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  2008年江西省小学英语听力竞赛试题录音语言文字材料及参考答案  Ⅰ、听辨单词(words)(5小题,5分)  请...





  1.Tom has a lot of stamps.

  2.Amy wants to be a driver.

  3.A bird is singing in the tree.

  4.My favorite subject is science.

  5.There is a hospital beside the museum.


  A) 听音,选图片。请选出与你所听到的内容相符的图片,将其标号写在题前的括号内。听完每段话后,你都有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段话读两遍。(每小题2分)

  6.Mike likes spring. It's usually warm and sunny. He always climbs mountains with his friends.

  7.It's rainy, Jack doesn't have an umbrella. His classmate Lucy doesn't have an umbrella, either, but she has a raincoat. She asks Jack to share the raincoat with her, Jack thanks Lucy and they go home together.

  8.Today Lily and her parents are going to the zoo. It's far from their home, they can't go there on foot. They get up early and go there by bus.

  9.Tim is a good boy. He usually helps his mother with housework. Look, mother is cleaning the window, Tim is helping her.

  10. Linda and Sue are good friends. Linda is taller than Sue. Linda likes listening to music, Sue has the same hobby. They both don't like sports.

  B) 听音,选答语。请根据你所听到的句子,选择合适的答语,将其标号写在题前的括号内。听完每个句子后,你都有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每个句子读两遍。(每小题1分)

  11. Would you like something to eat?

  12. Why do you like winter?

  13. How can I get to the Nation Part, please?

  14. How many story-books do you have?

  15. What's your favorite color?

  Ⅲ、对话理解(dialogues) (30小题,60分)

  A) 听对话,判断图片正误。听五段对话,观察每段对话后的两幅图片内容与所听到的内容是否相符,如果相符,请在括号中划"√",如不相符,则划"×"。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每小题的对话读两遍。(每小题2分)

  16.17 Dialogue 1

  A: Good morning, can I help you?

  B: I want something for dinner.

  A: All right, what do you want?

  B: I want some cue combs, potatoes and pork.

  A: OK, here you are. By the way, would you like some tomatoes? They are fresh.

  B: No, thanks, how much are these?

  A: The cue combs are two dollars, the potatoes are three dollars and the pork is six dollars.

  B: OK, here is the money.

  A: Thank you!

  18.19 Dialogue 2

  A: Hi, Jany, what would you like to do this afternoon?

  B: I'm not sure, what about you?

  A: I'd like to go to park. Can you go with me?

  B: Oh, that's a good idea, but I want to go to the zoo.

  A: Go to the zoo? Great! I want to see the animas, too. May I join you?

  B: Certainly, let's meet at 2:30.

  A: Sure, and where shall we meet? At our school gate?

  B: Well, our school is far from the zoo. Let's meet at the No. 341 bus stop.

  A: Sure, see you then.

  20.21 Dialogue 3

  A: Hi, Tim, what do you do on Sundays?

  B: Hi, Lisa, I usually stay in bed late. I get up at about 9:30, and I have lunch at one o'clock.

  A: What do you do in the afternoon?

  B: I take my children to the park at about 2 o'clock. We often stay there for three hours.

  A: Well, how many children do you have?

  B: I've got three children, two boys and a girl. They like to row a boat in the park. So we go there every Sunday.

  A: Sounds good.

  22.23 Dialogue 4

  A: Mum, where is my dictionary?

  B: Your dictionary? Is it on your desk?

  A: No, it's not there.

  B: Well, maybe it's on the bookshelf.

  A: But it's not there, either. I can see Lily's magazine on the shelf.

  B: Oh, are you remembering now? Your dad used your dictionary yesterday. Maybe he put it in the study.

  A: I'll go and check. Oh, mum, it's not in the study, but I find it on the sofa in the living-room.

  24.25 Dialogue 5

  A: Hi, Jina, how are you these days?

  B: I'm great, thank you, Li Qiang, how are you? You look so excited.

