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来源: 发布时间: 2009-06-04 17:11:52 游览次数: 0 已有评论: 0

  听力部分 (40分)  一、圈出你所听到的单词。(10分)  1. four five 2. ball doll 3. boat ball...


  听力部分 (40分)


  1.  four  five     2.  ball  doll    3.  boat  ball     4.  kite   car     5.  seven   eleven

  6.  plane   friend     7.  eat   cat      8.  gift   foot     9.  happy   have      10. you   your

  二、听句子,选择最佳的答语。  (10分)

  (   )1.  A. I'm fine.    B. I'm five.            (   )2.  A. Great!   B. Thank you!

  (   )3.  A. Thank you.   B. Sure.              (   )4.  A. One cake.   B. This is a cake.

  (   )5.  A. It's 9.      B. It's 8.

  三、听句子,把句子补充完整。  (10分)

  1. Let's fly a            .           2. How many            ?           3. I have            gifts.

  4. I'm          .               5. This is my           .

  四、听句子,写意思。   (15分)

  1.                                        2.

  3.                                        4.


  笔试部分   (60分)

  一、看算式,用英语写得数。    (16分)

  4+5=              10-3=               2×3=                24÷3=

  4+1=               7-2=               1×6=                12÷6=

  二、填上合适的词,每空一词。  (14分)

  1.                   are you?                  2. ------           eat the cake.   -----           !

  3. Four and six is             .                    4. ------This is          you.     -----            !

  三、读一读,把对话重新排列。   (20分)

  A. Thank you.     B. I'm 10.      C. Let's eat the birthday cake.     D. Hello, Mike.     E. Nice to meet you, too.

  F. This is my friend, John.      G. How old are you?     H. Nice to meet you!     I. Happy birthday!    J. Great!

  →       →       →     →    →    →     →    →     →

  四、读一读,判断对错。   (10分)

  Today is my birthday. My friends all come to my home. They have gifts for me. Sarah gives me a beautiful doll. Mike gives me two funny books. Chen Jie gives me a nice skirt. I like them very much. I'm so happy, and I eat my birthday cake with my friends.

  (   )1. Sarah has a gift for me.          (   ) 2. John gifts me two books.         (   ) 3. It's my birthday today.

  (   )4. I'm happy with my friends.     (   ) 5. I like the gifts very much.


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