kill a monkey? 3. Do you like animals?

  4.What animal do you like best?  I like swans best, because they are beautiful.

  5.See you tomorrow!      6. Don’t forget your friends!

  7.What does a rabbit look like?   8. Don’t think you can do everything yourself!

  zoo  rules : 1. Don’t feed the animals in the zoo!  2. Don’t go too near!

  3. Don’t walk on the grass.  4. Don’t take photographs here.

  5. Don’t leave litter.  6. Don’t throw things at the monkeys.


  Trees: banyan tree 榕树  pine tree  松树 oak tree 橡树  conker tree七叶树

  kapok tree (Hero Tree) 木棉树/英雄树

  Flowers: lily 百合花 violet 紫罗兰  tulip 郁金香  rose 玫瑰  bluebell 风铃草  sunflower  向日葵 peony 牡丹 chrysanthemum 菊花 carnation 康乃馨 jasmine 茉莉(city flower市花)

  (What can/can’t we do in the park/garden?) (must/mustn’t do)

  ? pick flowers , ride a bike ,  climb the tree , sit on the grass , sleep on the bench  ,

  ? listen to the radio  , take a walk , do some reading , have a picnic, take photos

  ? take/have a rest,  keep off the grass

  (camera,   grass ,  bench , flowerbed, tired ,  flower show , line up ,of course)

  13. places(地区、洲)

  the Arctic 北极洲 (–polar bear) , the Antarctic 南极洲 (–penguin) , Asia 亚洲 (panda, tiger). Africa 非洲(-lion, zebra, elephant… ) North America 北美洲   South America  南美洲   Australia 澳洲(- kangaroo-koala bear )   Europe 欧洲 (B5 P66)

  Where can you see the lions?   Where do the panda live?


  Seasons: spring春天-go sightseeing         summer夏天-go swimming  (ice cream)

  Autumn秋天-fly kites    winter冬天-go skiing/skating (sit by the fire/make snowman)

  the sun-sunny  cloud-cloudy   wind-windy   rain-rainy   fog-foggy  snow-snowy

  wet   dry   raincoat雨衣  umbrella雨伞    temperature温度   cold-cool-warm-hot

  What’s the weather like today?   What will the weather be like tomorrow?

  What’s the temperature?      What’s the weather like now in Beijing?

  How many season are there in a year?   Which/what season do you like best?

  Is it much hotter that yesterday ?  When is spring?


  (on) Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday  Saturday  Sunday

  (on) January  February  March  April  May  June  July August  September

  October  November   December  (morning  afternoon   evening )

  on Monday morning    in the morning    on January 1st /on 1st January

  What day is it today ?  It’s Wednesday.   What’s the date today?  It’s  May 2nd.

  When were you born?    I was born in 19-- . /I was born on March 13th, 1993.

  16. time

  7.05   five past seven/ seven o five   7.10  ten past seven/ seven ten

  7.15  a quarter past seven/seven fifteen  7.30 half past seven/ seven thirty

  7.45  a quarter to eight/ seven forty-five   7.00   seven o’clock/ seven

  7.35  twenty-five to eight/ seven thirty-five

  7.50  ten to eight/ seven fifty   7.55   five to eight / seven fifty-five

  What time is it now ?  It’s …   What time do you usually get up?  At…


  日常作息:wake up   get up       get dressed        wash the face    brush the teeth      have breakfast       go to school      go to work   have lessons             have lunch   take a rest play sports    take exercises        go (back) home         have dinner   do homework have a bath    go to bed   sleep   eat   drink     cook

  娱乐休闲:have a party  have a picnic    do some reading        do shopping    go shopping         go boating         go swimming        go sightseeing go fishing           go traveling       go on a river cruise     go to the circus     go to the flower show        go to the cinema    go to a football match      watch a football match on TV  come to tea      see a film           watch the birds   listen to music / the radio      watch TV       climb the mountain     play cards   e-mail a friend   write a letter   visit a friend / Beijing     meet a friend