  A: Yeah, my dad will take me to Beijing. We can watch Olympic Games there.

  B: Really? That's great. How are you going there?

  A: We're going by plane.

  B: It's not very far from here to Beijing. Why don't you go by train?

  A: Well, the opening ceremony of Beijing Olympic Games will be on august the eighth. And my dad will finish his work in the morning on that day. If we go there by train, we'll be late for the opening ceremony. So after my dad finish his work in the morning on august the eighth. We'll fly to Beijing; then four hours later, we can be there.

  B: I see, please remember to take some nice photos on the opening ceremony.

  A: Certainly.

  B) 听对话,判断句子正误。听十段对话,每段对话后有一小题。如果你所听到的内容与所给的小题内容意思相符,请在括号中划"√",如不相符,则划"×"。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每小题的对话读两遍。(每小题2分)


  A: Shall I get to another cup of coffee, Alice?

  B: Yes, please, that's very kind of you, Billy.

  A: And would you like some more French fries?

  B: No, thanks, a pet enough.


  A: Here is your dress, Ms.

  B: Oh, my god.

  A: What's the matter?

  B: It's not what I asked for.

  A: What's wrong with it?

  B: It's not the right color. I like red, but this one is purple, and it's not my size, it doesn't feed me well.

  A: That's a pity.


  A: David, the film last night was really great. Do you think so?

  B: Sorry, I've got no idea about it.

  A: Why? You didn't see the film?

  B: Well, I visited my grandparents last night. So I didn't have time to see it.

  A: I see.


  A: Where should I put this table, mum?

  B: Oh, put it over there.

  A: Next to the chair?

  B: No, next to the closet, please.

  A: All right.


  A: Someone is knocking at the door, would you please get it, Jane?

  B: Sorry, dad, I'm taking the shaver, would you please ask Tony to open the door?

  A: Tony isn't in. He's gone out with his friends. That's OK, honey, I'll get it.


  A: Excuse me! What time is the next plane from New York to Sydney?

  B: The next one is at 9 a.m.

  A: Could I have a ticket, please?

  B: I'm very sorry, but we've got no tickets for that time. Would you like to take the plane at six tomorrow morning?

  A: Well, all right.


  A: Excuse me, where is the principal's office, please?

  B: Look, it's over there.

  A: On the third floor?

  B: No, on the second floor. That's beside the art-room.

  A: Got it, thanks a lot.

  B: You're welcome!


  A: How about the T-shirt for dad? That's a nice gift for father's day.

  B: He needs socks, too.

  A: Just socks for father's day?

  B: No, let's get him a shirt and socks.

  A: All right. Let's go now.


  A: Frank, here're many school bags, let's buy one for you. Which one do you like?

  B: Oh, mum. I think the blue school bag is very nice, but it's too expensive.

  A: Yeah, you are right. En, how about the yellow one, honey? It looks very good and the price is OK.

  B: Yes, let's take it.


  A: Hello, Mr. Brown. This is Cally. May I speak to Linda, please?

  B: I'm sorry, but she is not at home, she's having piano class, and after that, she's going to a party with her sister. I'll tell her to call you back, OK?

  A: Sure, thank you Mr. Brown, good-bye!

  B: Bye, Cally.

  C) 听音,选择(10小题,20分)

  听三段对话,每段对话后有3-4个小题。根据对话内容, 从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,将其标号写在题前的括号内。听完每段对话后,你都有15秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。(每小题2分)

  Dialogue 1 听第一段对话,回答第36-38小题。

  36-38 Dialogue 1

  A: Good afternoon, madam, may I help you?

  B: Yes, officer, my handbag is missing.

  A: May I have your name, please?

  B: Tina Green.

  A: So, Miss Green, where did you lose you handbag?

  B: Well, let me think, usually, I go to work by bus, but that day, I must buy some books for my son first. So I took a taxi to a bookstore, then I went to my office, I don't know where I lost my handbag, I was in a hurry the whole morning you know.

