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来源: 发布时间: 2009-06-05 14:29:54 游览次数: 0 已有评论: 0

  一、听力部分(30分)  Ⅰ.Listen and tick or cross (10marks)  Ⅱ. Listen and write (5marks)...



  Ⅰ.Listen and tick or cross (10marks)

  Ⅱ. Listen  and  write (5marks)

  1.Let's ________________!

  2.She _______________dogs.

  3.It can _____________the blind man.

  4.____________dog is special!

  5.This dog ____________ help the blind people.

  Ⅲ. A. Listen and choose the words  (5marks).

  (  ) 1.  a. put           b. point       c. pointed

  (  ) 2.  a. well          b. water       c. wall

  (  ) 3.  a. climbing       b. climbed     c. climb

  (  ) 4.  a. Sunday        b. Saturday    c. sunny

  (  ) 5.  a. chocolate        b. chick       c. Christmas

  B. Listen  and  choose (10marks)

  (  ) 1.  a. There is slide now.

  b. There was a slide .

  c. There was a swing .

  (  ) 2.  a. No, he can't.

  b. Yes, he can.

  c. Yes, she can.

  (  ) 3.  a. He helped his father.

  b. He helped his mother.

  c. He finished his homework.

  (  ) 4.  a. Easter is in spring.

  b. Easter is in summer.

  c. Easter is in winter.

  (  ) 5. a. It's Amy's.

  b. It's Tom's .

  c. It's Lingling's.


  Ⅳ. A. Put the missing letters in the words.


  an__ __y    F___ b__ __ry   f__ __e    t__ __m

  no__ __ing      se__ __        h__ __ __

  l__ __gh        bo__ __ d       h__ __v__

  B.Read and circle. 读一读,圈一圈. (5marks)

  1. You shouldn't are/be late..

  2. I'm going to swim/swimming.

  3. He wants/want to wear my skirt.

  4.There was/were lots of fruits.

  5. You can plays /play basketball well .

  C.Correct the mistakes.句子改错,每个句子只有一处错误

  (5 marks)

  例如:1. He didn`t played football yesterday.  ( played改为play)

  1. This dog can helps the blind man.        _______________

  2. They start school on 9 o'clock.          ________________

  3. What the matter?                     ________________

  4. This blue dress is Amy.                ________________

  5.We are going to have the lunch.          ________________

  Ⅴ. A.连词成句. (10marks).

  1. should/ tidy/toys/your/You


  2.sing / songs / They/ every / together/morning


  3. Fifi / people /blind /Can / help/the


  4.are / you / What/ going/to/do


  5. happy / were / very / they


  Ⅵ .读一读,选一选。(10marks).

  (    )1. It's________ autumn festival.

  A.  a           B. an

  (    )2. They go to the ________ house.

  A .peoples.      B .people's.

  (    )3. Tom,  please look ______ the blackboard.

  A .on           B.at

  (    )4. Yesterday I _______ to the park.

  A. went         B. goes

  (    )5. ---- ______________ toy plane is it?

  ---- It's his.

  A. Who          B. Whose

  (    )6. Thanks ______ your help.

  A. for       B. from

  (    )7. What are you thinking_______?

  A. at.     B. about.

  (    )8. This supermarket _________ many things.

  A. sells        B. sell

  (    )9. There________ an apple and many pears in the box.

  A. are      B. is

  (    )10. Sam and Amy ________ shopping every day.

  A. go           B. goes

  Ⅶ. Look and match.  读一读,连一连。(10marks)

  Where do you put the bags?                She got thirty-six.

  Can you play football well?                 I want a pencil.

  What do you want?                       That's OK.

  Sorry, I'm late.                           In the car.

  How many points did Amy get?              Not very well.

  Ⅷ 阅读理解。


  I'm Tom . I love English very much. I am studying in England. I often get up at 7:30 on weekdays. And I leave home at 8:15. School here starts at 9:00.  We finish school at 4:00 in the afternoon. But I don't go home. We play ball games with my friends . Then I go home at 4:30.

  (  ) 1. Where is Tom ?

  A. In China.

  B. In England.

  C. In America.

  (  ) 2. Does Tom like English?

  A .  No, he does.

  B.  No, he doesn't.

  C.  Yes, he does..

  (  ) 3. What time does Tom get up on weekdays ?

  A. At 6:30.     B. At 7:30.  C. At 8:30.

  (  ) 4. Does Tom go home at 4:00 ?

  A. Yes, he does.

  B. No, he doesn't

  C. Yes, he doesn't.

  (  ) 5. What does Tom do with his friends ?

  A.  He watches TV.

  B.  He plays balls.

  C.  He watches TV and plays ball games


  Yesterday, we played basketball at school. First we were happy. Our team got 50 points. But then it rained. Everyone was very sad. Then we went to our classroom. We did not have anything to do . We were very bored. Mr. Green came in and played games with us,. We were happy again!

  (    )1 We played the flute yesterday.

  (    )2 Our team got fifty points.

  (    )3 Then it rained. We were very sad.

  (    )4 We were very hungry in our classroom..

  (    )5 Mr. Green played games with us.




小升初半年倒计时 备考过程中要注意什么?
中学“重文轻艺”现状严重 只因中考用不上




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