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来源: 发布时间: 2009-06-04 17:07:26 游览次数: 0 已有评论: 0

  第一节 名 词  一、普通名词与专有名词  (一)圈出下列各组中不合群的单词。  food  stationery  ...


  第一节  名  词








  Ruler, tennis, apple ,socks ,bag,

  shirt, notebook, shoes, milk

  stockings, pen, mat, sneakers ,

  scissors ,pants ,shorts


  1. --What's your name?  --I'm____          A. Betty            B. betty              C. lily

  2. --Where are you from? --I' m from____   A. america          B. America           C. American

  3. This is____, my teacher.    A. Mr. li      B. mr. Li        C. Mr. Li

  4. Are you going to ____ on May Day? It's the capital of____

  A. bei jing, China          B. Beijing, China       C. Bei Jing,china

  5. --Who's he?  --He's____     A. Green Mary  B. Jim Green   C. Jim green

  6. Look at____. It's nice.    A. Picture 2   B.2 picture      C. pictures

  7. --Where' s Frank?  --He' s in____105.  A. room   B. Rooms     C. Room

  8. --Do you like ____? --Yes, I do.

  A. English  B. english             C. chinese

  9. --Is it the ____?  -- Yes. It's wonderful.

  A. great wall         B. Great wall     C. Great Wall

  10. I have math lessons on____.

  A. Monday          B. monday            C. the Monday

  11. I'm a girl. I study in a____.

  A. Primary School     B. Primary school    C. primary school

  12. When is____?

  A. Mother's Day      B. Mothers' day      C. Mother's day



  m a g o n

  e a r p

  a p e c h

  o g e r a n

  p e g r a

  l e a p p


  r b i t a b

  n k e ym o

  e n h

  d k u c

  t e r i g

  r a b e


  b e i k

  b s u

  r c a

  t i n r a

  n e p l a

  o a t b


  cyo r a n

  l u r e r

  n i f e k

  e n p

  e n pcil

  a g b


  c e r i

  ood l e s n

  e a b r d

  a k e c

  l i k m

  d c a ny


  l i b r y r a

  n k b a

  a p r k


  a c b e h

  m m us e u




  1. dog (     )    2. glass(      )      3. ear(      )      4. shark(      )     5. duck (       )

  6. van (     )    7. apple (       )   8. candle(     )      9. present (     )   10.telephone(     )

  11. kite (    )   12. snake (        )  13. window (   )    14. rabbit (     )    15. insect (       )

  16. door (    )   17. comic book (    ) 18. computer(    )  19. bedroom (     )   20. flower(      )

  (21. table(    )   22. bug(      )     23. vegetable(    )  24. poster(      )     25. tie (       )

  26. coin(    )    27. turtle (     )     28. photo (    )    29. tomato (     )     30. potato (        )    31. mouth (      )   32. boy (      )   33. dress (     )    34. box (     )    35. watch (     )

  36. dish (       )    37. bus(       )   38. class (     )    39. body (    )    40. country (    )

  41. child(      )    42. man(       )   43. woman(    )    44. mouse(    )    45. fish(       )     46. sheep(    )     47. deer (      )    48. tooth(     )     49. foot (    )    50. goose (      )

  51. leaf (    )      52. knife (     )


  1. boats (   )   2. houses (    )  3. coats (   )   4. dresses (    )  5. knives (    )    6. potatoes (   )    7. stories (  )   8. women (   )   9. desks (   )  10. villages (   )  11. leaves (    )    12. balls (    )


  1. How many ______ are there on the farm?

  A. pig     B. pigs     C. piges

  2. How much is the _____?

  A. bread            B. beans            C. books

  3. These are _____.

  A. potatos           B. sheeps           C. cabbages

  4. He washes the _____.

  A. bowles           B. boxs             C. dishes

  5. Do you want some _____?

  A. apple            B. butter             C. egg

  6.  Let's get some _____.

  A. pear            B. oranges            C. apple

  7.  She has five _____.

  A. stickers           B. pen               C. hat

  8.  They have a big _____.

  A. living rooms       B. reading room       C. bathrooms

  9. I bought a box of _____ yesterday.

  A. pear          B. apple             C. apples

  10. It's a slice of _____.

  A. pizza            B. pizzas            C. pizzas

  11. Give me two _____ of potatoes.

  A. bags            B. bag               C. box

  12. I have three _____.

  A. comic book       B. comics book        C. comic books

  13. How many _____ are there on the farm?

  A. duck     B. ducks             C. duckes

  14. -- What are those?--They' re _____.