  A: I see, so what color is your handbag?

  B: Brown.

  A: What's in it?

  B: About 500 dollars.

  A: Anything else?

  B: Yes, yes, my ID card and my car key.

  A: Anything else?

  B: En, and my MP4 player.

  A: That's right, is this your handbag, Miss Green?

  B: Oh, yes, it is.

  A: Well, the taxi driver find it and brought it here.

  B: Oh, that's really nice of him. Thank you so much.

  A: You're welcome!

  Dialogue 2 听第二段对话,回答第39-42小题。

  39-42 Dialogue 2

  A: Well, lunch is over, what shall we do now, Betty?

  B: Let me see, it's 12:30. I ….

  A: Let's play tennis.

  B: Sorry, I can't, Jimmy.

  A: Why, do you have homework to do?

  B: No, I finished my homework at school.

  A: So why don't you go and play tennis with me?

  B: Well, you know, my math is poor, and we are going to have math test tomorrow morning, I must prepare for it.

  A: Math test? Really?

  B: You don't know Mr. Smith told us yesterday.

  A: Oh, I was ill yesterday, and I didn't go to school.

  B: But you needn't to worry about it, you are good at math, right?

  A: Well, would you like me to help you with your math?

  B: Great, that's very kind of you, Jimmy. Thank you so much, I think we can play tennis tomorrow afternoon.

  A: All right.

  Dialogue 3 听第三段对话,回答第43-45小题。

  43-45 Dialogue 3

  A: Hello, may I speak to Mrs. White?

  B: Hello, my mum isn't in. Who's that speaking?

  A: James, James Mot, is that Cally?

  B: Oh, hi, Uncle James, this is Cally y speaking.

  A: Cally, when will your mum be back, please?

  B: I'm not sure, she went to the post office half an hour ago, after that, she must go to the hospital. My grandma has been ill in hospital for two weeks. Shall I take a message?

  A: All right, please ask her to call me when she is back, my telephone number is 9352801.

  B: OK, your phone number is 9352901.

  A: Well, my phone number is 9352801.

  B: Oh, yes, 9352801.

  A: That's correct, thank you very much.

  B: You are welcome.




  One morning, Mrs. Brown made some sausage sandwiches for her husband Tom's lunch. And she gave the sausage to Frank, their little dog. Frank ate it up quickly.

  Several hours later, the dog got ill. He wouldn't stop shaking his head. Mrs. Brown felt strange. Suddenly, she thought, maybe the sausage was bad, and she remembered her husband's lunch, she ran to the telephone and called him.

  "Tom, I hope you haven't eaten any of those sandwiches yet."

  "Yes, I have……"

  "You have? Well, listen, I gave Frank the sausage this morning and now he is ill. Go to the doctor, honey. Tell the doctor about the dog, got some medicine at once."

  Tom went to the hospital and came home at about four o'clock. "The medicine made me very sick." He told his wife.

  The next morning, Tom was fine. Frank seemed very well again, too. At ten o'clock the milkman came with the milk.

  "Good morning, Mrs. Brown," the milkman said. "How's your dog this morning? I really feel sorry for what happened. Yesterday morning he jumped up at me and I dropped a bottle of milk on his head."



  1、 C 2、A     3、B  4、 A  5、C


  6、 B   7、 C    8、A    9、 B      10、A

  11、 B   12、 A    13、B    14、 B     15、A


  16、× 17、√ 18、× 19、√  20、×   21、√

  22、× 23、√ 24、√ 25、×   26、×   27、√

  28、× 29、×  30、×   31、√  32、× 33、√

  34、× 35、√

  36、B  37、A   38、C  39、C  40、A

  41、C  42、B   43、B 44、B 45、C


  46、A sausage./ He ate a sausage.

  47、He got ill. /He wouldn't stop shaking his head.

  48、She asked him to go to the doctor.

  49、The medicine made him very sick.

  50、The milkman dropped a bottle of milk on the dog's head.


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