  爱好与特长:sing    draw    paint     play the piano / the guitar    do well in …

  make a ship model      play cards      play chess

  体育运动: run    swim   skip rope  swim  play basketball  play football   play table tennis       play tennis        play badminton       do weight-lifting

  家务:water the flowers    plant trees / flowers   clean the house   sweep the floor do gardening  wash the dishes  cook   wash the car    wash clothes   feed the pet

  学习:read      listen      speak      write     study     learn   practice        hand in the homework       borrow a book       return a book      catch up with

  teach     mark the homework       prepare the lessons       tell a story

  心理和情感活动:want    love    enjoy   like-dislike    prefer   hope    wish    agree with      think      dream    feel sad /happy /excited /bored   worry

  身体健康:take exercise  eat   drink  see a doctor  take the medicine   go on a diet have a cold / fever / toothache / headache   feel tired /hot /cold /ill /sick

  感官动词:listen to   hear    look at     see    watch     feel  hot / cold /tired   sound interesting / different / great     look young / tall / beautiful /fresh /good

  种植活动:grow / plant a tree     grow / plant flowers    water the flowers       dig a hole    fill in the earth         pick up the fruit        appear

  位置移动:leave-leave for    start for     move    bring     take    climb   run    walk     swim     jump      fly      sit down    stand up        throw … at …       travel    go   come     get to…    get out of…     get down     fall    fall over

  与职业有关的动词: work     put out fires    clean up everything     deliver letters

  catch criminals       serve food and drinks        help in a shop   help sick people

  drive a taxi / an ambulance      check your teeth    help us to learn

  与“说”有关的动词:say      speak     talk         tell

  与“看”有关的动作:look     look at    look for      watch     see

  其它动词: last  begin-start    end-finish    bite  blow    blow out      buy     call     carry    catch     change   check    close  open      count    cost    cover    crash    cut      decorate      free     give     grow / grow up     help   invite    get wet    kill     keep     look for    make    need     put on    put out     show     turn       wait for       run into       crash into     weigh


  have a rest     have a bath   have a cold   have a good time    have been to… have a look   have fun    have to


  take a message    take a rest    take medicine    take exercise    take photos

  take a bus  take me to the flower show   take the third left     I’ll take it.

  play  play computer games      play cards       play basketball    play musical instruments     play the piano    play chess


  places:school学校 classroom教室 gym体育馆 playground操场 library图书馆   reading-room阅览室  school building教学楼  swimming pool游泳池  clinic诊疗室   shop商店  bookshop/bookstore 书店 fruit shop水果店 bus-stop/bus station车站    underground station地铁站home家  farm农场 factory工厂 hospital医院    teachers’ office教师办公室 restaurant餐馆  hotel酒店

  方向:east东方 south南方 west西方 north北方 on the right/left在左/右边      inside里面   outside外面

  方位介词:in  on  under   behide  beside/next to  near  in front of/at the back of  opposite对面  by在…旁边  between在两者之间 in the middle of在…的中间 against靠

  Where is your class teacher?  He is in the classroom.

  Where should I put the chair?   Put it against the wall, please.

  18. Subjects

  English英语   maths数学   Chinese语文   art美术   music(dancing lesson)音乐  P.E.体育   computer lesson电脑课

  Which subject do you like best?  I like music best.

  What’s your favourite subject?  My favourite subject is art?

  19. Festivals

  In China: Chinese New year/the Spring Festival春节(on late January or early February)--At Spring Festival people get together and have a big dinner.        Labor Day/May Day劳动节(May 1st)       the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节(on June)—At Dragon Boat Festival, people in China eat zongzi and row dragon boats.  Children’s Day儿童节(June 1st)     Army Day建军节(August 1st)             Teachers’ Day教师节(September 10th)    the Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节(on September)—At Mid-autumn Festival, people in China usually eat mooncakes and enjoy the full moon.      Double Ninth Festival 重阳节(on October)—At Double Ninth Festival, people like to climb the hill.      Chinese National Day  国庆节(October 1st)

