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  牛津小学英语六年级素质调研  听力部分(30分)  一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(听一遍)(10分)  (...





  (    )1. A. date             B. gate               C. late

  (     )2. A. match           B. March            C. much

  (     )3. A. June             B. July               C. juice

  (     )4. A. cartoon         B. cousin            C. carry

  (     )5. A. present         B. parent             C. pleasure

  (     )6.A.his coat          B. his costume      C. in costumes

  (     )7. A. blow out       B. blue socks        C. my blouse

  (     )8. A. Let's wait and see.         B. Let me see.     

  C. Let's go and see.

  (     )9. A. Would you like this pen?  B. Do you like this pencil?

  C. What would you like ,a pen or a pencil?

  (     )10. A. What day is it today?      B. What date is it today?

  C. What's  the date today?

  二、听录音,选择正确的应答。 (听两遍)(5分)

  (     )1. A. It means you shouldn't make noise. 

  B. It means we can walk on the grass.

             C. It means we shouldn't walk on the grass.

  (     )2. A. My birthday's on the second of Jan.

    B. Her birthday's on the fifth of Feb.

  C. His birthday's on the third of Dec.

  (     )3. A. I'd like an egg, please.     

  B.I like a cake.  

  C. Yes, I'd like a cake.

  (     )4. A. Yes, it is.       

  B. It's on the fourth of Nov.  

  C. It's the fourth of Nov.

  (     )5. A. They're from China.            

  B. They're from Grandpa. 

  C. They're for Grandpa.

   三、听录音,根据短文选择正确的答案。(听三遍) (5分)

  (    ) 1. Who is the girl in red ?

  A. Helen         B. Su Yang          C. Kate

  (    ) 2. Where is she from ?

  A. Australia      B. England           C. America

  (    ) 3. What does Liu Tao give her?

  A.A VCD of Japanese cartoon .  B.A toy   C.A book.

  (    ) 4. Where are we now ?

  A. At school     B. In the park           C. In Kate's home.

  (    ) 5. Kate is my ______.

  A. sister        B. friend               C. cousin

   四、听录音,填入所缺的单词。(听两遍)  (10分)

  1. A: What does this _____ mean ? B: It _____ you _____ _____ on the grass.

  2. A:____ I go in?            

  B: No, you _____. You _____stay away from the building.

  3. A:When's your ________ birthday ?

  B:Her birthday is on ______ ______ of March.


  一、判断下列每组单词画线部分的发音是否相同, 用"√"或"×"表示。 (6分)

  1. must  touch (   )            2. blue    June    (   )

  3. dear  bear  (   )            4. keep  mean    (   )

  5. sign  sing  (   )            6.their   parents   (   )


  1. ask a lot of questions ________       7. 发出喧闹声音___       _________   

  2. No smoking _______________    _  8. 放学后_____         ___________  

  3. look around ______________    __  9. 禁止停车 _______      _________   

  4. go home together_________         10. 谈论________            ______   

  5. the third of March _________   ___  11. 四月三十___          _ _______  

  6. have a birthday party ___________  _ 12. 脱下________               ___ 

  三、 用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)

  ⒈The girl always ______ (have, has) a lot of questions.

  ⒉We should _______(get, gets) up early in the morning.

  ⒊It means No ______ ( climbing, climb).

  ⒋Mum, I want _____ (watch, to watch)TV. No, you must _______ (going, go) to bed now.

  5.There _____ (is, are) ten cars in the pictures. The _____ (five, fifth) one is very nice.

  6.What does your brother          ? He            playing the piano. ( likes, like)

  7.______ ( Jim ,Jim's) birthday is on the first of May.


  (    )1.My uncle's daughter is my ______.

  A. sister       B. aunt       C. cousin       D. brother

  (    )2. He is ____ Ben some questions ______ public signs.

  A. asks  to     B. asks  as     C. asking  about     D. asking  to

  (    )3.What does that sign mean? _________

  A. It means you must keep from the grass.

  B. It means you must keep off the grass.

  C. They mean you shouldn't keep off the grass.

  D. They mean you should keep from the grass

  (    )4.Would you like ______my home? Yes,______

  A. to come to , I'd like to.    B. coming, I'd like to.

  C. to come, I do.                D. coming, I do.

  (    )5.What _____ you like ______ a New Year's present? ______ a yo-yo.

  A.do, as, I'd like      B. would, as, I'd like 

  C. do, for, I'd like to     D. would, as, I'd like to

  (    )6. -Happy birthday to you!

            - _________.

       A . Nice to see you.    B. Thank you.     C. All right.

  (    )7. My birthday is on the _______ of November.

       A . twelve          B. twelveth        C. twelfth

  (    )8.I'd like a cake _______lots of ________.

  A. have, grapes       B. has, grapes    

  C. for,  grapess         D. with, grapess

  (    )9.Kate is telling her classmate about Halloween _____the phone.

  A. in             B. at          C. on          D. by

  (    )10.It's time ______lunch.

  A. for            B. to          C. for have      D. have

  (    )11.Saturday is ______day ____ a week.

  A. seven, of   B. seventh, on   C. the sixth, with   D. the seventh, of

  (    )12.They are talking about ______birthdays.

  A. his           B. they        C. their       D. her


  1. a. I'd like a bird's cage.

    b. When's your birthday?

    c. What would you like as a birthday present?

    d. It's on the third of August.

    e. All right.



  2. a. No, you can't..

  b. What does it mean?

    c. Can I go in?.

    d. Look, there's a sign on the wall.

    e. It means "Danger"





  Look at that        , you shouldn't         here.

  2、 请不要摸,它很危险。

  _____ touch it, please, it's _____ .


  ______ your birthday on  the        of ______?

  No, ______ birthday is ______  ______.

  七、 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F) (10分)

  It is Saturday afternoon. Liu Tao and his friend David are taking a walk in the park. There are many public signs in it. They mean different things. Liu Tao know a lot of things about them . Suddenly, They see a short man walking on the grass. Liu Tao points to the sign on the grass and says to him" Sir, look at the sign! You can't walk on the grass." The man smiles and says, " You are right, young man. But I'm the park keeper. I'm looking after the grass."

  (    )⒈It is Saturday afternoon.

  (    )⒉The boys can see many public signs in the park.

  (    )⒊Liu Tao doesn't know the things about the public signs.

  (    )⒋The man can't see the public signs in the park.

  (    )⒌The man is the park keeper. He wants to take a walk on the grass.

  Cat : Good morning , Mr Tiger.

  Tiger : Good morning , Mr Cat .What date is it today ?Is it the 3rd of July ?

  Cat : Yes.

  Tiger : Oh , today is my birthday.

  Cat : Happy birthday !What would you like as a birthday present?

  How about a big cake with some candles on it ?

  Tiger : No, thank you .I'd like one hundred rabbits .

  Cat : One hundred rabbits? I'm sorry , Mr Tiger. I haven't got any rabbits for you .

  (    )1. Mr Tiger's birthday is on the 3rd of July .

  (    )2. Mr Tiger would like a big cake as a birthday present.

  (    )3. Mr Tiger would like a lot of rabbits as a birthday present.

  (    )4. Mr Cat can get two rabbits. 

  (    )5. Mr Tiger is not happy.



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