  A. tomato       B. tomatoes          C. tomatos

  15. Would you like some _____?

  A. popcorn      B. popcornes         C. popcorns


  1.一些球some ____  2.我的手套my ____  3.4个汉堡包four ____  4.他的名字his ____

  5.她的大眼睛her big ____  6.参观博物馆visit the ____  7.照相take a ____  8.在葡萄的上方above the ____

  9.唱歌sing a ____  10.进行野餐have a____


  1. I go to school on ____     2. Look at the ____     3. I bought a bag of ____

  4. Do you want some ___    5. I'm going to the ____    6. Where' s the ____

  7. The ____ is behind the cinema.  8. Whose ____  is it?  9. How much is the ____?



  1.一些米饭 A. some rice      B. some rices       2.三片面包   A. three breads    B. three slices of bread

  3.一瓶牛奶 A. a bottle of milk  B. a bottle milk     4.许多钱     A. many moneys      B. much money

  5.一些肉   A. some meat     B. some meats      6.一条新闻   A. a piece of news     B. a news

  7.许多工作 A. a lot of works  B. a lot of work     8.一张纸     A. a paper            B. a piece of paper

  9.一杯汽水 A. a soda        B. some soda       10. 一磅 胡萝卜A. a pound of carrots   B. a pound of carrot


  1. Tom, do you have an ____ (orange T-shirt)?

  2. There is some ____ (chicken) in the bowl.

  3. Is there any ____ (water) in the box?

  4. Are there any ____ (picture) on the wall?

  5. All the ____ (boy) stand by the window.

  6. I like ____ (winter) the best.

  7. I bought a bag of ____ (rice) yesterday.

  8. We have three ____ (bag) of ____ (peach).

  9. Have some ____ (strawberry), please.

  10. I' m hungry. I' d like some ____ (food).


  1. I'm busy today. I have ____.

  A. a lot of homework       B. many homeworks

  2. I would like some apple ____. I am very thirsty.

  A. juice                   B. juices

  3. I often dust the ____ home.

  A. furniture                B. furnitures

  4. She's ____.

  A. Chinese                B. Chineses

  5. They are ____.

  A. doctors                 B. doctor

  6. I see you have white ____.

  A. hair                   B. hairs

  7. There are five ____ in his family.

  A. people                 B. peoples

  8. The ____ is very fresh.

  A. food                   B. foods

  9. Can you give me some bottles of ____ juice, please?

  A. orange                 B. oranges

  10. Would you like some ____?

  A. water                   B. waters



  1. Betty' s mother' s mother _______

  2. Betty' s father' s father______    3. Betty' s father' s brother______

  4. Betty' s mother' s sister _________

  5. Betty's aunt's son _________

  6. Betty's father and mother______



  A. Lucy hat              B. Lucy's hat             C. Lucys hat


  A. Tom mother          B. tom's mother           C. Tom's mother


  A. Mr. White's car      B. Mr. White car            C. mr white's car


  A. my sisters's toy       B. my sister's toy       C. my's sister's toy


  A. the cat tail            B. the cat's tail            C. the cat' tail

  6.问题的答案   A. the question's answer    B. the answer for the question   C. the answer to the question


  A. today paper           B. today's paper            C. today' papers


  A. a week' holiday     B. a week holiday's       C. a week's holiday


  A. the kev tothe lock    B. the lock's key              C. the key of the lock


  A. my a friend           B. a friend of my           C. a friend of mine


  1. my mother's hat      2. the walls of our classroom     3. the driver's car    4. the trees of the park

  5. tomorrow's weather   6. New Year's Day        7. Children' s Day


  1.We are _______(这个班级的学生).     2.Where are my _______(爸爸的鞋)?      3.Tom has _______(一张上海地图).    4   ._______(这个医院的护士)is in the office.       5.March 8 is ______(妇女节).


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