  In western countries: New Year’s Day新年(January 1st)      Valentine’s Day情人节(February 14th)(Give chocolate to the valentine )       April Fools’ Day愚人节(April 1st) (fool the people)        Easter复活节 (At Easter people give each other Easter eggs.)  Mother’s Day母亲节(the 2nd  Sunday of May)     Father’s Day父亲节(the 3rd Sunday of June)     Halloween万圣节前夕(October 31st)(At Halloween children go from door to door to say trick and treat and ask for sweets and cakes.)  Hallowmas/All Saint’s Day万圣节(November 1st)   Thanksgiving Day 感恩节(the 4th Thursday of November)     Christmas Day 圣诞节(December 25th)(Before Christmas people decorate their Christmas trees.)

  Which festival do you like best?  I like Children’s Day best.

  What/which is the most popular and important festival in China?

  Spring Festival is the most popular and important festival in China.(it’s Spring Festival)

  What’s your favorite festival ?  My favourite festival is the Mid-Autumn Festival?

  When is Chinese National Day?  It’s on October 1st.

  A: What do people usually do at Spring Festival?

  B: People usually clean and decorate the house before Spring Festival


  hat/cap 帽子  blouse女衬衣  shirt男衬衣   T-shirt  T恤   coat外套/大衣   sweater套头的毛衣/cardigan对襟的毛衣  jacket 夹克衫 vest 背心 skirt 短裙  dress长裙/套裙   trousers 长裤  jeans 牛仔裤  shorts 短裤 stockings 长袜 socks 短袜   shoes 鞋子 boots 靴子  sport shoes/trainer 运动鞋 glove 手袜 scarf/scarves围巾   slipper  拖鞋/便鞋  (a pair of …)


  Country Nationality Language Capital

  China/the PRC Chinese Chinese Beijing

  Japan Japanese Japanese Tokyo

  America/the USA American English Washington D.C

  Britain/the UK British English London

  Australia Australian English Canberra

  Canada Canadian English Ottawa

  France French French Paris

  Germany German German Berlin

  Russia Russian Russian Moscow

  Italy Italian Italian Rome

  Spain Spaniard Spanish Madrid

  New Zealand New Zealander English Wellington

  Korea Korean Korean Seoul

  Where are you from? /Where do you come from? I’m from China. /I come from China.

  What country /city do you come from?  I come from ….

  What language do you speak? I speak Chinese.

  What’s the capital (city)of the UK? The capital of the UK is London.

  What (national) flag is it? It’s the national flag of China./It’s the Chinese national flag.

  What’s /which is the biggest/largest city of Australia? Sydney is the largest city of it.

  Where would you like to go on holiday?  I’d like to go to Wellington.

  How do you like Tokyo? How is Tokyo?  Tokyo is funny, but it’s also noisy and crowded.

  (big, small, hot, cold, clean, dirty, beautiful, interesting, busy, boring, noisy, quiet, busy, nice, friendly, crowded, modern, relaxing, peaceful,)


  a day trip       after class/school      all day long   all of us    all right

  all the people    ask for   at home/school   at last   at night    at the weekend

  be good at      be late for   be worried about   by the way    by the window/river

  call back (later)    come from/be form     different from    do the high jump

  do the long jump    each other    family tree   far away from   for a long time

  from door to door   from then/now on    get together      get wet    give sb. a check up    go/come to a party   go boating/fishing/shopping/swimming/sightseeing   go for a walk  go for it  go on holiday    go on the Pearl River Cruise  grow up

  go straight ahead   go to the cinema   go to the circus   half an hour   half a kilo     one and a half kilo        have a delicious meal    have a fever   have a headache

  have a stomachache  have a toothache    have a lot of /great fun  help yourself to…

  in the corner  in the world   in trouble  it’s time to/for   it’s time for sb. to do sth.

  Let me go   line up   listen to    lucky money   make a speech  mark the homework

  meet a friend   no school/classes     not…any more    on land  on the right/left

  over there  pack the bag   put on/off   row dragon boats.


小升初半年倒计时 备考过程中要注意什么?
中学“重文轻艺”现状严重 只因中考用不上




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